The Untouchable... There's A Small Line Between Love And Hate

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy has long been a place shrouded in mystique, charisma, mystery, love, sercrecy, magic, and secret liasions.

The place where dreams come ture and desitinies are discovered.

Live are begun.

Paths are chosen.

Loves are tangled.

Lines are crossed.

One of the most ambiguous and dangerous of these lines is that thin little line between love and hate.

It is, perhaps, the easiest line to loose track of, to loose yourself in.

It is the most unbearable torment and the sweetest pleasure.

It can turn enemies to lovers, lovers to enemies, all with a single, fickle step.



Some wise person once said "Hate is not the opposite of love. It is merely love that is manifested in a most unconventional way."

This was something that Draco Malfoy had yet to learn, a line that he had yet to cross.

But what would happen if he did?

Once you take that first plunge, the first tentative step, you're in, powerless to stop the fatal hold that it has on you.

The pain, the pleasure, the sorrow, the bliss.



Can you then say it's worth it?

But then it's too late. You're captivated, helpless.

There's no going back.

There's never any going back.