Status: Discontinued

I'm in Love with My Best Friend Nick Jonas

The Ending of Us

Talk about awkward! We arrived to Jax Beach which was somehow secluded. I assumed Joe probably rented it for the night.

We-and by we, I unfortunately must include Nick whom also took off his shoes and socks. Both brothers were dressed in casual formal clothing and just about the exact same colors; blue and black. Did they shop at the same place before coming here?

I diverted my attention as we just walked with me realizing this was both of their first times being in Jacksonville since we were kids. So many things went through my mind.

We were all older yet both of these brothers were against one another because of me. I closed my eyes as the wind blew trying to get the thought out of my mind, but I couldn’t.

Apparently both brothers noticed because they asked in unison, “What’s wrong?”

I looked from one brother to the other deciding to answer both keeping my eyes on the ocean.

“Why are you both doing this?” I asked, guilt filling me.

“Doing what?” Nick asked before Joe could.

I turned to them since they both stood behind me one on each side of me. Naturally, Nick was on my right while Joe was on my left.

“This,” I answered pointing to each brother before motioning that they were standing on either side of me.

Joe put his head down while Nick put his hands in his pockets staring at me.

“What do you expect, Rose?” he asked blatantly.

“Nick!” Joe said in a warning tone.

“No, Joe. It’s time to spill everything now, isn’t it?” he asked staring at his brother before back at me.

“What are you talking about?” I asked in confusion.

“You should tell her, Joe,” Nick said stressing on his brother’s name.

“What is he talking about, Joe?” I asked my heartbeat increasing as I felt a bad feeling fill me.

Joe looked down before staring at me with sadness in his eyes.

“I’d like to ask first no matter what happens, you’ll stay with me, right?” he asked practically begging me, taking me by the hand.

I stared at him, pulling my hand out of his, wrapping my arms around myself.

“Go ahead and say it,” I said preparing for the worst.

“I slept with Britney Spears,” he confessed. My mouth dropped open as his words sunk in.

“Wow,” I said shaking my head before I walked past both brothers as I walked to the car. Nick and Joe eventually showed up, Joe sitting in the back seat while I sat in my original spot with Nick driving me home.

After he dropped me off, he turned off the ignition. I rushed out of the car not caring about saying goodnight or even acknowledging either brother’s presence.

I expected Joe to follow, but he didn’t. When I unlocked my door, it about to close it behind me, someone stopped it. The person who stopped me was Nick. I scoffed continuing to walk to my room while he entered, closing the door behind him. He quickly grabbed my arm turning me to face him.

“What?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” I yelled as tears filled my eyes, my voice breaking.

“I never wanted to see you in pain. I didn’t want this to happen. I didn’t want this at all,” he said with honesty.

“Really? Yet you tried to convince me to not date Joe something like this happens and you’re here. You’re here as though you expect me to turn into your arms and forget him. That’s not going to happen,” I got out as another tear fell from my eyes.

“I never expected it to. I’m here because I didn’t want Joe to lie to you,” he got out getting emotional as well as his voice broke a little.

“So what if he did, Nick?! It’s my freaking birthday and it’s ruined,” I got out with a slight laugh wiping the tears away.

“I’d rather you be hurt by this instead of being lied to. Excuse me for caring about you,” he said before walking away.

I turned to face his back as he walked away.

“No one asked you to,” I admitted. He turned his head to his right shoulder before speaking.

“Something told me to come and when Joe told me what had happened, I did it without hesitation,” he replied before turning back to me.

“Even though I’m with Delta and am in love with you, I refuse to sit back and let you get hurt by anyone. You may hate me or hold a grudge against me for the rest of my life, but I can live with that as long as you are OK,” he admitted his eyes trying to search mine.

I walked up to him doing something I’d never done before; I slapped him. The sound rung for a moment as my hand stung, a red mark appearing on his face even in the semi-darkness of the room. I was angry-angrier than I’d ever been in my entire life. Nick was being selfish; he wanted me, but claims he’s fine as long as I’m OK? Since when did he give two craps about that?

But he did something I never expected him to; he turned his head from his left again facing it to me.

Then, he gently placed his hands on my cheeks, but moved in kissing me fully on the lips. I don’t know what took over me, but I kissed back as a spark stronger than anything I’d ever felt in my entire life went through me.

Our lips moved in sync as the kiss changed to a French one with our tongues fighting over dominion over the other. His arms wrapped around my torso pulling me closer to him as my hands went to his hair, but reality hit me. His lips went from mine to my cheek and made it to my neck, but I pushed him away before speaking.

