In the Mist

Chapter Two

Beautifully and fearfully wrought,
by dread magic splendored,
with passion’s fire his soul does burn,
in sorrow his name be whispered
-Rainier’s Song by Avian of Celieria

I was, what one may call, flabbergasted. So much change had happened in what felt like a few seconds. Since when could he speak properly?

Did he just have one certain sentence that he could pronounce perfectly? I had seen similar situations in the movies, and every lie is based on truth, right? Be that as it may, it would probably be a better idea to ask rather than ponder over it.

"Why has your speech improved?" I asked.

The orc looked passively at me before explaining, "Feywild is consumed by arcane magic."
"And, does that magic assist your speaking?"

He shook his bald head. "No. The human realm does not allow mutual communication between species. It is different there. Such is why a dog's bark may sometimes sound like a word in your language. It is very difficult to break through that wall, but it happens with determination." I just stared up at him, baffled. Seeing such an ugly creature speak with such a well defined voice was slightly unsettling.

I shook my head, hoping that it would perhaps slow my engulfing thoughts. Nope. "Well, now that you can talk... What's your name and where are you taking me?" The orc pursed his dry and cracked lips before whispering, "My name is Corb, and I am taking you to safety."

"Oh, good! So you'll be taking me back to civilization, then?" Maybe Mom and Dad had reconsidered and decided to keep me. Maybe they thought it over, and realized that they couldn't live without me. Honestly, this whole situation was starting to make me regret ever running away. There were so many smarter things that I could have done instead. I should have given them time. Let them rethink, or explain.

Corb rattled his head back and forth. "No. That is not safety. Safety is within the resistance." I narrowed my eyes slightly before asking what exactly that was.

After slowly looking around to make sure no one was listening, he leaned in to my ear and whispered, "Those who are against the King have grouped together... We plan to overthrow him and take back what is rightfully ours."

I hadn't the slightest clue what he was talking about, but nodded like I did. "Ah, I see. It all makes sense now..."

Corb straightened his back and grunted. "Come, now. We must leave quickly before someone catches wind of our presence." The bulky blue orc slowly waddled down the curvy path, as I followed carefully behind him.

I surveyed my surroundings as we went forth, taking note of the mysteriously luscious plant life. The trees and plants seemed to almost sparkle with life.

Despite the opulent forest, there were no animals present. No squirrels, no bugs, no deer. Nothing. One would assume that it would just be crawling with wildlife, but there was nothing.

I was sure my feet were going to fall off by the time we finally stopped. "Thank gosh" I sighed. "Are we taking a break?"

Corb looked disgruntled. "Yes.. We have no choice. The dark is soon approaching, bringing with it all kinds of dangerous creatures."

"What kind of dangerous creatures?" I asked.

"Shadar-Kai, Pooka, Elementals, Spriggan, and worst of all... Redcaps."

"Well... None of those sound very scary at all!" I laughed. Pooka? That sounds like a pet name someone might give their spouse, not a dangerous thing.

"Child, do not underestimate the fey folk. These creatures that sound funny to you are some of the most feared beings in these parts. Most will not hesitate to rip you limb from limb. I know of a brownie camp not far from here, that is untouched and unknown by others. We must go quickly, come."

I followed his orders, and quickly followed him.


Corb stepped on a twig and it cracked loudly. He froze, and I followed suit. Nothing was said for several minutes, and just as I was about to speak, I was interrupted by a quiet, shrill noise. It sounded almost like a scream.

"Fomorian! Fomorian with a human!" a voice from somewhere in the forest screeched. It sounded as if it were far away.

Suddenly my flesh was stinging in various places, as if I were just bitten by several thousand bugs. I looked down to see little tiny pebbles scattered around my feet.

"Corb, what's happening!" I whispered, voice full of panic.

He chucked awkwardly in his deep voice. "The brownies are scared because they do not know who I am. It is rare for them to be around different species. In fact, it's even rarer for them to be around their own kind, but are only in this camp because it is beneficial to their survival. Let me handle this."

Corb slowly stepped forward, big, bumpy arms raised above his head.

"It is I, Corb. I am from the resistance and I have not brought just any human. I have brought The King's human."

The King's human? What game is he playing?

The quiet shrieks and chattering stopped, and the forest went silent for a few moments, before slowly breaking out in to thunderous shouts.

Suddenly, thousands of what I'd imagine to be the things Corb called 'brownies' appeared. They were tiny! They couldn't have been bigger than 12 inches. They were in trees and coating the ground, quickly making a swarm around us.

Their hair colors were all very earthy colors. Browns, grays and wheats. They all wore worn out, green-y clothes. Some had pants, while others had dresses or little robes.

When they finally stopped moving, the ones on the ground parted to make a path, and a brownie much bigger than all the rest walked through.

He stopped at the front of the group, and looked Corb straight in the eye with a deadly glare. "You have brought The King's human here? Do you realize what danger you have brought upon us? I do not care if you are with the resistance, nor do I care that we, the brownie people, are allied with it. Were The King's minions to find us here... I do not even wish to imagine what would happen to us all! Explain yourself, Fomorian!" For such a small little creature, his voice was loud, booming and intimidating. I felt uncomfortable, and he wasn't even talking to me.

"I can assure you, no one is in danger. We simply need a place to stay for the night, and we will be on our way. It is vital to the survival of the resistance that this girl does not get into the hands of The King. Is it your wish for King Bres to continue ruling in such a ruthless way? We must overthrow him, and she is the key to the whole calamity."

Wait, I was the key to what?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you all liked this chapter. (:

Also, shout out to Totlo for being my first comment, and for sending me such a nice message. :D

Please comment if you like it. Encouragement makes me happy and motivated!