Status: will write for comments hahah comment plz... I will comment on ur's :)

Sometimes Life Sucks

Sleep tight, and don't let the vampires bite

Life was the same, get up, eat breakfast, get dressed, go to school, come home, do homework, chores, then my fav time of day, sunset and riding my horse Midnight, through the field's and watching night take over the land. I wished the way of life would change but then I got the surprise of my life. Vampires took over. It was so weird watching my friends and family get turned and watching them feed off of the people who were human. I'm human but I run at the sight of danger with my horse Midnight and my friends: Ryan and his horse Human (weird I know), Susie and her horse Rose, Demetri and his horse Lightning and last of all Sam and her horse Vamp. We have been riding and slaying vampires for 2 years now and we just set our eyes on one group inpetculer. We are sixteen and learned how to fend for out selves about three days after this all started. Some people call us the Death but we are just teenagers who want a home and learned how to survive in the great wilderness called the Untied States of America. My name is Andy Smith but people call me Andy.
"ANDY!! Stop daydreaming! We have to get food and crap for the ride to the ranch." yelled Ryan from the front of the pack
"K! We can stop at the Wayland store before we get back on the road." I said to him
"How do we know we can trust your "friends", they did try to kill us once." said Susie coming up next to me.
"They were just turned. Wouldn't you? If I smelt us with our sweet smell and our perfume I would Kill us one by one." I said knowingly
"Well that's you and we all know how you get when your hungry." said Demetri grinning
"Haha. Very funny." I said rolling my eyes
"God Andy, don't burst with excitement." said Sam grinning like Demetri. I swear that these people come from the same family.
"Well I am going to do the morning report." said Sam, "Gooood morning Tree dome! Its 70 degrees Fahrenheit and we are looking for the Wayland store. We want to kill the vamp group called Arizona and take the humans in that house hostage! Well on to Chuck for the weather!'
WE all laughed and sighed at the same time. We so anted to go hunt and stake some vampires but we were off today.
"Guys lets go to a club tonight!" I yelled to them, they were riding to far ahead for me to just use my regular voice.
"Cool! Boys!Girls! Drinks!" they all yelled at the same time making me laugh.
"Fine at 10:00 we will head out towards Blood Sucker." I said and we all cheered, "Lets just hope Arizona is there." When i said the last part I looked at where we were at then saw the store and sprinted Midnight towards the sunset.
*Club called Blood Sucker*
"OK people lets set some rules. 1) no getting drunk, 2) by all means make out with someone else,3) have fun. Dismissed!!" I yelled at them then getting off Midnight. We walked past the bouncer by flashing our fake fangs and walked to the bar. I ordered a apple martini and walked to a table and sat down. I looked hot but I didn't feel like getting ribbed against tonight. I was wearing a tight black dress with a white design and nee high black boots with a heel so pointy that just by looking at it you could get hurt. I know I know I am 16 but come on. How hard is it to get a fake ID? Not really hard. To them I am really 18 but old enough to drink.
"Hey baby." a guy with black spiked hair going across his eye and silver/purple eyes.
"Hey." I said back to him, "Names Andy but you can call me Andy." I smiled after that just enothe to show my fangs/.
"Well Its nice to meet you Andy. I'm Jack." he said stretching his hand towards me. I took his hand and smiled .
"Would you like to dance?" I asked Jack hopeful
"I would love to but I have to go."he said frowning, "But here's my number." he said while writing something down.
"Wasn't I supposed to give you my number?" I asked chuckling, "Can I see your phone?"
He gave me his phone and I saw all of the guys from Arizona. I try ed to look normal and typed my phone number into his phone and gave it back to him.
"So I'll see you around?" he asked with a smile, "And call me any time you want. I have a party coming up tomorrow and would like for you to come. You could bring your friends."
"OK. I would love to. So would my friends." I said to him getting up, "So I will text you later to get the address."
"Sure." he said getting up too. He leaned towards me and gave me a hug. I think I melted a little. Stop thinking about that. He works with Arizona! I thought to myself
"See you tomorrow Andy." he said walking away and out the door.
"Wow." I whispered I wondered if he was thinking the same thing.
"Guys this was the best Idea ever!!" yelled Sam and Demetri
"It sure was. Andy was flirting up a storm with that guy for like an hour." Susie said giggling
"He was so cute. And he invited s to a party tomorrow. But guys hes...." I started to say but was interrupted by seeing Midnight laying in a pool of blood.
"Omg." I whispered and seeing the note I broke down crying. The note said:
"You think that you could win a team member's heart? Think again sweetheart. This is just step 1. I don't think that you want to know what step 2 is. Sleep tight, and don't let the vampires bite."
--- Arizona clan
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Sooooooo................. what do you think? I think its OK but I want to know what you guys think.