Status: Discontinued

I'm in Love with My Best Friend Nick Jonas

Rose's Birthday

I couldn’t believe I had told Nick about wanting to be with Joe. I wasn’t too surprised when I woke up in the middle of the night after talking to Joe and falling to sleep to him singing to me as my phone rung.

I groaned squinting my eyes as my phone lit up seeing Nick flash on the screen. Reluctantly, I answered it.

“Mmm, hello?” I said sleepily.

“Rose, what the hell do you mean you’re going to give Joe a real chance?” he asked incredulously.

I stared at the phone, pulling it away from me before I pulled it back to me as I responded.

“Really, Nick? It’s after like,” I began, staring at the clock it reading 3:05AM, “after 3 in the morning. Shouldn’t you be asleep right now?”

“Sleep doesn’t matter right now. Just answer the question,” he said ignoring the fact that I was obviously asleep.

“I told you hours ago why. Why are you calling me now?” I asked starting to wake up even more.

“Because you can’t date Joe,” he said being vague.

“Ugh, spit it out, Nick. Why are you trying to discourage me from dating Joe? I like Joe and he likes me and it’s going to be serious this time,” I repeated feeling déjà vu.

“You can’t date Joe because-because,” he stammered causing me to sigh out of annoyance.

“Because what?!” I asked angrily.

“Because I love you, Rose,” he confessed.

“What?!” I asked incredulously.

“I said I love you, Rose,” he repeated. I stared at my phone sitting bolt upright before I spoke.

“No, don’t you dare do this now! You know what you’re doing, don’t you?” I asked getting upset.

Silence filled the air before his voice rung through my ears.

“I know it’s not fair. I know the timing isn’t right, but believe me when I say I’m in love with you, Roseanna. The reason why I haven’t told you before now is because every time I wanted to someone else would come into my life and-,” he began, but I cut across him.

“And what, huh?! They became your number one priority and you forgot all about your feelings towards me? Just admit it, Nick. You’re jealous I’ve decided to date your brother instead of going straight to you from the start,” I said heatedly causing him to sigh in annoyance.

“OK, yes I’m jealous, but you know you could have just told me that you had feelings for me, too from the beginning instead of coming up with the crazy idea of dating Joe!” he exclaimed.

“That was four fucking years ago, Nick! You’re holding grudges when I should be the one holding a grudge! If you had a feeling I loved you then why the hell did you push me away back then?! You figured out what was going on, but you got angry and rejected me! How else am I supposed to feel after all of these years?” I asked.

“OK, yeah it was four years ago, but what was I supposed to say when I had been with Miley for so long?! Yeah I figured you had feelings for me, but I wasn’t going to break up with her to be with you! How did you expect me to feel with you dating Joe?! He’s my brother, my second best friend!” he exclaimed just as heatedly.

Agitated beyond belief, I scoffed before responding.

“OK let’s get something straight here: YOU REJECTED ME! Get over yourself and focus on your relationship with Delta! She deserves it especially since you decided to be an ass and confess your feelings towards me while you’re with her!” I exclaimed.

“Oh, and another thing! Don’t call me after 3 in the fucking morning, asshole!” I nearly shouted hanging up entirely on him again.

I sighed in annoyance texting Joe frantically.

I hate your fucking brother!

I got a response a few minutes later.

Wait, what? What happened? I just talked to him earlier and why are you up now?

My fingers went like lightning on the keys as I answered him.

Basically we got into it again, but this time it was worse. He’s upset about us deciding to date for real.

A couple of minutes later, my phone rung and I answered it knowing it was Joe.

J: So what happened now?
R: *explains entire conversation*
J: What the hell is his problem?!
R: I know. It’s crazy, right?
J: Yeah. I’m sorry, Rose, but I gotta get some sleep for tomorrow.
R: Oh yeah of course. I’m sorry.
J: It’s OK. I wanted to hear your voice anyway.
R: *blushes* Thanks. I wanted to hear yours, too.
J: Alright. I’ll text you in the morning.
R: OK. Goodnight, Joey.
J: *laughs a little* Goodnight, Rosie.

