Past Mistakes

Second month

I could see my stomach growing more and more each day. Maybe that's because I knew I was pregnant though. My mom still thinks I'm skinny, which is good. But yet, I still have this obsession with hiding my belly with loose clothes. Or at least shirts for now.

I managed to save up a hundred and ten dollars so far, which is pretty good.

"Olivia! Have you done your chores yet?" Mom called. I put the money stash away under my bed mattress and walked downstairs.

"I'll help now." I said. She looked me up and down.

"What are you all dressed up for?" She asked. I looked at my heels and took them off then tossed them aside.

"What do you want me to clean?" I asked. She pointed to the floor. I groaned. "I don't wanna clean the floor." I whined. I usually didn't mind cleaning it, but during the second month, apparently I'm moody, so I guess that's where that came from.

"Fine. Go vacuum then." She said, getting annoyed. I walked to the hall closet and got the vacuum and did the living room.

After I finished, my stomach started growling. I didn't feel hungry though. "I guess babies hungry." I mumbled to myself. Mom didn't hear luckily.

I walked to the kitchen, and opened the fridge. I looked around and grabbed some ranch dressing, then got a banana. I peeled it and poured some dressing on a plate. Mom came in as I dipped my banana in it and took a bite. "What are you eating?" She asked.

"Banana and ranch dressing... Wanna try?" I asked. She looked disgusted. "I saw it on a TV show." I smiled gently. "And it looked... Original." I bit my lip.

"What's with all these weird things you've been eating? Chicken nuggets with blueberry yogurt, peanut butter and roast beef, pickles and ice cream." She listed a few. I shrugged.

"I just wanna experiment." I offered. She eyed me as I ate my banana and watched her. "I'm fine." I said.

"Okay." She said. "Since you're not going to clean, go get some groceries." She said, handing me a hundred dollars and a list. I nodded. "You can keep the change." She said. Score! "There's probably only going to be ten left though." She stated.

"That's fine." I smiled, putting on a jacket. I grabbed her car keys and walked outside. I'm gonna go to the Walmart instead. Everything will be cheaper and I'll have more money to save.

I drove there, glancing at the list as I drove. I stopped at the red light, and looked around for some spare coupons to use. I found a booklet in my moms purse. I guess they're here for a reason.

I drove to the store and parked then got out. I looked at the list and took the coupons I needed then walked inside. I grabbed a cart and walked around, getting what I needed.

"Would you like a flyer?" The lady at the doors asked. I smiled and took one.

"Thank you." I looked through it for any deals. Yes! Walmart's brand was cheaper anyways, but it was on sale too. Score!

I hurried along and got everything I needed, all at a discount. I stopped and added up the total cost of everything. $60. "That's gonna make a hundred and fifty." I said to myself, walking to pay. I went to the self check-out to avoid people.

I scanned each item and looked at the total. Yikes, not looking forward to spending this much on food and baby stuff later. I chewed my lip and put the money in and got my change back.
♠ ♠ ♠
I already have some ideas for when the mom finds out so be prepared. ;3

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Thanks! ^__^

-Ashley Dawn