Status: I'll do my best to update frequently.

The List

Getting ready


Travis just didn't get it, but I was going to do this.

"It's not impossible, many of the things can be done we just need luck." I explained.

"But what about money? I mean you want to do lots things, things cost money." He challenged.

"I have lots of money saved in the bank, it's not a problem." My family always gave me money for birthdays and stuff, I knew someday I would want to do things on my list so I saved up.

"Why now?" Travis asked.

"Because when I'm in college I'll have no time, then I'll get married and have kids and be old. Plus there's no time like the present." I smiled sweetly.

He sighed, "Why do you want me to come with you?"

I laughed, "You're my best friend. I need you with me."

Travis looked me right in the eyes. He had the most amazing eyes. They were bright blue and they were framed with his thick black lashes. He ran a hand through his wavy blond hair and said, "When do we start?"


Am I a total idiot for saying yes to Aubrey? Maybe. But I could I really reject her like that? No chance. She looked at me with those green eyes and she had me.

I'm actually kind of excited about this. I mean I've heard about Aubrey's list for years. So it'll be cool to see her do all the things on it.

So if you haven't already figured it out, I've liked Aubrey for a really long time. I mean, as soon as I moved here I knew I wanted to date her. But so many other guys have asked her out and she says no a lot. I'm afraid she'll laugh in my face. Oh my gosh, I sound like a girl.

I was sitting in her room while Aubrey rummaged around, looking for her notebook. The notebook is faded purple and it holds lots of quotes, song lyrics, a list of who people liked in 7th grade, and most importantly her bucket list.

How Aubrey managed to loose something she probably looked at just last night is beyond me.

"Shoot!" She said as she knocked over a picture of us on a swingset in the park.

It was one of my favorite pictures of us together. The picture had only been taken a year ago and I can remember the day perfectly.

Our families had gone to the park for a pinic. Aubrey's sister and my sister were running aroung playing princesses or something. Aubrey always liked swing sets and these swings were her favorite. She liked the way the seat of the swing was higher off the ground and if you went high enough you felt as though you would swing right into the lake.

In this picture Aubrey had her head thrown back in full blown laughter and I was was just smiling at her. Were we recalling we when had first met in second grade. I was new and had been labled the weird kid. I wasn't weird, it's just the new kid always gets a bad rap. Aubrey, just being her self, started yelling at kids because the were making fun of me. She actually started a fight and we got sent to the principal's office together. At that moment we vowed to be friends forever. I think that's when I really started to like her; the very moment I layed eyes on her. And it hasn't changed since.
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Chaper 2! Yay! Hope you all like it!