Status: Discontinued

I'm in Love with My Best Friend Nick Jonas

Nick's Diagnosis Part II

Twenty minutes later, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas returned with smiles on their lips as they beckoned Kevin and Joe to go next. As I sat with Frankie in my lap now, I thought only of Nick.

Type 1 Diabetes? I didn’t know if that was even a trait in the Jonas family considering how healthy they all were. But would Nick even want to see me after what he said earlier? Maybe he didn’t mean it. Maybe it was just his Diabetes.

I had to keep telling myself that, thinking of how he acted earlier as well as all of our years we’ve been friends.

I jumped slightly as a voice interrupted my thoughts.

“Rosie?” Frankie said in a sleepy tone, rubbing his eyes. His curly hair was slightly pressed against his head after sleeping for what seemed like hours.

“Hey, Frankster. I’m here”, I answered sweetly, rubbing his hair like I would Nick’s whenever he’d wake up and was next to or on me.

“W-where’s Joe and Kevin?” he asked, starting to slowly sit up.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Denise cut across me.

“They’re in the room seeing Nick right now. Your turn will be up next with Rose”, she answered in a kind tone.

He stood from the chair and walked over to her, staring her straight in the eyes as she leveled with him to hear what he said clearly.

“Is Nick OK?” he asked.
Silence fell over us for a moment before she spoke again.

“Yes, he’s going to be fine, dear. I’ll explain things later, OK?” she asked, giving him a gentle, side hug.

I felt bad for Frankie. He was so young back then and didn’t understand at the time what was going on with his immediate older brother. For once, I wanted to be just as lost as he was, but I shook the thought away just as fast as it’d come.

“Hey, guys”, Joe said with a warm smile. He and Kevin had returned five minutes later motioning for Frankie and I to see Nick.

I sighed, deciding it best to do it now rather than later. I stood, taking Frankie by the hand as we walked to room 316, entering slowly.

Nick was wide awake, something no one had told me. As soon as Frank realized that, he rushed to Nick’s side in joy.

“Nick!” he said, laughing a little as his eyes shined with excitement.

“Hey, Frankie”, Nick replied, his voice slightly hoarse, but audible as a huge smile replaced the blank one he had a few moments after we entered.

“So, are you gonna come home soon?” Frankie asked.

“Uh, I hope so, Frankster”, Nick replied with another smile as he messed up Frankie’s hair causing him to laugh, then groan and run out of the room leaving Nick and I alone.

I still hadn’t walked to Nick’s bed yet, my feet planting at the door.

“I won’t bite, Rose”, Nick said in a low tone.

And just like that, the anger I had against him washed away as I rushed to his side, burying my head in his chest as I hugged him, the tears erupting from me.

“I-I thought I was gonna lose you”, I choked.

Nick didn’t speak, allowing me to cry in his arms.

“It’s OK. You know I wouldn’t leave you guys like that”, he answered.

I sniffed, lifting my face up to his, staring into his eyes. He took one of his pale hands and wiped my tears away. Tingles erupted from his touch on my skin, but I pulled away.

“You scared me half to death, you jerk!” I said, giving myself some space from him as I ran a hand through my hair.

A smile covered his lips again as he did something I didn’t expect him to do. He laughed. For the first time since we got here, I heard Nick’s laugh again and from that point on, I knew Nick would be fine.

Three days later, Nick was released from the hospital with all of the supplies he’d need daily. I was surprised at how Nick adapted to it all, but when he got home, he was back to the same Nick I knew a few months previously.

We had a grand old time laughing and joking with Joe and Kevin a relief washing over all of us seeing that Nick was back to the same old Nick.

But just as fun-filled as those days were, the end of the following week had come, indicating my time to depart the boys once more to go back to Florida.

I’d began packing just as I was the previous week after I was mad at Nick, but it was in a more calm manner. No one had mentioned my leave, but everyone knew it was time. Just as I finished packing the last article of clothing in my second suitcase, Nick’s voice startled me, causing me to jump.

“You know, this is always the worst part even after all of these years”, he said with a small smile, leaning against the door frame of his bedroom.

We were back at the Jonas’ house, no longer at the lake seeing as we’d returned there after Nick was discharged from the hospital.

“So, you guys are gonna start that band of yours?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

“Rose-”, he began, but I cut across him.

“It’s not easy for me, either, you know.. I mean, I can’t stay with you guys. I have to go home, too”, I said, swallowing hard after I spoke.

“But what about high school? And us-your practical second family? Can’t you just stay for one year and stay with us?” he asked.

I finally turned to face him, staring directly at him. I was full of emotions at the moment, but I merely walked to him, wrapping my arms around his neck like I did in the hospital.

Nick hugged me back just as quickly, slightly squeezing me as though he didn’t want to let go.

I exhaled deeply as Nick’s cell phone went off, indicating we had to go. We pulled apart, walking to my things, then headed downstairs to greet the others.

-At the airport-

We arrived to the airport for what seemed like the thousandth time in my life with the entire Jonas gang seeing me off.

Denise held a sleepy Frankie in her arms while Kevin and Nick carried my suitcases even though I didn’t want them to.

Joe tried to keep me laughing and happy all the way until we go to my gate, coincidentally the intercom interrupting him in the middle of one of his jokes.

Flight 287 to Florida is now boarding at Gate 9

I plastered a smile to my lips as I gladly grabbed my things from the boys, setting them down next to me before hugging everyone starting with Mr. and Mrs. Jonas, to Kevin, then Joe, and finally Nick for last.

Everyone moved away from us as they gave us time to be alone like they always did, but this time, it was different between Nick and I.

We were quiet; quiet for a good minute, actually until he spoke.

“So, I guess this is see you next time again, right?” he asked.

A slight laugh escaped me as I smiled a little.

“Yeah, it is”, I answered.

Suddenly, he hugged me. I hugged back of course, but there seemed to be something in that hug-something I couldn’t quite figure out. We pulled away all too soon as Joe’s voice filled the air.

“Nick!” he hissed as though he knew something I didn’t.

Nick glared at Joe before returning his attention back at me.

“Don’t mind him”, was his response.

“OK?” I said questionably.

“Have a great year, Rose. I’ll call you every week if I can”, he promised.

“OK. Sounds great”, I replied.

We hugged once more before I reluctantly left.

But during the entire plane ride home, one thought crossed my mind.

What the heck was Joe talking about?
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Who's awesome right now? lol jk, guys. :D

Second update, second day in a row.

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