I hung up with a smile on my face as my heart raced a little. It wasn’t long after that when I fell asleep dreaming peacefully that night.

-4 months later-

November 1, 2011

It had been officially almost 4 months since Joe and I started dating and boy was it difficult. He had been on tour since September and had been just got back last month on the sixth. We hadn’t seen each other since he released his solo album Fastlife which was mostly about his relationship with Ashley Greene and Demi Lovato.

I wasn’t jealous in the least bit, but the fact that he cried at one of his concerts explaining the purpose of the song “Sorry” which obviously about Demi, I was beginning to have doubts. I knew everything that happened to Demi and was entirely supportive to her since Joe was the farthest thing on my mind at the time, but now I was beginning to wonder if Joe was still in love with her.

True, they had dated for like 8 months, but he’d liked her for almost 2 years! I sighed as I got ready to go on our official first real date since 2007 and it was beginning to bug me. I got dressed in this. I cut my hair the month before into a bob style, but kept my dark brown hair the same color.

It was my 21st birthday today and I was very excited. Ena walked to me with a smile on her lips as she laced arms with me before we left to head to The Landing to a bar naturally arriving there in about 20 minutes. She brought her boyfriend and we invited some friends there, but even after an hour had passed making it 8PM, there was still no Joe.

I pulled out my phone excusing myself from the table as I walked outside where it was quieter than the loud booming music inside of the place. It rung three times before it went to voicemail.

“Hey, this is Joe. I’m not able to make it to the phone, but leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you ASAP. Peace.”

I sighed after it beeped before speaking.

“Joe, where are you? It’s my birthday. D-did you forget? Please call me back after you get this message. Bye,” I said before hanging up.

I covered my face with my hands as I tried catching my breath. What was wrong with me? I didn’t need Joe here. Oh who was I kidding? Suddenly, hands covered my face and the familiar scent filled my nose. I removed his hands from my face as I turned around, a smile plastered on his face.

“Surprised to see me?” Nick asked with a smile.

“W-what are you doing here?!” I asked incredulously.

“I can’t visit my best friend?” he asked causing my breathing to hitch in my throat.

“No, you can’t,” I answered coldly before I began to walk past him, but he grabbed my arm to stop me.

“I’m sorry,” he said with sincerity, but I pulled out of his grasp.

“Sorry for what? Being a dumb-ass?” I asked folding my arms across my chest.

“You look beautiful,” he said ignoring my question. I rolled my eyes even though my heart fluttered.

“Whatever,” I got out before turning, running straight into someone’s chest.

“Surprise!” Joe said cheerfully.

I squealed wrapping my arms around his neck as I pulled him close. He hugged me back just as eagerly, his arms wrapping securely around my small frame.

“You cut your hair!” he said in shock before touching it.

I blushed smiling brightly before speaking.

“I know. You like it?” I asked.

“Yeah. Why’d you cut it? When did you cut it?” he asked in a firm tone.

“Last month right after your last day of the tour,” I answered proudly.

I guess Nick stood there watching us because Joe’s eyes flickered to him before they went back to me.

“Let me take you away from here, OK?” he asked. I nodded eagerly taking him by the hand before lacing hands with him.

I explained everything to Ena whom shooed me away with a smile plastered on her lips as she gave me a thumbs-up before we walked to Joe’s car. To my great surprise, Nick was still following us and climbed in the car as well.

Since I rode shotgun, Joe driving, I turned my head around to stare at Nick before speaking.

“Why are you in the car?” I asked with an attitude.

“I came with Joe so he’s my way around,” he answered coolly.

I shot Joe an incredulous look wondering why in the hell he agreed to such a thing in the first place, but didn’t speak just facing forward for the entire car ride there.
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Like I said before, this story may end around Chapter 15 which is 3 chapters from now or if it's more than that, at Chapter 20 at the latest. Sounds good?

I'm so ready for this story to be over so expect long chapters like this.

As always, please don't forget to comment and subscribe. Also, thank you guys so much for all of the comments from the previous chapter. :) You guys are awesome!

Hopefully the next update will be soon since I'm working on Chapter 13 so expect a very quick update within at least the next few days.