Status: I have no idea how this will work out. (:

Vanilla Twilight.


She could sense him on her ankles, slow and surely catching up to her as she darted around the woods. The late summer sun set slowly over the horizon as the two skipped about. Giggles and fits of laughter coming from them as the night fall crept in.
"I bet you can't catch me!" She yelled out a sly smirk forming on her pink velvet lips. He shook his head. "You're on!" And with that bet she bolted into the deeper part of the forest leaping over stones and branches which lied in the way. His footsteps soon faded which caused her to look back to the dark path. He was out of sight. Slowly come to a stop she looked around the tree infested lot. "James?" She whispered. "James seriously don't do this!" she whined prepping for his attack out behind a tree or small bush. But he didn't reaspond to his name. She sighed. "I through with these games, James, you win!" She laughed lightly, but still nothing happened. A frown formed on her lips. "Where are you?" she asked herself slowly walking back the steps she had taken eariler. Walking around and noticing nothing but the shadows cast from the setting sun against the trees she headed back to the field the two had not-so-long-ago ran through. "James?!" She yelled out looking around. Why wasn't he around. He never just left her. She slowly walked back home feeling odd. As she slowly walked alone, the sense of someone watching soon could be felt. She found herself looking over her shoulder a lot before reaching the field and crossing it slowly. She could see her fathers home from where she stood. The two level home which was white in color stood tall next to the red barn which held the family horses, cows, chickens and pigs.

"Emily my darling what on earth are you doing walking through the woods alone!" Her father approached her at the back deck of the house. "I was with James but...he dissappeared...." She sadly spoke. He might had only been the boy her father had hired to be a stablehand but he soon became her closest best friend; They were always together. Her father made a worried face. "Get inside my dear, its dark and who knows what's out here" he motioned her to go inside. "But James is still out, we need to find him and bring him home" "I'll tell David to be on warning and we'll leave a lamp outside incase he arrives through the night" he nodded. She trusted her father and walked indoors soon surrounded by maids undressing her and helping her put on her nightdress soon tucking her into bed. She'd dream about that blue eyed boy for what would turn out to be centuries...
Emily's POV

"JAMES!" I screamed sitting up in bed, beads of sweat rolling off my forehead. I groaned knowing it was way to early to be up. I lied back down and stared up at the ceiling. Why on earth was I dreaming about that again. It had been so long ago...nearly two centuries...
I sighed knowing something was wrong if I was thinking about home again. Signing once more I rolled over on my stomach and buried my face in one of the many pillows which covered my bed. A small knock came from my bedroom door which caused me to groan. Not much longer later it soon opened and soft footsteps walked around my bed and then stopped. I slowly turned my head to come face to face with my nightmare himself. Those same blue eyes stared tiredly down at me. "Dreaming about me again?" he cockily asked. I groaned sinking my head into the pillow I lied on, further. He lowly chuckled before pushing the covers away and crawling into bed next to me. "You're worried about something love, would you mind telling me what it is?" he questioned. He knew me too well. Though I guess that was expected, not only had we'd been together for two centuries but we had also found a bound between us, no one else shared; we were bloodmates.

"It will be 200 years on Sunday" I spoke thinking back to the day I was turned into the monster I lied here today as. He chuckled. "You're worried about that, Emily you aren't old if that's what you're saying besides, 20 isn't that old" he teased. I growled and rolled over so that my back was facing him. Sure when I had orignally died I was twenty but so was he. James had turned 20 before I had, the night he had dissappeared was the night he died forever. Though I hadn't noticed because some other vampire had taken him away for awhile teaching him things before allowing him to return home to my father and I. We hadn't known about vampires at the time, they were just in scary tales or fictions. Long story short, he lived with us until my father died a couple days before my 20th birthday and my last wish seeing I wanted nothing more than to die myself was to be turned, this of course was done after I caught James almost killing another stablehand after I found out about the news about my father. That day alone was a double hitter in one.

"I want to go home" I whispered as he wrapped his arm around me. "You are home honey" he mumbled his warm breath hitting the back of my neck. "No, I mean, I want to go know what I mean" I grumbled. "I doubt the place is still standing. Emily that was so long ago..." he spoke on the verge of falling asleep. I sighed. He was probably right. No house could survive 200 years. There was probably some mini-mall or office building sitting right on top of my house. It was sad where the world had gone since the turn of the centuries. First it was auto-mobiles and now it was i-pods and the internet. "Just go to sleep love and we will figure something out for your big two oh oh" I could sense a grin on his face. "You're a jerk" I grumbled. "I'm so old". Burying my face back into my pillow I then stayed, not moving until I fell back asleep.