Status: Discontinued

I'm in Love with My Best Friend Nick Jonas

Gotta Get Away

After breakfast, Nick dropped me off at the campus which wasn’t too far from my apartment. We held hands the entire way in the taxi as I rested my head on his shoulder. Once we made it there, he kissed my cheek before getting out on his side now in jeans and a red, black, and blue plaid shirt he bought after we left my house.

I stepped out, him taking me by the hand. We hugged each other longingly, him talking in a low tone after we pulled away.

“What are you going to do about Joe?” Nick asked.

A sigh escaped me before I answered him.

“I have to talk to him. What are you going to do about Delta?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I guess things between us aren’t going to work out,” he said a little sadly.

“You really liked her, didn’t you?” I asked feeling guilty.

“Like is nothing compared to love,” he said trying to cheer up for me. I smiled a little before hugging him.

He placed a kiss to my forehead before getting back into the taxi. It drove away leaving me entirely confused. I took a couple of steps towards the book room when Joe’s voice filled the air.

“Rose!” he exclaimed.

I stopped dead in my tracks turning around to face him.

“What do you want, Joe?” I asked trying to keep my nerves under control.

“I want you to tell me I didn’t see you getting out of a taxi with my brother-the same asshole who knew you had feelings for him, but you obviously forgave him!” he exclaimed angrily.

“You can’t talk, Joe seeing as you slept with your tour mate!” I retorted just as angrily.

His expression changed from anger to guilt and then sadness before he spoke.

“I’m sorry and I’ll keep apologizing until you forgive me, but I was going to tell you something really, really important to me,” he began.

I took a breath before responding.

“OK. What is it?” I asked with skepticism.

“I love you,” he said with certainty and without hesitation.

My eyes widened at his words as I stared at him.

“You love me?” I asked making sure I heard him right.

“Yes. I’m truly and deeply in love with you,” he answered. I held a hand to my head as I massaged my temples.

“You what?” I asked trying to see if he was going to clarify his statement or change it.

“I love you, Roseanna and I know your heart originally belonged to Nick and that my actions haven’t exactly proved my feelings towards you, but what I made was a mistake then. I’m ready to start over with a clean slate and for us to move past that-," he began, but I cut across him.

“Stop. If you loved me, you wouldn’t have slept with anyone,” I said in a cold tone watching his face fill with even more sorrow and it killed me on the inside.

“I know that, but I don’t know what came over me to be honest,” he confessed.

“I know you don’t know what came over you, either, but I clearly wasn’t on your mind,” I got out masking my pain with my harsh words. I turned to resume my walk when he spoke.

“Really? And are you saying you didn’t know what came over you either when you let Nick stay over last night? How do I know nothing happened between you two? How do I know?” he asked causing me to get embarrassed and stop in my tracks.

Quickly turning to face him, I walked back to him before I slapped him just like I did Nick the previous night.

“You know, if you’re hurt, you don’t have to continue hurting me any more than you already have,” I got out as tears filled my eyes, but I didn’t shed them.

He stared at me with his mouth slightly open as his cheek began turning red. His left hand slowly raised to his cheek as reality hit him, but I decided to speak again.

“You’re right about something happening between me and Nick; it was just a kiss. It was our first one, but the only thought that stopped me from letting it go farther was the fact that I was still with you. I passed up the opportunity to be with the man I’ve been in love with since I was 12 when you did it without hesitation. I remained loyal to you even when I shouldn’t have had, but I did,” I said my voice cracking.

I shook my head as I bit my lip.

“It’s funny, really. We finally decide to be together after all of these years and the problem wasn’t Nick and what we had wasn’t a fantasy, but it was you. You were the one who messed up not me,” I choked, a tear sliding down my face causing me to quickly wipe it away.

I walked past him deciding to screw class. I needed to get away. I didn’t care where as long as I was away from Jacksonville. I pulled out my cell, dialing Nick’s number with him picking up after the first ring.

“Rose? Is everything alright?” he asked in a concerned tone. I sniffed wiping a tear from my eyes as more began to fall.

“I’m sorry and I know you probably just got to your hotel, but I need to get away. Please take me away from here. I can’t stay here. Please,” I begged finding a nearby bench to sit on.

I heard some shuffling sounds before he spoke.

“Alright. I’ll be there soon. Please try to hold it all together until I get there,” he promised.

I sniffed again as a loud cough came from me before I spoke.

“OK. Please hurry, Nick. I need you,” I got out.

“I will, Rosie. I’ll be there,” he said with certainty before he hung up.

I did as I was told, holding my cries in as I thought about everything. It was over; my relationship with Joe was over that fast. What was I going to do now? Was Nick going to break up with Delta for me? All of this was unnecessarily complicated.

It didn’t take as long as I expected to for Nick to show up in a rental car. As soon as I saw it was him, he got out of the car, walking to me before he wrapped an arm around me leading me to the car. He opened my door quickly shutting it behind me before getting back into the car and we drove off.

“Where did you want to go?” he asked.

“Anywhere,” I got out as more tears fell. He placed his left hand on the steering wheel while the other held my left hand in my lap.

We ended up driving back to my apartment. He and I packed a duffle bag of clothes for me to wear.

I was out of tears for the moment and hadn’t told Nick what had happened between me and Joe, but he knew I would tell him when I was ready.

Once we finished, I texted Ena telling her everything that happened and that I’d be back. She understood, but was upset I’d missed class and didn’t tell her first. Otherwise, she was fine.

He drove us to the hotel he was staying at, checking out before we ended up at the JIA. He bought two plane tickets to L.A. causing me to stare at him. It didn’t take long for us to book a flight and board first class so once we were on board we fell asleep Nick having an arm wrapped around me as I cuddled next to him.

We arrived to L.A. no later than about two and a half hours making it after 12 PM Eastern time, but 9 AM Pacific. Big Rob met us at the airport with Nick’s mustang already there waiting for us.

I greeted him casually while he nodded in return to me before escorting us fully to the car. Once we reached the mustang, Nick pulled out the key he already had unlocking it and then loaded our things into the trunk. We piled in, Big Rob getting into a different car and we were off again.

Neither of us spoke the entire ride there, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. About almost half an hour later, we arrived to some place I’d never been to before and didn’t even know it existed; Nick’s apartment.
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Wow. I don't really have much to say myself.

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