Frerard Ghost Of You

Chapter 4

Frank's point of view
I woke up in the early hours of the morning when Gerard quickly jumped out of the bed and ran up the stairs, I had been resting my head on his chest.
Dazed, I looked around and adjusted to the darkness, stepping over clothes, paint and various other things I made me way to the door, I balanced myself by leaning on the door frame.

Suddenly I heard someone violently throwing up, I quickly sprinted up the stairs and straight into the hard bathroom door, that will bruise, I could here Gerard moaning and then throwing up again.

"Gerard, Gerard" I was trying to whisper so I didn't wake everyone else.

"Gerard, babe, open the door.. Please?"
He slowly opened the door, he looked terrible but managed to smile a say
"Shut up" I blushed "Are you okay?" I slowly close the door behind me.

He was leaning over the toilet and I didn't even need to hear an answer I knew he definitely wasn't okay

Gerard's point of view

I breathe with my eyes shut. My mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water that doesn't know what air is. Just keep breathing. I only open my eyes after I've flushed the toilet twice, I can feel Franks hands on my shoulders.

My knees hurt. I get up and lower the toilet lid. I sit on the end of the bath, waiting for the nausea to pass.

I feel ill. I'm light headed in a way that reminds me of roller coaster rides. I feel almost weightless.

"Gerard are you okay hunny, did you have a bad dream?" My mother says from the other side of the door, I can here that she is tired.
"Uh Huh, I will be fine you can go back to bed" I reply
"Okay, you know where the medicine is in the kitchen if you need it"

I topple on to the tiled floor, Frank jumps up and pulls be against the wall, he puts his hand on my forehead, he wipes away the cold sweat. I double over and moan, he rubs my back.

I move over to the sink. My knees are still shaking but the nausea has gone. After I've splashed my face with cold water, I wash my mouth until my lips hurt. The familiar smell of the towel has a calming affect. I dry my face and hang the towel back on the hook and look at myself in the mirror, Pale, scared and confused.

Jet black hair falling over my face, shadows under my eyes, I move close and watch myself watching myself. My eyes are tired and there are things hiding behind them. I see myself, Gerard Way. See myself like in one of those films you watch after going on a holiday where you can't really remember having done all those things.

I realise I'm still wearing my jumper but not my jeans, I slowly pull it off along with my t-shirt, I hear a small giggle and I realise Frank is still there. I don't really mind him seeing me in only my boxers, I pull open the draw and grab my tooth brush I can still taste vomit on the roof of my mouth and my stomach is churning but then calms down. I brush my teeth and we make our way down stairs again. I leave my clothes upstairs for my mother to get in the morning.


As the morning comes Frank continues to ask me if I'm okay, He knows I'm not.
"Frankie, please"
"Okay I'm just worried"
"I'm okay for now, okay?"
He leans over closer, I close my eyes for a second and breath in his delicious scent.
Suddenly he jumps onto of me and rips off my shirt and slams his lips into mine, I wrap my arm around him tightly and pull him closer.
I pull myself up against the wall and he hooks his legs around my waist.

Frank has one hand on the wall to balance and the other on my chest, he begins to un-button my pants, I don't stop him I start kissing the back of his neck, I can hear him making slight noises which lead me to continue down to his collar bone.

"Gerard!" My mother calls from the top of the stairs,
I don't respond.
I sigh loudly and turn away from Frank.
"We are going out, look after Mikey he is up here making breakfast"
"Wait can Frank come over?"
"Uh sure hunny, see you later"

Frank sat silently on my bed, I heard the car pull out onto the street and drive away.

"Sorry but we kind of have to go upstairs now.."
"Aaaw but I was having fun" Frank whines.
"You know what Mikey's like, toasters and forks, TV's and baths" I laugh
♠ ♠ ♠
I might continue it.. maybe