Status: Discontinued

I'm in Love with My Best Friend Nick Jonas

Meeting Miley Part 1

We arrived the next day to Hollywood studios (after we were settled in the HUGE hotel) to have a meeting with the director of Hannah Montana.

Nick, Joe, Kevin, and I rode in a white van while Mr. Jonas was in a black car which drove in front of our van.

I was in this which was an outfit Joe bought for me the previous night and boy did I keep getting looks from them.

Once we arrived, Big Rob opened the door for us, leading us inside of the enormous building. A quiet sigh escaped my lips as I entered with the boys, flashing my pass as we entered. Since I wasn’t a celebrity, I had to have a pass unlike the boys.

The building had grey-ish black, marble floors which shined as though we were at a bank or somewhere else of importance. My eyes traveled up to the beautiful, brown oak doors until we reached the brown elevator, stepping inside.

It was large enough to fit at least ten people in it, if not more. The floor in here however was tile and the buttons were clear.

“Are you nervous?” Nick whispered. Only he, Joe, Kevin, and I as well as Big Rob were in the elevator.

Mr. Jonas said he’d join us soon. I hadn’t noticed I’d started fiddling with my nails, a bad habit of mine whenever I was nervous.

“No,” I lied, causing myself to fiddle more with my nails.

To my surprise, Nick took one of my hands into his to stop the fiddling. It definitely did so as well as send shocks from my hand throughout my body.

“Better?” he asked as the heat from his hand coursed through my own, taking my mind off of things.

“Yeah,” I answered, smiling a little to keep myself from blushing.

The rest of the time to the 6th floor was silent. Before we reached the 7th door on that floor, Nick’s hand dropped from mine as we entered.

To our surprise, there were more people than just the director and producers. The entire cast including Emily Osment, Mitchell Musso, and Miley as well as Billy Ray Cyrus were there.

I took a sharp breath before looking at Nick as his eyes met Miley’s blue ones. Miley was so pretty. She was much slimmer than I was and had amazing, deep blue eyes as well as beautiful, brown hair that flowed down her back.

I began to become self-conscious and mentally compared myself to her. I couldn’t compare to her. Never in a million years.

The door opened once more, revealing Mr. Jonas as all eyes landed on him before the director spoke.

“Well, of course, sit down,” he said kindly with a laugh.

“Who’s your friend?” he asked once we did sit at the enormous table which spread across the entire room.

“She’s a close friend of the family. Roseanna,” Mr. Jonas answered in a professional tone.

“Oh. Welcome, Roseanna,” the man said.

“Thank you,” I said in a shy, polite tone.

The meeting was a blur to me since my eyes were focused mostly on Nick and Miley stealing glances from one another from time to time. Eventually, the director spoke again, this time to all of us.

“Alright, so you guys know how your characters are going to act, right?” he asked.

The boys shook their heads in response.

“You three are going to be the playful, love interests of Hannah Montana or at least fans of hers,” he answered with a smile.

Miley smiled brightly as a blush crept on her face. I forced my mouth to remain shut to keep the shock from showing on my face.

“Is that alright?” he asked.

“Yeah, that’s cool,” Joe answered.

“That’s fine, sir,” Kevin answered.

“Definitely,” Nick said in a dreamy tone as he stared at Miley first before staring back at the director.

“Alright. Well, here are the scripts for each of you and we’ll get started in about an hour. Is that fine?” he asked, catching all of us off guard.

“Uh, sure,” Mr. Jonas answered.

“OK. See you guys in an hour, then,” he concluded before standing as he passed out the script packets to each person who was going to participate in the scene, then left swiftly afterward.

Mr. Cyrus and Mr. Jonas began talking to one another while the rest of us kids walked towards the back of the room.

“So, how old are you guys?” Mitchell asked, getting an immediate slap to both arms by Miley and Emily.

I stifled my laughter as he blushed after yelling “ow”.

“I’m 18. Joe here is 16. Nick is 13 and Rose is 15,” Kevin answered with a smile.

“You don’t look fifteen,” Emily commented. I blushed lightly.

“Thanks,” I answered.

“Alright, so do you guys wanna exchange phone numbers to keep in contact?” Mitchell suggested, his eyes landing on me first.

“Uh, well-,” I began, but Nick cut across me.

“Sure!” he agreed excitedly. He must have forgotten I didn’t have a cell phone and if anyone was going to call me, it was going to be long-distance.

“Alright!” Emily said in the same tone as Nick. I quietly walked back to the table as the others pulled out their phones and began exchanging numbers.

Somehow, it ended with Nick and Miley being the last ones to exchange numbers. They shared a look at one another as though they were speaking with their eyes before handing back the other’s phone after what seemed like hours.

