Frerard Starbucks


~Gerard's POV~

I helped Frank up and got Mikey to help me walk him to the car. Frank kept insisting he was fine but I was just worried.

I'm acting like an over protective mother

I thanked Mikey and he went back to class, I climbed into the car and sat in the back next to Frank. It was only ten o'clock so we couldn't leave school already…

"Frank are you okay?"
"No Gerard I'm not okay" He said sounding pissed off.
"Do you want me to get help or..?"
"No I'm fine, It's just.. Why can't they just leave us alone? We never do anything to them"
"I don't know Frankie.. It's just not fair"
"I hate homophobes"

He looked like a thee year old when he frowned and pouted

He slowly slid over the leather seat and hugged my chest, I slowly placed kisses on his head. Before he sat up again and placed a kiss on my lips, I could feel the cold metal of his lip ring pressing on my lip, I slowly ran my tongue across his bottom lip and cross his piercing below he opened his lips and let my tongue in. He slowly slid his hand up my side, his hands were cool against my bare skin.

I could feel the contours of his body as I ran my hands up his shirt also. I kissed him more passionately as he climbed onto my lap. I pushed my hips into his and he let out a small noise. I looked into his eyes and he smiled at me. His beautiful brown eyes staring back at mine, why would anyone want to hurt him.

I feel so cliche making out in the back of a car skipping class

Frank stopped and moaned clutching his chest.

"Frankie, What's wrong"

"It's just sore.. Nothing major" He said screwing his face up before letting out a shaky painful breath and leaning towards me again,

"No Frankie, I don't want to hurt you anymore, lets just wait"
"Yeah, I guess" He seemed disappointed but he knew it was the right thing to do.

I got out of the car and got into the drivers seat.

"Where are we going?" Frankie asked laying down across the back.

"Hospital" I know he didn't think it was a big deal but what if he cracked his ribs? Or had internal bleeding? Broken bones? Concussion?

I think I'm freaking out more than him, but what if he isn't freaking out because he has a concussion?

I drove too fast and cut off a few cars but I didn't care, Frankie was more important than anyone else. We got there and I helped him out of the car. We walked in and we were told to wait in the waiting room, we were waiting for about two hours before a doctor. Frank kept trying to lighten the mood with jokes and sarcastic comments, but I was too busy freaking out about being inside a hospital. Knowing that they are cutting into people right now in the same building as the one I'm sitting in. That there are rooms full of bags of blood in here, there are dead people in here. There are people in pain in here. They wheeled someone past who's arm was ripped to pieces, they were moaning and being talked to by the doctors before disappearing behind the two white swinging doors.

Everything was going fuzzy, I could here Franks voice fading things where starting to go black, I turned to Frank and everything went black.


"Way to cause a scene Gerard, I thought we were here for me?" Frank "Stealing the spotlight" He was giggling at his own jokes. I looked around and there was a nurse sitting next to me with a puzzled look on her face.

"Sorry, just hospitals.. Freak me out.. The blood.. People.. Blo-"

Everything went black again.


"Gerard, you are such a drama queen" I could hear that familiar giggle again. "Maybe you should wait outside before you faint again?"

The nurse gave me a sugar tablet and a bottle of water so I would stop shaking and walked me outside.

~ Frank's POV~
Poor Gerard, I didn't even desperately need to be here but he insisted even though he is terrified of hospitals.

Really manly

When I finally got into the doctors room he gave me some pain killers and wrote a note that I could hand into the school to explain my absence.

He was pretty nice.

I walked out and saw Gerard sitting on the bench near by. Still looking paler than usual.

If that was even possible

We spent the rest of the day hanging around Gerard's house. Mikey came home around five in the afternoon.

"Hey Frank, you feeling better?"

"Yeah, I never got to actually say thank you.. So thanks Mikey"
"Actually you did but halfway through 'saving me' you collapsed, It was pretty funny. But, it's fine.. Anything for my brothers.. Boyfriend" He replied before running down the hallway away from, a now furious, Gerard.

~Gerard's POV~

WHAT DID HE JUST SAY, I'm going to kill him

I ran as fast as I could down the hallway and dived for Mikey's ankles, he came crashing down onto the floor. I jumped on top of him and pinned him down.

"Oh, I thought you only did this to Frank.." Mikey said cocking one eyebrow up before flinching away from my fist. I heard that small giggle from behind me.

"I'll get you later, don't you worry" I said to Mikey before getting up and taking Franks hand and leading him down to my room.

"So.. About what Mikey said…" Frank almost whispered.
"I was thinking maybe.. You wanted that.. Like wanted to be each others boyfriend?"
"Frank, are you asking me out?" I pressed, smirking at him.
"Well yeah… I guess I am" He said more confidently.

I slowly walked over to him and stood right up against him and pulled his chin up with my finger. He looked up with his big adorable eyes, I slowly pressed my lips to his.. Slowly and then pulled him into a hug.
"Of course I want to be your boyfriend, I've never been more sure about anything" I whispered into his ear. I felt his smile into my chest before he rested his head onto of my heart. I'm sure it was beating a million times faster than usual.