Sequel: Don't Speak.

My Best Friend

Chapter Four - Part One.

“Jimmy” I scream happily from my place in the kitchen, as I see him standing in the doorway, Blaze in his arms.
“Chloe” Jimmy exclaims, literally running into the kitchen with Blaze wrapped in his arms.
Jimmy hugs me with one arm, while keeping one arm wrapped around Blaze.
“I missed you” He croons before he places Blaze down and steps back from me.

“Mummy” Blaze mutters, pulling at the hem of my dress, before he points to the doorway.
“Uncle Jimmy left Auntie Leana outside” Blaze says softly and Jimmy grins sheepishly.
“Blaze you’re not meant to rat me out” Jimmy whines, poking my sons stomach, before I slap the back of Jimmy’s head.
“You left Leana and Cassie outside?” I question him as he rubs the back of his head before I walk out of my kitchen and to the front door, seeing Leana walking up the path, Cassie beside her their hands joined.
“Chloe!” Leana yells happily, while Cassie lets her hand go and the little girl sprints for me.

“Careful” Jimmy yells capturing Cassie before the young girl knocks into me.
Cassie pouts at her father and Jimmy shakes his head at her, “We told you to be careful around Auntie Chloe now Cass” Jimmy tells his daughter softly as Leana reaches me and pulls me into her arms.
“I’ve missed you so much Clo” Leana tells me softly and I hug her tightly, breathing in her familiar scent of home.
“I’ve missed you too Leana” I tell her, and she steps back, running her hands over my swollen stomach.
“Oh you’re glowing” She coos as Jimmy comes closer to us, Cassie and Blaze in his arms while I blush.
“Thank you” I tell her softly, resting my hands on my stomach, as I look at them.
Jimmy sets Cassie down, still holding onto Blaze, and she skips to me, wrapping her small arms around my frame.

“I missed you Auntie Chloe” Cassie tells me softly and I pick her up, receiving disapproving stares from Leana and Jimmy.
“I missed you too Cassie, but now you guys are staying with me for two next months” I cheer to her, waddling back into my house with her on my hip.
Cassie cheers before I set her down, watching as her and Blaze run of to his room to play.
“He’s beautiful” Leana tells me, resting a hand on my shoulder, “I can’t believe you found him.”
I smile warmly, my heart fluttering as I think about my son, “I know” I breath back, my eyes glistening, “He was in Tennessee the entire time, my nephew, now my son” I tell them happily as we take a seat at my breakfast bar in the kitchen.
They grin at me, before I rise to my feet again, “Do you guys want something to drink?” I question them both and they frown, before Jimmy tugs me back to my seat.
“You’re meant to be resting” He states, standing up and heading towards the fridge.

I scowl at him as he pulls out three bottles of water, a triumphant grin on his face.
“Muggle” I mutter and he gasps at me playfully before snapping his fingers in an ‘z’ shape and rocking his head round.
“Oh no you didn’t” He tells me in a gay voice, and I laugh loudly looking up at him as he slumps into the seat beside Leana.

“Chloe maybe you should tell Matt” Leana says softly seconds later and I shake my head, resting my hands on my stomach.
“Matt made his choice” I tell her softly and Jimmy frowns, opening his mouth.
“Clo, Matt did-” Jimmy starts but I raise my hand silencing him as I shake my head again.
“I don’t want to hear it guys. That’s my old life, this is my new one. I’ve got two children, a family and a home, I don’t need anyone else from Cali except you three” I tell them and the both smile at me softly before I gasp as a pain hits my stomach.
“Clo, what’s wrong” Jimmy questions and I wave my hand, shooing him away from me.
“Just pre labour pains” I tell him, smiling at them both, “It’s perfectly normal for-“ I start to tell them but pause as a warm substance runs down my legs.

“Oh my god” I whisper, looking at them both with wide eyes as they stare at the warm water around my legs.
Jimmy jumps up, as does Leana both calling to Blaze and Cassie.
Jimmy carefully pulls me to my feet while Leana goes to grab the kids, and he starts to walk me through my house.
“Where’s your bag” Jimmy questions and I point to the door, where my already packed hospital bag sat beside.
Jimmy nods instantly grabbing it before he walks me out of my house and places me into the back of his car, while Leana follows behind us, locking my house before she heads over to my car and puts the two kids in the back.

“Leana’s taking them to Kane’s” Jimmy tells me as a pain hits me and I start to breath heavy.
I nod my head, letting a tear fall from my eyes.
“He’s not ready Jimmy” I state frantically as Jimmy starts the short journey to the hospital, looking back at me in his rear view mirror.
“He’ll get through it” Jimmy tells me confidently as he speeds down the road while I grip the seats my breathing becoming heavier.
“I can’t do this Jimmy” I whisper, my breathing heavy as Jimmy finally pulls into the hospital car park.

Jimmy helps me out of the car, gripping my arms softly but tightly as I waddle beside him, my whimpers echoing through the air.
We enter the hospital and I’m immediately placed into a wheelchair and wheeled to a privet room.
Jimmy helps me change into a hospital gown, holding my hand the entire time.
The doctor quickly checks my cervics and grins at me, telling me I’m ready to push.
“Are you ready to meet your son Miss Hanks?” The doctor questions me, and I look up to a grinning Jimmy.
“I’m ready.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, you see the big surprise now.
Should she tell Matt?
Will her baby make it?
Why has she got her 'nephew'?
Such a mystery and you shalln't know! ;D
- Maria xoxoxox