Status: Keep or Kill?


Stephani(pronounced Stephanie) is a small town girl with small town dreams. She wants to finish high school, marry her high school sweet hear and raise her kids on her daddy's farm, but that all changes when a stranger bound for Cali runs out of gas about a mile down the road.

Disclaimer: I am not in any way claiming to own Christofer Drew Ingle or NeverShoutNever. All events in this story are fictitious. The plot and the characters are mine so please don't steal.

This story goes out to my niece/diaper buddy/might-as-well-be-sister Stephani. She when through some hard stuff as a kid/preteen and now she's graduating half a year early!
  1. What Is Love?
    2134 words.
  2. Jane Doe
    1418 words
  3. Californ-i-a
    565 words
  4. Can't Stand It
    867 words