Sequel: The Bride
Status: Complete ♥

Maid of Honor

Nineteen ♥

“Are you seriously okay?” Maria asked me for the nth time since I stepped into her house.
“NO!” I groaned, throwing myself onto the couch. “Things with John are bad, Maria. They’re really, really bad.”
“It can’t be that bad, baby doll,” The model tried to comfort me.
“Oh…they definitely can.”
Maria sighed.
“They can’t be as bad as you trying to break them up,”
I gave her a dry look.
“Trust me, they are really bad.”
“How bad?”
“I bought an over-night bag with me, didn’t I?”
Maria huffed.
“Do you know what your next move is?”
“Nope,” I shook my head. “I’m…I’m fucking lost. I have no idea on what to do next,”
“You shouldn’t be this stuck, Dia.” She replied before her phone started to ring on the coffee table. “It’s Kennedy.”
“You can take it.” I groaned.
“Okay. I’ll be right back, baby doll,” Maria patted my knee before retrieving her phone. I rested my head in my hands. I’ve never been this confused with my relationship with John like I was confused now. We’ve always had an easy-going, best friend type of thing, but it’s been going down the drain. Everyday that’s a step closer to his wedding, the more I lose of John. The day they got engaged, I started to share. The day that I met Julie, I had to let go some more. The day of karaoke, I had to prove how much he meant to me, because she could have easily won him over. The gym tore me away from him and put him closer to Julie. I understood that. The day I left the gym, I felt more hope. Then when we argued, I felt like I took ten steps back. John’s going to eventually move out, or kick me out after they’re married. He would have a new number one girl. It’s not easy losing your best friend right in front of you.
“Kennedy, Garrett, and Pat are coming over. Is that okay?”
I nodded my head as she sat down beside me.
“What time?”
“They’re not coming over for another three hours. They’re all over at your house right now just fucking around,”
“Ohh…” I trailed off, looking over at her again. “I’m just…I’m losing him, Maria.”
“I know, honey.” She smiled softly at me. “Come on, I know what will cheer you up,”
“Alcohol?” I joked lightly.
“Nope, even betterrrrrr,” She sang before I was being pulled out of her house and into her car.
We drove in silence, and I finally realized where we were when she parked.
“The mall?”
“Yes, but you have a hair opointment with a very highly regarded hair stylist,”
“Phillip?” I asked her.
She nodded.
“And were changing you again,”
“I just now got used to wearing dresses, and now your changing me again?”
“Just your hair color, gees.” She giggled.
I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t you look all….hot?” Kennedy laughed after seconds of seeing me again.
“Dorinda?” Pat asked, laughing. “Is that you?”
“Shut up, Patrick,” Garrett stated playfully. “You look good, Dia.”
“Of course you would say that to your girlfriend,”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Garrett shrugged.
Pat looked extremely confused.
“Let me help…Dorinda wants John, John wants Dorinda, and Garrett wants that girl he met last night,” Kennedy broke it down from him.
“So you guys definitely are not dating?”
“Definitely not,” I laughed.
Garrett nodded in agreement, clearing up Pat’s confusion.
“Because our dear Dia is head over heels for John Ohh,” Maria stated. “She says that things are extremely bad with them right now…so she’s crashing here until the rehearsal,”
“Which is in two days, right?” I asked.
“Yeah,” Pat nodded.
“I guess I should let you know how things got this bad,” I stated, ruffling my newly dyed brown hair.
“Probably,” Kennedy joked.
I laughed, and shivered slightly.
“So, basically it started karaoke night,”
“The night you blew Julie’s socks off?” Pat asked.
I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
“How do you know?”
“John mentioned it a few times.”
“Right…well, John and I were extremely drunk and when we got back to the house, he kissed me,” I admitted. “We were all over each other. He made the first move, but I didn’t try to stop him. We ended up hooking up in the bathroom. I”
“By hooking up do you mean a few bases?” Maria interrupted.
I blushed.
“He hit a home run.” I replied. They all stared at me in shock. “Anyway, once we parted ways, I somehow made it back up to my room and slept it off. I remembered everything when I woke back up and he didn’t.” I stated, looking down at my hands. “He asked me what happened, but I skipped the whole ‘yeah we fucked in your bathroom. No big deal’ thing. I thought that he had forgotten about it, but yesterday he was asking me if I thought Julie was the girl for him…”
“You said no, right?” Garrett asked me. I nodded and he responded with “Good.”
“Then he randomly asked me if we hooked up. I stuttered and stammered. I couldn’t even look him in the eyes. It was bad, and he was driving. His knuckles were turning white and we were yelling at each other. He got a ticket from running a red light. But he asked me again when we got home. I’m getting better at being a liar because he just stared at me and nodded. I thought that he seriously didn’t buy it, but I know John…and I…think he did?”
Maria, Pat, Garrett, and Kennedy all stared at me with wide eyes.
“John yelled at you?” Kennedy was the first to speak.
“You guys hooked up again?” Garrett laughed.
“Hey, I’m still stuck on ‘Garrett and I are fake dating’.” Pat admitted.
“Wow.” Maria shook her head. “So I guess it’s all tense and awkward for you?”
“More than ever,” I replied, looking down at my hands.
Kennedy’s arm went around my shoulders comfortably.
“You know what the next move should be right?”
“No,” I sighed, finally looking up at him.
“The truth.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Aweee :( Dorinda's so lost!

And now she's brunette? Awesome!

xoxo Rae Marie