“No, no, no, no, no,” I got out catching my breath. A deep breath filled me as I realized Nick was catching his breath as well.

“I’m sorry,” he got out before we stared at one another. Instinctively, my hand touched my lips as I shook my head.

“That shouldn’t have happened-,” I said in a shaky tone. My lips tingled from where his lips just were.

“-But it did,” he finished for me.

My eyes filled with tears as he walked over to me embracing me in a hug as I broke down. I felt like such a total slut. Joe cheated on me and I end up kissing his brother. This was so messed up.

But as messed up as it was, it was Nick who ended up staying the night at my apartment. Now before anyone gets any ideas, he only comforted me. When I woke up early the next morning we were in the same clothes we’d worn the previous night. I sniffed looking up to my right seeing Nick’s arms wrapped around my torso. My left arm rested comfortably on his chest as he breathed sleeping soundly with the occasional soft snores.

I swallowed staring at the clock as it read 6:00 AM wondering why it was set that early. Then I realized Nick had to leave. I hit him a few times before shaking when he finally woke up.

“You’ve got to get going,” I said in a firm tone.

He groaned, but it sounded like a moan as he frowned. Had this would have happened a year ago, it would have been cute, but seeing the situation the both of us were in, it wasn’t. I shook him again causing his eyes to open.

“I have to go? Why?” he asked in a sleepy tone.

“Because if you don’t go, Joe will think you and I had sex or something. You need to go before anyone calls looking for you,” I said pulling out of his now loose grasp.

Right after I said that, his phone rung. Some song by Delta was filling the air causing both of us to frantically search for it. I found it somehow in my bedside drawer pulling it open and answered it just before it went to voicemail.

“Hello?” I asked forgetting momentarily of the possible outcome of my mistake.

“Rose? Why are you answering Nick’s phone?” Delta asked causing me to run a hand through my hair.

“Uh... Nick and Joe surprised me for my birthday yesterday and stayed over late,” I partially lied.

“Oh. Well, that’s fine,” she said nonchalantly.

“I’ll let you talk to Nick,” I began, but she cut across me.

“If he’s asleep, just tell him to call me when he wakes up,” she said in a casual tone.

I looked at Nick whom did the cut-throat signal. I plastered a fake smile to my lips as I spoke.

“Sure! I’ll definitely do that! Bye-bye,” I said a little over-cheerful and polite waiting for her to say bye before hanging up.

Tossing the phone to Nick whom had a look of relief on his face, I got out a breath of relief plopping back onto my bed.

“Damn that was close,” he said in a low tone.

“Mhm,” I agreed closing my eyes before I reopened them abruptly remembering something important.

“I have class today!” I exclaimed in shock sitting up before I ran to my closet, throwing clothes everywhere.

“R-Rose,” Nick tried, but I ignored him. As I frantically searched, he stopped me, pulling the clothes gently out of my hands and then placed his own on my face.

“Breathe,” he said normally before taking a deep breath slowly before exhaling. I stared into his eyes before following his instructions when suddenly he kissed me on the lips gently before pulling away.

“Relax. Just get ready,” he said before walking out of my room closing the door behind him.

I searched my room finding my phone. It had 5 missed calls and 10 text messages all of which were from Joe. Guilt filled me as I read the texts.

I’m so sorry, Rose. I didn’t mean for that to happen.

I’m sorry I ruined your birthday. I feel like a total jerk. Please forgive me. I hope we can work things out.

If anything happens between you and Nick, I understand, but I’ll also be hurt by it, too. I guess I’ll deserve it, huh?

Please answer me. I want to talk about this.

Please don’t let anything happen between you and Nick. I don’t want to lose you.

I’m not saying anything will happen between you two. It’s just-you know what I mean.

Rose? Please answer me.

I feel as though something’s happened. I regret not coming in after you. I just couldn’t..

Please answer me when you want to talk to me. I’m really really really sorry.

A sigh escaped me as I picked out this parting my hair directly down the middle and left it down. After brushing my teeth and spraying my vanilla body spray the scent of food filled the air leading me to walk into the kitchen to see Nick cooking.

A smile erupted on his face once I entered the room. He’d made bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches at least two for the both of us.

I smiled back with Joe not exactly on my mind at the moment as I enjoyed breakfast with Nick my first love.
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So here's another update. I'd like to say thank you guys for subscribing and commenting. :)

I'm currently typing up Chapter 15 as we speak, so I might be able to make it to 20 instead of just ending it at 15.

What do you guys think of Joe now? What do you think of Rose's actions with Nick? What about Nick?

Hahahaha! :D

Please don't forget to comment and subscribe. The next update will be in a few days so please stay tuned.