Status: Keep or Kill?


Jane Doe

Stephani's POV-

When I woke up I was alone. I clearly remembered everything that had happened the night before and it hurt that Chris had left without saying goodbye. I got up and got dressed before heading to the kitchen for breakfast. There was note taped to the fridge. It read,

Thanks again. Sorry I had to leave early but I'm supposed to be in Cali by tomorrow.
Love, Chris Drew

I smiled to myself and folded the paper neatly before tucking it in my pocket. I called up my best friend Trina and told her to get her butt over to my place. She had already heard about what happened at the diner, news travels fast around here.

“So, tell me everything! Who was he?” she asked as soon as I opened the door.

“Shh, my parents are still sleeping. His name is Chris Drew. His car broke down just outside of town and he showed up here asking for a ride to the gas station. We ended up going out to dinner, except we didn't really get to eat because Matt showed up with Isabelle. So he told Matt off and we came back here and well,” I stopped.

“Well what? What happened?” Tori asked.

“We did some stuff,” I said sheepishly.

“Some stuff?” she questioned.

“Yeah but he left before I woke up,” I sighed.

“Aww, I'm sorry hun. Did he leave a note?” she asked. I nodded and pulled the paper out of my pocket. “Why's he going to California?”

“He didn't say,” I lied. I wasn't sure he would want the whole world knowing what happened and that's exactly what would happen if I told Trina that I slept with NeverShoutNever.

About 1 month later-

I hadn't been feeling well for about a week. Trina convinced me to go to the doctor's office. I hate doctors. They creep me out. He ran some tests and did some more doctory things before leaving the room. I sat there clutching Trina's hand. When he came back in he had a huge, cheesy grin plastered on his face.

“Why are you grinning? Trina why is he grinning?” I asked franticly. It's never good when adults grin like that.

“Well, Miss Collins, you are going to be a mother,” he informed me.

“Oh my god! Steph, that's great news!” Trina shrieked.

“No it's not! The only guy I've ever done anything with is off in California being famous!” I yelled.

“Oh yeah, that Chris Drew guy,” she muttered.

“Yeah, I doubt Christofer Drew Ingle wants to be a father at eighteen,” I sighed.

“Wait, Chris Drew is really THE Chris Drew Ingle from NeverShoutNever?” Trina asked.

It's been about a week since I found out I was bound to be a single parent. I'm against abortion and I'm not crazy about putting my unborn baby up for adoption. I hadn't told my parents yet. I wasn't sure how my mother would take the news. I knew my father would blow up. He'd yell and throw things, then he'd go out and get drunk. So I kept it a secret from everyone except Trina. I was starting to show but I wore baggy clothing and my parents were never around enough to notice.

Trina and I were sitting around flipping through the channels on the television. I flipped past the news and Trina told me to go back. Right there, sitting next to some host I didn't know was Christofer Drew Ingle.

“I understand you prepared a song for us today?” asked the host.

“Yeah it's called Jane Doe,” he said.

“Sounds great,” the host said. A crew member carried on an acoustic guitar and handed it to him. He started to play his new song and I was mesmerized. He was truly amazing.

“Jane doe,
I don't even know you but,
I know for sure,
that you are beautiful,
so baby let me know,
your name.
Damn what's her name.

Cause I'm overly attracted,
and terribly convinced,
that she could be my princess,
and I could be her prince.
And I've felt that way since,
since I saw Jane Doe

Jane Doe,
I don't even know you,
but I know for sure,
that I could get to know you,
if you let me know your name.
Damn what's her name?

Cause I'm overly attracted,
and terribly convinced,
that she could be my princess,
and I could be her prince.
And i've felt that way since,
since I saw Jane Doe.

She's everything I want and more.
She's everything I want for sure.
She's everything that I want to adore.

Well baby I'm overly attracted,
and terribly convinced,
that you could be my lover,
but I think I lost my chance.
You had me at first glance.
Oh my Jane Doe”

“That was great Chris,” the host said as the clapping died down.

“Thank you,” he said.

“So, who is your Jane Doe?” the host asked. My heart started beating faster as he looked down at his hands, effectively hiding his face behind his brown hair.

“Her name's Stephani,” he said quietly. I think my heart stopped. Trina squealed and I almost missed the host's next question.

“So there is a girl. Is she here today?”

“No, she's not here. I'm not quite sure where she is,” Chris said.

“Do you think she's watching right now?” the host asked.

“I hope so.”

“If she was, what would you want to tell her?”

“Well,” he started, “first I'd tell her thanks again, then I'd tell her I love her and she should get her butt out here to California,” he said smiling.

“Oh my God!” Trina yelled. “Steph he loves you.”

“It could be some other Stephani,” I muttered. Meanwhile the host was asking Chris how he met his “Jane Doe”.

“Well, it's a funny story actually. I was on my way here to California when I ran out of gas on the side of the road. It was pouring out and I had to walk all the way to the nearest house, which happened to be her's. She drove me to the gas station and we just kind of clicked.” So I wasn't the only one who felt the connection. “She inspired most of the songs on my new album What Is Love?”

“That's so sweet but I think our time's up. Join us next week with Hannah Montana and the story behind Hannah Montana Forever.” I switched off the television and just sat there for a few minutes before jumping up and running up to my room. I pulled my suitcase out from under my bed and started to fill it while Trina watched from the doorway.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Going to California,” I said. I pushed past her and made my way to the bathroom where I grabbed my toothbrush and shampoo and all that.

“You're pregnant and you're going to drive to California all by yourself to find some musician who claims he loves you?” she asked.


“You don't even know where he's staying!” she exclaimed.

“I'm gonna go to the studio. They're bound to know something,” I said as I hurried down the stairs.

“Do you know how many girls probably showed up there already, claiming to be you? Millions!” she exclaimed as she followed me out to my truck. “What if he doesn't want a kid? What are you going to do if he asks you to get rid of it?” she asked. I stopped dead in my tracks.

“He wouldn't,” I gasped.

“But what if he does? What would you do?” I had to think for a minute. What would I do?

“I guess I would tell him to fuck off and come back home alone, but no harm can come from trying,” I said sadly. I didn't want to think he might not want a kid. He did say he loved me on national television. Would he take that back just because I'm having his kid? I climbed into my truck and sped away, leaving Trina in the dust. I know she probably would have loved to come but this was something I had to do on my own.