Status: Discontinued

I'm in Love with My Best Friend Nick Jonas

Rose's Decision

-Day After TCA’s-
The next day commenced and I spent it relaxing with the guys that once again consisting of only Joe and Kevin seeing as Nick was avoiding Joe and I after Joe’s spur of the moment kiss which did nothing but make me more concerned about him than I should have been.

I sighed running a hand through my hair just as Joe sighed as well.

“What’s wrong?” he asked in a concerned tone. I shot him a look, but turned it into a sympathetic one before answering.

“I guess your kiss did more damage than good,” I said sadly. Joe stared at me pulling his sunglasses off of his face seeing as we were all sitting in chairs on their back patio.

“Rose, I’m sorry,” he said in an honest tone.

“What did you do that for anyway?” I asked unable to control myself.

“I’ll leave you two to talk about this,” Kevin said just as Nick entered the house.

Joe sighed again before he spoke, answering in a lower tone than usual.

“I-It was something that just happened. I thought it’d be better if I kissed you then Nick would see the error of his judgment,” he got out but that only made me sigh again.

“I understand that, Joe, but you know seclusion is Nick’s best friend when he’s mad at people,” I scolded in the same tone.

Footsteps approached us and sure enough, Nick stood at the door of the patio entrance biting his lip before he cleared his throat.

Both Joe and I whipped our heads in his direction, but Joe put his sunglasses on plastering a fake smile on his face.

“Hey, Nick! What’s up, bro?” he asked enthusiastically. I plastered a fake smile as well as I waved at him.

There was no emotion in Nick’s eyes as he spoke.

“If you two aren’t busy, I’d like to talk to Rose,” he said in a firm tone causing Joe and I to look at one another.

“Sure,” Joe replied, his smile even brighter than usual. I stood, Nick taking me by the hand and then led me to his bigger room he had in their new house since they moved to L.A.

I forced the squeal that wanted to erupt from me as my heart raced like crazy. Was this it? Was this the moment Joe was talking about? I bit my lip regaining my composure just as he spoke after closing the door behind us.

“Are you sure you want to date Joe?” he asked catching me off guard.

“W-what? Yeah, why wouldn’t I?” I asked licking my lips nervously.

“You know Joe is a player and has never had a serious relationship since he was with Mandy,” he said in a knowing tone.

Offended by this, I answered defensively.

“So what are you trying to say? Are you saying Joe would cheat on me?” I asked heatedly.

“It’s not that. I just don’t want Joe to go back to his old ways and hurt you. I want you to think long and hard about this because once you guys come out to the public, they’re gonna be all over you and I won’t be able to protect you anymore,” he explained just as heated.

“Protect me? Since when have you ‘protected’ me, Nicholas?” I asked in skepticism.

He took a sharp breath before answering me.

“You already know the answer to that considering you’re my best friend,” he said coolly, but I knew I was pushing it.

“Funny cause I haven’t been able to tell since you’ve been distant with me since I got back or more so since Joe and I have started dating,” I said even more heated as my emotions were starting to get the better of me.

I was pissed and I wasn’t going to let Nick off of the hook by him being cryptic in his own way.

“I haven’t acted any different towards you, but whatever. If you wanna date Joe then that’s fine,” he concluded before turning his back on me getting ready to exit, but I grabbed his arm not able to hold it in any longer.

“Why? Why is it that every time I come back we argue about something? Why do we keep doing this?” I asked practically begging for Nick to say the words I longed to hear.

We stood in silence as I bit my lip waiting for his response. After what seemed like hours, he did speak, but it was in a softer tone than before just barely above a whisper.

“I don’t know, Rosie. I don’t know why we keep doing that, but I’m trying really hard here. I have a lot going on and the last thing I need is for our friendship to be on the rocks like this,” he said causing me to feel extremely guilty towards Joe.

I felt like I was using him or that we were using each other just for my selfishness. Suddenly, I reacted to what he said.

“Is that really your final answer?” I asked catching him off guard so much that he turned to face me as I let go of his arm.

“What else am I supposed to say?” he asked searching my eyes.

“I don’t know! Anything, really!” I answered honestly.

“Rose, you’re not making any sense,” he said with a sigh.

“No, you’re the one who just doesn’t understand,” I replied shaking my head before I stormed out of his room after opening the door, shutting it behind me.

I scoffed heading to Joe’s room realizing he stood waiting for me. He walked to me shutting the door behind me as he waited for me to walk into his arms as a sympathetic expression covered his face.

I caved in telling him what happened only causing our plans to fail entirely.

“So, you wanna tell him the truth?” he asked a while after I told him about the argument.

