Christopher Blume


One day, Christopher Blume, wished for girls to start to ask him out. He wanted them to know how it felt like to be rejected all the time. Someone should have told that boy to be careful what he wished for.

Christopher Blume led an ordinary teenage life; friends, soccer and girls where the important things to him. That last part, girls, was though a problem. They never seemed to notice him, no matter what he did. He was a kind boy, but the girls called him cute or sweet instead of hot or handsome. If he asked a girl out they would answer him that their friendship was to important to jeopardize for a date. He should have settled at that, instead of pushing on. But he was an eager boy with eyes on the prize; a girlfriend before the holidays.

Christopher Blume always walked alone till school because he lived on the outskirts of town, but one Monday it was different. He hadn’t walked far before he noticed someone walking after him. He was used to the old lady next-door peeking at him through her curtains, but never had it happened her leaving the house for other reasons than to walk her day-and-night-barking little dog. Christopher turned around to ask what it was but he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the long line of girls behind him. It was not just a few of them; there were at least twenty girls, maybe more. He didn’t recognize the girl at the front, but there was no doubting her beauty.

‘Christopher Blume, will you go out with me?’ she asked him with a smile. He was stunned but nodded his head quickly. ‘But Christopher, won’t you go out with me as well?’ the girl behind her asked, yet an unfamiliar face. ‘Christopher, go out with me.’ Another said.

Christopher Blume was surrounded by girls as they formed a circle around him. They all asked him out, louder and louder to drown out the sound of another’s question. Christopher was freaking out. This was nothing like what he wanted. These girls were crazy and it would take him ages to go out with all of them, but there was no chance he would say no to any of them. They were to pretty. He spun around to get a good look at all of them. His eyes stopped at the only familiar face in the crowd. It was the girl he last asked out. Her no rang through his head, but he felt smug seeing her here. She stepped towards him.

‘Christopher Blume,’ she spoke in a soft voice. ‘Don’t you think it is time to wake up?’

Christopher Blume woke by the thud of him falling out of his bed. His head was still spinning from the wild dream. Maybe it would be better if he asked the girls out, one by one.
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four-hundred and eighty-six words.