Status: rough, after a hiatus

We're Going Way Too Fast

Let's Not Try and Rush This

The chemical scent of nail polish and polish remover floated through the loft, bottles scattered across the floor, and used cotton balls marked up with multiple colors.

Clothes scattered the couch and a hoodie was thrown onto the stairs. Coats hung haphazardly on the hooks, the kitchen still a mess.

Picture frames hung askew in the upstairs hall and the living room walls. Sitting frames were pushed over and still lying on the floor, where they had landed.

Upstairs, the office had yet to be cleaned and the bedroom was cluttered with girl's accessories and boy's clothes.

The couple in bed lie there, without a single care or desire to get up and clean.

Her white painted nails traced the edge of his jaw with her finger tip. Crisp white sheets hugged their curves while they stared into each other's eyes. His fingers slotted with the fingers on her other hand, while he leaned toward her, pressing their lips together.

Moments like these were her favorite, the times she let allowed herself to be happy. The times she wasn't bogged down by college work, when he wasn't on set or called in the recording studio. When they could just... be.

The moments they were wrapped in the sheets, lying next to each were the moments he lived for as well. He got to feel connected to a girl he was crazy over and just feel like she was really let herself be around him.

But, she didn't know how to just, be. Not completely. She didn't know what it was like to fully trust someone and she still didn't feel like that with him. Between them, they both felt stuck and trapped by the state of mind in which it was just sex.

She wanted to know what it was like to completely immerse yourself in someone and he wanted to teach her how.

"I love you."

Three words broke the silence and she stared back into his jade eyes. Glancing at their intertwined hands, pale white mixing with light brown sugar, her dark chocolate hair falling and tangling with his sandy blonde-light brown strands, milk chocolate eyes gazing into aquamarine; she felt it.

She felt at home. The only thing that was keeping her from saying those words finally pieced together, like a complex puzzle.

"I love you too."
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