“I guess. I’m sorry, Joe,” I said causing Joe to shake his head laughing the matter away.

“It’s OK. We probably should have been clean with him from the start,” he agreed. I nodded standing again seeing as we had eventually ended up sitting down on his bed from the time that passed.
He stood, too smiling a small smile as he embraced me in a hug.

“Well, it was fun while it lasted,” he teased in a low tone. I laughed a little, but I actually felt sad about what I was doing.

“It was fun,” I agreed, but my heart wasn’t in ending it. “Maybe we should continue it,” I said suddenly causing Joe to pull away as a serious expression covered his face.

“Rose, are you sure?” he asked in a firm tone which was rarely used.

“I don’t know, but something in me doesn’t want this to end. I mean you hadn’t taken me out on a date yet,” I teased.

“Hmm, a date would be nice and it could still be used to make Nick jealous!” he exclaimed enthusiastically.

I laughed at his goofiness.

“Yeah,” I agreed not wanting to.

“So, should we get used to the kissing thing?” he asked catching me off guard.

“J-Joe!” I exclaimed slapping him on his left arm. He groaned, clutching the spot where I hit him as I gasped thinking he was actually hurt by it.

“I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have hit so hard!” I rambled. I led him back to the bed as I massaged the spot where I hit him.

“I’m alright! I’m a man!” he got out causing me to laugh a little, but I was actually more concerned about his arm more than anything.

“Are you sure?” I asked me being on my knees sitting to his left staring up at him.

“Yeah,” he said in a soft tone causing me to stare into his eyes. He leaned in my body uncontrollably meeting him halfway and we kissed Nick being the farthest thing on our minds.

-Back to Present-Day-

I rummaged through a box I had in the storage closet of Ena and I’s apartment before I found the old photo album we had of that year. I flipped through its pages landing on a picture of Joe and I that same week seeing as we took lots of photos.

My heart was getting pulled by its strings as I stared at the huge smiles we had on our lips. I looked at the picture under it seeing a picture of Nick and I a few months later than that smiling just as brightly as I placed a kiss to his cheek.

I was confused beyond belief. We were older, but things were pretty much the same as they were before. I picked up my phone pressing 4 on my speed dial before he answered.

“You decided yet?” he asked.

“Yeah, I have,” I answered with a shaky tone.

“And?” he asked causing me to bite my bottom lip before answering him.

“I want to be friends,” I answered.

“Really?” he asked in shock.

“Yeah,” I said in a cautious tone.

“You scared me there for a second, Rose,” he began, but I cut across him.

“There’s something else,” I said in a serious tone.

“W-what? What else is there you need to tell me?” he asked.

“I’m going to give Joe a real chance,” I answered.

“Give Joe a chance? If it wasn’t real before, why change your mind this time?” he asked.

I swallowed hard at his harsh words before speaking.

“Because I have to move on from you,” I got out.

“Move on?” he asked in confusion.

“If you don’t understand what I’m saying now, then you’ll never understand,” I answered before hanging up entirely not even bothering to listen to what he had to say next.

Moving on was going to be the hard part, but not too hard with Joe’s bubbly ways. I could only hope my decision wouldn’t bite me back in the ass later on.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm SO happy I pulled this chapter out just this morning! I'll be typing up more chapters and probably dishing them out more often instead of waiting weeks or even months in between updates like I was doing before.

I just have to clarify one thing about this chapter:

Some of you may be asking, "Is this story still going to be Nick Jonas fan-fiction since Rose is now with Joe?". To be honest, I don't know anymore. At first, originally, I was all for Nick and I had some awesome way in which he would realize his feelings for Roseanna, but now after two chapters (this chapter, really) my judgment has changed entirely.

I mean, I'm a Nick Jonas fan at heart, but for once, I think I'm gonna start a relationship with the main female character and Joe and actually drag it on a for a bit. Let's think about it in Rose's perspective: She's been in love with Nick for so many years-since they were teenagers, really but even after all of these years of the constant emotional rollercoaster ride she's been with him as friends, he still hasn't really said anything about having feelings for her in return. But in comparison to Joe, he would be the better option for her seeing as he's liked her (obviously) all of this time.

So, with that said, the person she ended up calling was of course Nick and not Joe.

That's what it seems like so far. Um, I think this story will be coming to an end in about maybe 3-4 chapters. I'm not into this story as much as I was when I came up with the idea for it, but if the story stays in the path I want it to right now, there'll be awesome and deeply dramatic chapters that will leave you guys wanting her to be with both guys maybe.

Anywho, please don't forget to comment and subscribe. The next update should be either in a few days or next week so please stay tuned.