‹ Prequel: The Secret Circle
Sequel: The Secert Girl

The Secret Concil

Rose is on the run with the rest of her friends from the Secret Concil.After finding out the Concil plan on destroying her Rose wanted nothing more but to return to the life she once had.But how could she without putting her mom in jepordy and any one close to her?
Especially if Saka Deamons are sniffing her out and hunting her down.

Rose got her self in some serious shit.She lost her boy friend Shack,her best friend Deede could be falling in love (including her self!),she's on the run from the Concil that destroyed the City of Pamelon and killed the king,and her own kind is power full witches!
How worse could it get?

But when the Secret Concil gets the human police envolved,things get even harder then just running away...