Status: Complete for a writing contest

Lighting a Fire

Summer and Excitement

Over the summer I even went home with him to Thunder Bay where he introduced me to his family as his girlfriend. We had lots of downtime to do whatever we wanted in Thunder Bay, much unlike New York. And one day, Marc took me to the beach. It was nice and sunny, the beach was crowded, but we didn’t care. I brought along my camera and I was on my stomach taking pictures when I snapped a picture of my boyfriend getting down on one knee in the sand. After snapping the picture, I sat up expectantly and Marc proposed right there on the beach. I, of course, said yes since I was totally and completely in love with Marc Staal. We stayed at the beach for a while longer, splashing in the water, before going back to his family farm to tell them our big news.
That was the last day in Thunder Bay. We returned to the hockey lifestyle in New York determined to make the best of our newly engaged life. I got pregnant three months later and Mrs. Staal scolded us for not waiting, but loved that she was going to have another grandchild to add to Eric’s child.
“Marc, do you think we are going to be good parents?” I asked on our one year anniversary and the mark of my three months pregnant.
“Genna, you already became a mother to the team. I think we will be fine,” he reassured me with a kiss to my forehead.
“I love you, Marc Staal.”
“I love you too, Genna Morrow.”
Marc and I pushed our wedding from June to January because I refused to wait until after the baby was born to get married. The ceremony was small, with just the Staal’s and my family on the quiet beach of Carolina where the All-star game was being played later that week. All three Staal brothers were going to be in it and so it was appropriate to have the wedding there that week.
After we said our vows, we had a small party at Eric’s and Marc left with me to go back to the hotel. We had an amazing wedding night and later that week Eric and Marc’s team won the game.