Status: Thinking?

Protect & Defend


" I see"

Rukia turned her head and stared at me. " Lieutenant, did you know a Kurosaki Ichigo?"

My eyes widen as a gust of air left my lungs.

"Ichi." I whispered.

"He is the boy that has my shingami powers, though he is probably dead now."

I felt the tears slid down my cheeks.

"My brother, let Senbonsakura after him." she said

'Ichigo ... dead.'

"Misstress please don't, she's a friend.'

"That's a lie."

Rukia stood and faced me her eyes wide at my face. My eyes were hard as a frown graced my face.

"Ichigo is not dead." I said while turning around and walked out.

'I refuse to believe that Ichigo is dead.'

Jushiro Ukitake Point of View

I sat on the veranda that lead to my office enjoying the fresh air when I heard a thud from the walkway and Kiyone and Sentaro's loud voices.

" Lieutenant!"

I got to my feet quickly while making it to the door opening it. Looking only five feet away was Hanako on the ground her shoulders shanking with her sobs that I could hear.

"Captain." Kiyone and Sentaro said seeing me.

Ignoring them I knelt down to Hanako. Tears were streaming down her face as she raise a shaking hand to wipe her face with her sleeve.

"I'm sorry Captain." she whispered.


"I-I." she couldn't finish as she broke down again. I sighed sadly seeing her like this tugged at my heart.

"Hanako, come here." I said gently while getting to my feet and taking her hands and pulling her to her feet pulling her into my chest. My hand met with the back of her head as she tried to stop her sobbing.

I waved Kiyone and Sentaro away and slowly brought Hanako into my office and sat her in the chair she usually would take. I grabbed a tissue and gave it to her while pushing her bangs from her eyes.

"What happened Hanako." I asked softly as she stared me with her sad eyes.

"It's nothing Captain." she whispered

I shook my head at her. "It's not nothing when you return crying."

"Just something Rukia told me had made me upset that's all.: she said looking down at her lap.


"Captain I'll get your tea ready now." she said flashing me a smile I knew was fake. As she made to get up I took her hand and gently pulled her to the veranda and sat her down before sitting next to her.

She blinked before looking at me. "What about tea?"

I chuckled shaking my head. "We don't need tea." I said with a smile.

We sat in silence for the rest of the afternoon.