Sequel: Heaven and Hell
Status: Complete <3


I Found You

Sierra's POV

I had been in New York City for a week . Me and the guys stayed in the flat me and Jason had bought 2 years ago . Just because NYC is my dream - city , the moment the band got big me and him agreed on buying this flat . It wasn't anything extraordinary , but it was in New York , and that was enough for me .

This week has been hell for me . The guys , especially Matt and Nick , were constantly trying to make me feel better and somehow get over it , but it simply didn't work . Brian was constantly on my head . He never left my thoughts and I wasn't able to explain to my self why ...

But of course , I was lying . I knew exactly why my thoughts revolved only around him . I had chosen the easy way out , decided to leave him without explaining much . He had given up everything for me , changed his whole life , and I was simply a f*cking coward b*tch who couldn't even face him and tell him the truth ...

Despite all the pain I was feeling , I really hoped he didn't miss me as much as I missed him . I genuinely wished he would move on and forget everything about me , because that way he'd be safe from the whole mess and drama that was included in my life . At the same time , though , I didn't want to end it , I didn't wish to lose him so quickly . But I had to find it in my to shake those selfish thoughts away , and understand that not everything in life revolved around me , and that my choices had a price I had to pay ...

It was almost midnight , and we were getting ready to go to a bar Jason and I were so familiar with , due to the fact that a friend of ours owned it , and we'd get to drink for free every time we got there . And I wanted to get drunk tonight , to just forget about everything and everyone , even for just a few seconds ...

We headed towards the bar , and once we got in we were met with a huge crowd , dancing to the soft-rock tunes that came from the speakers . We looked around and managed to find a table close to the bar , which was perfect because that way we'd have easy access to the alcohol all night long .

I was feeling slightly dizzy as I downed the 3rd beer for the night when I felt my phone in my pocket buzzing . I excused my self from the guys and , after struggling to pass through the f*cking crowd , managed to get out and answer my phone , not bothering to check the caller's ID ...

'' Hello ? ''

'' Sierra , is that you ? '' a worried voice echoed in my head , and I furrowed my eyebrows in disbelief ...

'' Matt ? '' I asked again , as I recognized Mshadows' voice on the other line ..

'' Yes , that's me ... Listen , are you with Brian right now ? '' he asked , the tone of his voice , if possible , becoming more and more worried ...

'' Uhm , no ?! Why would I be with him ? Isn't he in the hospital ? '' I said , and I felt my heart stop when I heard Matt's response ...

'' No , Sierra ... He's ... He's not here ... And we have no clue where he might be ... He's not answering his phone .... '' he said , and I could tell he was close to tears ... Exactly like me ..

'' Ma-tt I ... I have n-o idea where he could be .... I promise you though , if I hear anything .. F*ck Matt .... How the h-ell did this happen ?! '' I started panicking now . Brian had gone missing , literally , and I had no clue where he could possibly be . On top of everything , he still hadn't healed completely , so he was even more helpless ...

'' Sierra , listen ... All of us here believe that he's coming for you . F*ck we KNOW he is . He only found out today you left , so he's probably somewhere looking for you ... '' he said , in a much stronger tone , probably trying to calm me down . I only responded with an ''oh'', though , as my mind was still trying to understand what had happened . I faintly heard Matt saying that if I managed to somehow find Brian I should call them immediately regardless of the time , and felt my lips forming a ''yes'' . The moment the line went dead I dropped my phone down and simply stared at nothing . My whole mind had gotten blank , and my heart was shuttered .

I just didn't get it . Brian was somewhere out there , because I had f*cked up . Big time . He could be dead right now because of what I did , or even worse . I just didn't know what to do . Tears were now running down my cheeks , and my whole body shook . Reality was slowly taking its toll on me .

I couldn't hear anything , I couldn't speak , it was as if everything were now in slow motion , until I felt a pair of arms shaking my shoulders , and was met with a confused - looking Jason . I tried opening my mouth to speak , but no words came out . He hugged me tightly against his chest , and started taking slow breaths , in order to somehow regulate mine . After some minutes I felt my self calm down , and I managed to open my mouth and form sounds ...

'' Brian ... J-ason ... Brian he's..he's g-one ... He's G-O-NE ! '' I said and started crying again as Jason hugged me softly this time and told me to calm down and explain ...

