Status: I'll do my best to update frequently.

The List

Face to Face


I was shaking. I couldn't believe this was happening.

"Name." Said a scary looking guy at the door of the party.

"James Seeley." Travis said. How was he so calm?

"I.D." Said the man.

Travis whipped out his very realistic fake I.D., the man looked at it for awhile then he decided that it was okay. A wave of relief washed over me.

"Guest?" The man asked.

"Pardon?" If Travis was thrown off, he didn't show it.

"Who is your guest?"

"Oh this is my sister-"

"Sara." I broke in.


I tried to reach into my pocket to pull out my I.D. but then I remembered I didn't have pockets, I was wearing a dress.

"I need your I.D." The man pressed on.

"Well...Uhhh...." I stuttered.

"Are you Sara Seeley?" asked a voice.

I spun around to see who had asked, and I saw Dan. "Uhhh...yes, I am."

"You forgot your purse in my cab." He said.

"Oh! Uh thank you!" I said gratefully taking the black clutch purse from him. I rummaged around the purse, for a few fearful seconds I thought it wasn't there, but I found my I.D. in a zipped pocket.

"Here you go." I said to the security man.

He examined it for a moment then handed it back.

"You know, for brother and sister, you two don't really look alike. Ha, ha. Go on in."

Travis laughed nervously, because the security guard was right. Travis had blond wavy hair and blue eyes and I had brown wavy hair and green eyes. We quickly walked through the door before he asked anymore questions.

The room was huge, with a million people dancing, laughing, and talking. The music was so loud I could barely hear Travis when he was talking.

"How do you think we'll get to him?" He asked for about the third time.

"I don't know." I said turning to look for Taylor when suddenly I collided with someone.

Oh, sorry." Said a guy with a British accent.

"No worries." I said, and the guy walked away. "Oh my gosh! I just ran into Robert Pattinson!"

"I thought you didn't like him?" Travis asked.

"I don't! But he's famous, millions of people know his name!"

"Um alright. Oh wait! Aubrey look! Is that him?"

I froze. There he was, Taylor Lautner. I couldn't manage to say any words, so I just nodded.

"Then go!" Travis pushed me toward Taylor, but I didn't move. I couldn't move. "Aubrey, I thought you wanted to do this. We're here at the most amazing party, with the biggest stars and you can't even say the word 'yes', that's not the Aubrey I know."

He was right, I was being ridiculous. Taylor was a regular guy, just like Travis. I sucked in a breath, "Okay, here goes nothing."

"Atta girl."

Slowly I walked up the stairs to the tall boy with brown black hair and an amazing smile. It seemed like eons had passed by the time I reached him.

"Excuse me?" I said, but Taylor didn't hear my whisper above the music. I was getting up the courage to say something to him when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Do you want to dance?" A guy with red hair and bright green eyes asked. He looked about my age and he sort of reminded me of Ron Weasley from Harry Potter. He looked so nervous, it was cute, and at that moment I forgot about Taylor Lautner. I couldn't break this kid's heart.

"Sure, I'm Aubrey. And you are?"

"My name's Ryan, nice to meet you."

I laughed because I half expected for him to say Ron. I took his hand and he lead me out to the dance floor. A fast, up-beat song was blasting out of the speakers. A song that I didn't know, but I decided to go with it and dance along.

From across the dance floor Travis shot me a questioning look. I brushed him off and just kept dancing. I had a feeling this Ryan guy didn't bust out of his shell much, and I was determined to make this dance good.

Suddenly the music was over and there was a girl asking Ryan to dance. I felt happy for him, this stranger that I didn't know. He gave me a grateful look and trotted off to dance to the slow song that was playing. It was "That Should Be Me" by Justin Bieber. I thought it was kind of odd to play that now, but I didn't mind.

"Do you want to dance?" A voice asked. The voice sounded so familiar, but I couldn't place it. I turned around to look at the guy, and I found myself looking into the eyes of Taylor Lautner.

"Ummm..." I just stared at him.

"I've been wanting to ask you ever since I saw you walk in." Taylor pressed on, then he nervously bit him lower lip. It might have been the cutest thing I had ever seen.

"Yea, I'll dance."

He took my hand and he held me close as we slowly swayed to the music. It was amazing to be there with him.

"So what's your name?" He asked.

"Aubrey." I had relaxed a lot more. "And yours?"

"Nobody has asked me that since I was in 'Twilight'. I'm Taylor."

I smiled, "Nice to meet you."

"Yea." He looked happy and a bit confused. "You really don't know me? Um, sorry that was really self centered."

"Yes," I laughed, "I know you who you are. But I don't know who you are. You know?"

"I think." He smiled.


I thought that it was pretty ironic that 'That Should Be Me' was playing while Aubrey danced with...him.

I could seriously go up and punch him in the face for touching Aubrey. My Aubrey.

Wait. Since when was I this protective of her? Aubrey was my best friend, and she would never speak to me again if I ruined this for her.

But all thoughts of being calm left my mind when I saw him leaning towards her and then lightly kissing her.

He had crossed the line. I mean how long had he known her? Ten seconds?

"That should be me feeling your kiss..." The song played on.

"Oh perfect timing Justin!" I mumbled to myself.

Aubrey ran up to me absolutely glowing with happiness, that was the only upside. And even her happiness had a down side: I hadn't made her happy.

Yes, that's right, I was throwing myself a pity party.

"Oh Travis it was amazing!" She said with excitement.

I smiled and tried to act happy. I must've been a good faker because Aubrey didn't seem to notice how ticked I was. "So was it everything you thought it would be?"

"Oh it was better!" Aubrey gushed, she couldn't stop smiling.

"So what's the next thing on the list?" I was determined to change the subject.

"Get kissed in the rain."

There was no chance I was going to let any other guy but me kiss Aubrey ever again. It just wasn't going to happen."How are we - you going to do that?"

"Well I'm not sure, when I wrote that down I wanted it to be with someone I cared about, not some random guy and-"

"If we tried to do that tomorrow that's how it would be." I finished for her.

"So what do we do?" Aubrey asked.

"Skip it?"

"Well I can't just skip it and not do it. I'm doing everything on the list that I can."

"Ok, so we won't skip it we'll just come back to it later. How does that sound?"

"Alright, I guess." She said.

"Good, so now what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Well the night's still young..."

Day 2:

By midnight we had danced to to about every song they played with anybody we could find. Eventually, I convinced Aubrey that we should go back to the hotel and get some rest.

"That was the best, Travis!" Aubrey said on our ride up the elevator to our floor. "Don't you think?"

"Yea, it was great." In my mind I recalled this evening's events, Aubrey dancing with him, him kissing her.

"I can't believe it! I met Taylor Lautner! I kissed him!"

"Yea, amazing." I said.

"What's wrong?"

I tried snap back into reality. "Me? Nothing."

"You sure?" She asked.

"Yea. It's late. Get some sleep."


"Night." I said and we walked off to our rooms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 5!! This one is my favorite!!!! Enjoy!!