“Alright, boys and Rose. Let’s get going,” Mr. Jonas called.

“Sure thing, Dad,” Kevin answered.

We exchanged “see you later’s” as well as hugs with the others before piling back into the van. What made me angry had to be how as soon as we were in the van, Nick’s phone went off and he began texting like crazy.

I hadn’t realized it, but from that point on, Nick slowly drifted away from me that day. When we arrived to Studio 8 to the actual set to begin the reading as well as filming, I was all alone sitting in one of the rooms that had a TV, some games, and magazines.

How did they expect me to entertain myself with this stuff? Suddenly, though, the door opened, revealing one of my anchors; Joe.

He walked to me, pulling me out of the room.

“I-I’m supposed to stay in here,” I stammered, but he ignored me.

“Please. You’re a family friend of the Jonas Brothers. That’s enough to get you anywhere around here or with us in general,” he replied.

A smile appeared on my face at his words, but it soon dissipated once we reached Mitchell and the others as I saw Nick and Miley over by a keyboard which was on the set as though everyone was just sitting around doing nothing.

“I brought everyone a present!” Joe exclaimed, everyone smiling and saying “yay” after he spoke.

Emily walked to me, hugging me and began talking, but I drowned her out from time to time as my eyes kept wandering to Miley and Nick. I mentally smacked myself for even agreeing to come this weekend. If I knew things were going to be like this, I wouldn’t have bothered coming.

A few hours later, we left the set, getting about half of the episode filmed to get something to eat which didn’t help since the boys agreed to grab lunch with Miley, Mitchell, and Emily.

We went to a local McDonald’s and ordered before sitting at a huge booth as we talked and got to know one another.

Miley, Mitchell, and Emily bombarded me with questions about Florida and how I ended up becoming friends with the Jonas’ which I answered to the best of my abilities. The rest of the day after lunch was busy as they filmed the rest of the episode.

But thank God for nights. Once we reached the hotel again which seemed to be six hours later, I walked to Nick and I’s room as Joe and Kevin followed us.

After we sat down, Nick’s mouth flew open.

“Oh my gosh! She’s just amazing!” Nick’s blurted, surprising all of us.

“She knows how to play the guitar, sings, and likes our music! What more could anyone ask for?” he gushed.

“Anyone can do that,” I said before I could stop myself.

All eyes landed on me before Nick rounded on me.

“Really? Can you do it?” he asked, breaking me on the inside.

“Sure”, I answered. I walked over to the corner of the room where Nick kept his guitar he carried everywhere before strumming the strings and sung.

I was fine, til 7:05,
Til she walked out the door,
And right out on my heart
And you’re wrong.
I’ve moved on!

But it only would have taken two seconds to say goodbye,
Goodbyyeee oooh-oh oh

Silence fell over us as Nick stared at me in shock.

“What?” I asked.

“You can sing!” Joe said as though it were obvious.

“And when did you learn how to play the guitar?” Kevin asked.

“Last year, not long after I came back after…you know,” I said, referring to Nick getting diagnosed with Diabetes.

“Really? Why?” Nick asked in shock.

I shrugged.

“I don’t know. I thought it was pretty cool you, Joe, and Kevin knew how to play, so I bought some guitar books and stuff and learned on my own,” I answered casually.

“Wow,” the boys said in unison causing me to laugh.

“It’s not that serious, guys,” I said with a wave of my hand.

Nick’s phone went off and he stared at it for a moment before talking to us.

“I-It’s her, guys! It’s Miley! She’s calling me!” he said with excitement.

I rolled my eyes before heading out of the hotel room not realizing Joe was following me.

“Rose! Rose, wait up!” he shouted, catching up to me after I reached the stairs.

“No,” I replied, my voice quivering a little.

“What happened? I thought you told Nick!” he exclaimed in confusion.

“No I didn’t. I chickened out. How would I tell him if he’s all into Miley?” I asked, running a hand through my hair.

“You have more history with Nick than she does! It’s only right that you tell him!” he exclaimed.

“But I’m not sure if he’ll be happy with me,” I admitted.

A sigh escaped Joe before he went back to the room to let me think. Joe always did that whenever he was angry at me not doing things I should do.

I was so lost. I wanted more than anything to tell Nick right then and there, but how would I feel if he told me the same thing when I was dating Michael?

I turned, then followed in Joe’s footsteps being more confused than I ever was in my entire life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Last chapter for a while. :(

Sorry, Loves. I'll try to get another chapter out either next week or the week after. I have an extra day to relax this weekend since it's Labor Day weekend so I'll hopefully write more.

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