Status: I'll do my best to update frequently.

The List

A change of plans


I never thought about how hard this would be. Especially the thing on the list that we were trying to accomplish. What if we didn't even get to see him? What if we meet and it isn't good?

Travis must've caught the expression my face because he grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. A silent sign that everything would be alright. I took a cautious glance over at the barfing kid. The sight of him almost made me puke. I'm not even going to tell you what he looked like; use your imagination.

We were the first to exit the bus, I made sure of that. Travis and I walked to our separate rooms and we decided we would meet back in the hall in forty minutes.

I quickly showered and changed into a purple top and skinny jeans. I left my hair down and let it fall in waves around face. Travis was waiting for me when I walked out of my room.

"Oh. I thought I was early." I said to Travis, who was wearing a pair of cargo shorts and a plaid button down shirt. It was a typical Travis outfit.

"You are, I just don't take as long." He replied. "Shall we?"

"We shall." I took his arm and we walked out together.

Personally, I kind of like taxis. They always made me feel like a celebrity arriving at some big event.

Travis, who was obviously frightened by the craziness of the streets, was failing at getting us a cab. He kept letting the other people take them. I stuck two fingers in my mouth and whistled loudly. Instantly, three taxis stopped for us. I looked at Travis and shrugged.

We hoped into one of the cabs and we instructed the driver where to go.

"You two hoping to see the movie stars?" The driver asked.

"Something like that." I replied to him.

"Well good luck, I'm sure it will be insane."

"Yea?" Travis asked.

"Oh sure, people have been camped out for days."

I bit my bottom lip and looked at Travis.

"Will it be impossible to see them on the red carpet?" Travis asked.

"Dunno. I think it would be easier to get itno the after party."

"After party?" I asked our driver.

"Yea. You know, after the premiere all the big shots; like the producer, director, actors, people like that they all throw a party." He explained.

"How do you get in?" I asked.

"They have special passes."

"Where do you get them?"

"At the back door, you just have to pick them up. But it doesn't sound like you have them..." Our cab driver said.

I looked at Travis, "We need passes."

"What? Aubrey that's impossible. They send out stuff like that like months in advance." Travis answered me.

"Right you are, son!" Taxi man chimed in.

"The roads are already packed. How far are we?" I asked.

"About five minutes." The driver said.

I peered out the window towards the premiere. There were people everywhere. "Look at all those people. There's no way we can see him."

"That's what I've been saying this whole time! Look, let's just leave and go home." Travis exclaimed.

I had the urge to slap him across the face. But then our cab driver said, "You could always take someone else's..."

"Steal?" Travis asked incredulous.

"That wouldn't be right." I said, but to be honest I would have done anything to meet Taylor.

"No, but I know a guy who knows a guy who was planning to take his daughter to the party. Too bad his daughter was only ten and she couldn't go. He has no use for the passes himself, so that means that there are two open passes sitting at the party tonight all alone. Unless..." The driver explained.

"We go?" Travis finshed.

"They never saw my friend's friend, so I say just go and say you're James Seeley. 'Course you'll need an I.D. but 'round here people have fake ones all the time."

"What about me?" I asked.

"Well his daughter's name was Sara so that's you, but just say that you're his sister. You two look too young to be married. The passes don't have pictures on them so you'll be good to go." Taxi man said.

Travis looked uneasy, but if this was what we had to do to meet Taylor you could bet I was all in. "Where do you get fake I.D.s?"

"You know, I like you. You have no fear. My name's Dan, by the way. I'll take you there."

"So we're actually doing this?" Travis asked. I could only smile.


As far as Aubrey was concerned Dan was her new best friend.

He dropped us off at a questionable looking place where we could get fake I.D.s. Dan said he would wait for us in the cab, Tem minutes later Aubrey and I, according to our new I.D.s, were brother and sister.

We got back into the taxi and we dicussed what to do and what not to do when trying to get into the party.

"Don't act nervous," Dan explained. "act like you belong there."

"Ok." Aubrey nodded and looked at me. "You got that, Travis? This is our only chance."

"Alright, Aubrey, don't worry." I tried to sound reassuring but it still came out apprehensive.

"Now you can't go in dressed like that." Dan looked at my t-shirt and shorts disapprovingly. "This is high end. You, son, need a tux. And you need a dress."

'But I didn't pack a -" I started.

"Then I'll drop you at a thrift store!" Dan interuppted.

"Oh thanks." Aubrey said.

Dan quickly backed out of the alley and started driving.

Twenty minutes later I had found a rather nice looking tux and Aubrey...Well she was still looking. Afterall she had to look her best for Taylor Lautner.

"Will you hurry up?" I asked.

"Sorry! Looking good takes time!" Aubrey replied from somewhere inside the dressing room.

I smiled to myself because Aubrey could look good in anything.

After a couple more minutes of waiting she emerged wearing a green dress that went prefectly with her eyes.

"What do you think?" She asked and gave a small twirl.

"You look great." I said, lost for best words.

"You don't look to bad yourself." Aubrey said,

"Thanks." I said nervously.

We walked up to the counter and paid the lady, then we walked out to our taxi.

"There! That's so much better!" said Dan, he looked down and checked his watch, "Oh! We better hurry, come on, get in the cab!"

We climbed in and Dan stepped on the gas before I could even get my door closed.

"Remember what I said." Dan said as we zoomed along. "Don't act-"

"Nervous." Aubrey continued. " Act like we belong. No worries, we got this."

"Ok." He said. "I'll wait outside the door and make sure you don't get into any trouble. Here we are kids. Have fun."

"Oh wait!" I said as we climbed out of the taxi. "How much do we owe you?"

"Don't worry about it son, it's on me today." Dan said.

"Thank you!" Aubrey called behind her as she raced toward the door.

"Yea, thanks for everything." I said to him.

"Hey, kid. Good luck with that one. Just hang in there. You two are good together." Dan said.

I looked at Aubrey and smiled. "Thanks, man."
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 4!! Sorry it's been so long!! I'm lazy!

Questions, comments, problems, concerns??