'' He ... h-e left ... H-e-e left the hospit-al ... And now no one knows where he i-s ... and it's a-ll my fa-ult again Ja-son ... B-ut I nev-er meant for th-is to happen ... I thought he w-ould j-ust ... '' I ranted , constant sobs stoping my speech and Jason simply shook his head like he understood ....

'' Okay , now Sierra I need you to calm down ... Everything's going to be alright ... If Brian is really searching for you , I bet he is in New York right now ... '' he smiled , and I looked at him in disbelief ...

'' Why ? '' I asked and he chuckled ..

'' Sierra , c'mmon ... Everyone knows that NYC is your favorite city ... You just start ranting about it at random times and we are forced to listen to everything ... Especially those stories about those fags from that TV show , Gossip -something ... Blair and Chub ? '' he said , something that made me chuckle ...

'' It's Chuck ... '' I said , and he smiled . I knew he had said that on purpose , just to make me smile ..

'' Whatever ... So that's why I'm saying that he's in New York ... And maybe he's just around the corner ... '' he smiled again , and I rolled my eyes ...

'' Jason , New York is huge ... For all I know he's ... he-'s lost somewhere , and I'm h-ere and I'm ne-ver going to find him again an-d it'-s a-ll m- '' I started again before Jason cut me off , placing his hand on my lips ...

'' Don't even think that ... It won't do you any good ... It won't help the situation ... Now wait here , I'm going to go get our stuff so we can go back to the apartment , and figure something out there ... Ok ? '' he said and I faintly nodded , wiping the tears from my face ...

'' Okay ... '' I whispered and he smiled at me ..

'' Don't cry , sweetheart ... Every thing's going to be alright ... '' he said before he got inside the bar again , and I was left there alone , my mind focused only on Brian ...

God , please , wherever you are , whatever your name is , please let him be safe ...

Brian's POV

The plane had only landed a few minutes ago , and I was hot on my trail to somehow find Sierra . I had realized that my plan was pretty stupid , but I couldn't turn back time . The painkillers had already started wearing off , so my ribs were already aching . I couldn't care less about it though , right now I only wanted to see her .

I tried my hardest to remember anything she might have said , anything that could somehow lead me to her , but I failed miserably . I just followed my instinct , and headed towards a road I had no idea where it would lead me to . I simply felt something guiding me to it ...

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFF 3 hoursxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I felt like I was about to pass out . The pain I felt right now was unbelievable , like knives were stabbing me in every single part of my body . I wasn't walking properly now , no , I was leaning heavily against the wall and trying to regulate my breathing and stop myself from screaming . And on top of everything , I had no f*cking idea where I was .

I gave up and leaned down the wall , sitting with my legs spread out and my hands clutching my sides , wishing desperately for the pain to stop . If it didn't , I was sure that I would pass out , or even die from the exhaustion and everything .

I looked up in the sky and stared at the stars , remembering how beautiful they looked whenever Sierra was by my side . And that was all I wished for . Even if I was to die here , and it sure felt like I would , I just wanted her to be by my side . I just wanted to feel her again , her touch , to smell her hair and just lay my head on her shoulder .

I could feel the warmness leaving my body , I could feel my eyelids becoming heavier , my breathing slowing down and my arms shivering . I sighed , as much as I could , and closed my eyes , wrapping my arms around my body and just staying there , waiting for my end ...

And right then I heard HER voice . Her beautiful , sweet voice calling my name again , and again and again , pleading me to open my eyes . I was still shivering as I slowly opened my eyes , and managed to see HER beautiful face , her angelic eyes looking worried . I could see her mouth moving , but couldn't hear the words that came out of it . I just smiled , and thanked whoever God existed for bringing her to me . Even if I was hallucinating , I didn't care , because I saw her , she was right there by my side ...

'' Sierra ... You Y-ou Ar-e h-ere ... I f-ound Y-ou .... '' I stuttered , before I felt everything going black ...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooooooooooooo Thoughts ? :)

Next update is up tomorrow , and things get , well , just a tiiiny bit emotional .........

I'm kidding , things get reeeeeeeally emotional ... You just wait and see

Comments pleeeeeeeeease :))) Tell me what you think of it :) <3 <3 <3