Status: Discontinued

I'm in Love with My Best Friend Nick Jonas

Meeting Miley Part 2: The Date

Once I returned to the hotel room, my eyes landed on Nick’s figure seeing as he was the only one pacing the room while Joe and Kevin were nowhere to be seen leading me to assume they went to their hotel rooms already.

I followed Nick’s actions with my eyes after I plopped down on my bed expecting him to talk to me. I quietly went through my suitcase choosing to wear some plain shorts and a large t-shirt. I changed in the bathroom, exiting to see Nick in his PJ’s as well and off of the phone.

I got into bed not even bothering to look at him. After a few moments, he spoke.

“We have a date tomorrow, Rose. Isn’t that awesome?” he whispered, turning the light off.

“You and Miley? Yeah, that’s awesome,” I agreed, lying through my teeth.

“Thanks, but I said we, Rose,” he said with a smirk.

I stared at his face for a minute before wrinkling my brows in confusion.

“What do you mean ‘we’?” I asked, sitting up straighter.

“I mean you, me, Miley, and Mitchell all have a date tomorrow,” he clarified.

“Um, I never agreed to go out with anyone,” I said in an upset tone.

“But Mitchell really likes you and you are single, so why don’t you give him a chance?” he asked.

I stared at Nick incredulously before scoffing.

“Are you serious?! I’m not saying Mitchell’s a bad looking guy, but have you ever thought about asking my opinion about these things before arranging them without my consent?” I asked, lying down with my back facing his direction.

“I’m sorry, but I thought for once you’d want to date someone sort of famous for a change,” he mumbled causing me to sit bolt upright giving him a cold look.

“Are you serious right now?!” I exclaimed incredulously.

“What? I was just saying-,” he began, but I cut across him.

“You were just saying what? That I’d want to date someone famous like you?” I asked, but I stopped, realizing my words.

I turned, facing the opposite direction once more before mumbling a “goodnight” while dying in my embarrassment.

“You did WHAT?!” Joe exclaimed incredulously.

“Yeah. It just sort of slipped out,” I admitted, putting a hand to my forehead.

The boys and I were currently in the lobby of the hotel, but were out of earshot from anyone. I twiddled my thumbs nervously as a groan escaped me.

“So, what did he say?” Joe asked with a yawn. It was currently after 8 AM, but I was wide awake.

“Nothing. We haven’t talked about it at all, actually,” I mumbled, but he heard me.

“WHAT?!” Joe exclaimed a little too loudly.

The burning of stares pierced into my head as I turned it away from any and every one to the left of us. A moment of silence filled us before he spoke, taking a deep breath beforehand.

“OK. We’ve gotta come up with something fast. Nick is being an idiot right now and him being into Miley isn’t going to help things, either,” he said shooting glares at Nick.

I glanced in the same direction before I spoke.

“Maybe this date thing won’t be such a bad idea,” I said uncertainly.

Joe shot me a look before speaking again.

“Oh please! It has bad written all over it!” he exclaimed in a harsh whisper.

“That may be true, but shouldn’t I only care about Nick’s happiness. You can only date someone once with him, you know?” I asked.

“Fine, but since you’re going on this date with him, I have to make you look good,” he said in a strict tone causing me to bug out.

“Um, what does that mean?” I asked nervously as he smiled.

“Come on,” he said, pulling me by the hand as he lead me towards Kevin.

“Kev-o, we have a situation,” he said once we reached him.

“Oh, boy. What’s wrong now? Did Nick act even stupider last night?” Kevin asked with a groan.

“No, it’s not that. He and Rose are going on a date tonight with Miley and Mitchell and Rose has nothing to wear,” Joe said dramatically causing both Kevin and I to shoot him looks.

“Seriously, dude?” Kevin asked uninterested in Joe’s melodramatics.

“It’s true! Even though I don’t want Nick’s attention, Joe thought it’d be best for me to ‘dress up’,” I chipped in.

Kevin stared from me to Joe and back again as I gave him my best pouting face.

“Ugh, fine. I’ll help, but only this one time. Don’t be disappointed if nothing happens, though,” he said before walking away.

Joe and I high-fived one another before I spent another day with the lovebirds and everyone else on set.

-The following night-

I walked up to the door as I paced in my outfit trying desperately to get used to the heels.
“You can come in now,” I said to Joe and Kevin before they entered the room, their mouths dropping in awe.

I took a sharp intake of breath before speaking as I scratched my recently-straightened hair which had no frizzes or anything.

“Oh my-,” Kevin began, but Joe finished the sentence for him.

“-gosh, Rose! You look-you look beautiful,” he stammered nervously causing me to stare in the full-length mirror they bought earlier in the day.

“Are you sure? I think I look OK, but-,” I began, but they cut across me.

“Are you kidding me?!” Kevin asked incredulously as he embraced me in a quick hug.

“You look great, Rose,” Joe said in an honest tone.

I blushed a little, my body jumping at the sudden knock at the door.

“Thanks, guys,” I said in a whisper smiling a shy smile.

“You ready, Rose? I’ll be waiting downstairs in the lobby,” Nick called through Joe and Kevin’s hotel door.

“OK. I’ll be there soon,” I called back following Joe’s directions.

They hugged me again before escorting me to the elevator after Nick left. I nervously took it as I tapped my foot before I began fiddling with my newly manicured nails. A quick sigh escaped me as the quiet chime of the elevator sounded as the door slid open.

“Well, here goes nothing,” I said to myself before stepping out of the elevator, my heels click-clacking with each step I took.

I began to grow self-conscious when Nick, Miley, and Mitchell’s eyes all landed on me; both Mitchell and Nick’s mouths dropped open as they gaped at me.

A small smile covered my lips as I approached them quickly taking Mitchell by the arm.

“Shall we?” I asked.

The boys nodded feverishly and we were off.

I’m sure you guys could figure out what happened next, huh? Even though I was all “prettied” up like that, Miley did everything in her power to keep Nick’s attention on her alone discouraging me mentally for even trying. Mitchell was and still is a great guy, but we don’t talk much about the date thing seeing as it didn’t go very far. Eventually, he ended up with Emily which wasn’t a surprise to me.

But still, even after my efforts that night, I was surprised more than ever when Nick didn’t say anything besides the usual small talk. It was as though I were just a complete friend to him and Miley’s tricks worked. They began dating shortly after that and you know how the rest goes. But how does one relationship turn from bliss to tragedy after almost a year and a half one may ask?

Well, that’s another memory I must recall. Trust me, it’s going to be one that’ll blow your mind.
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Jeez! I can't believe it's been two months since I've last updated! Shame on me!

Anywho, my lovelies! I'm back!!!


I've recently started another fan-fiction called Before the Fame. I'm sure if you've heard of or read Confessions of a Famous Teenage Actress, then you'll love Before the Fame.

Before the Fame is the prequel/sequel to Confessions so if you're interested, please check it out. :)

The next update for this story will be in two weeks, so please stay tuned!