Broken Home


~Franks POV~

"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM GERARD! MIKEY IS JUST TRYING TO LOOK OUT FOR YOU" I was so angry that I was shaking, how could he treat mikey like this.

"Frank, Frankie" He said smoothly "Please, get out of my room"

He was smiling, sitting on the side of his bed smiling.


"Okay" He chuckled.

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM GERARD" How was he just sitting there, how. He didn't care at all.

"Right now, my problem would actually be you." He replied still smiling.
I couldn't understand how he was so calm and happy, he just pushed Mikey into a wall and had cuts all down his left side.

"WHY ARE YOU- WHAT" I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, I was so frustrated and angry.

"Why would you do that to Mikey" I decided maybe yelling wasn't helping.

"I didn't do anything to Mikey, Frank"


"Frank, I think you need to calm down" He sounded so sincere.

I couldn't understand, I couldn't figure out what was happening. Gerard ran out then came back cut and bruised. Mikey tries to talk to him. Gerard pushes him. I yell at Gerard. Gerard, Gerard is calm and sincere. He acts as if nothing happened. Was I going mad?

Mikey walked up behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Frank, it's okay.. I'm okay. Just come with me"

I stood there staring forward trying to think. Mikey spun me around and I walked back to his room.

~Mikey's POV~

Frank stood there staring forward out my window. He hadn't moved yet. I don't even think he had blinked.

"Why?" He whispered

"Gerard, he's just trying to mess with your head"

"But he pushed you"

I looked down, Frank finally tore his gaze from the window and walked over to me.

"He hurt you"

"No, he didn't. I'm fine"

"He pushed you"

"Frank just don't-"

"Don't worry about it, of course I'm going to worry about it, I don't understand he pushed you and you cried. You cried and he didn't care. I yelled and he laughed."

"Gerard does that. He's just messing with you"

Frank sat down next to me and sighed. I looked up and Gerard was standing in the door way.

"Mikey, can I please talk to you" He sounded terrible. I got up and Frank grabbed my arm.

"Frank it's okay, please" I whispered. He slowly, reluctantly let go.

I followed Gerard to his room.

I walked in and turned to him, He closed and locked the door behind him.

"Mikey" He turned around, He was crying. "Mikey.. I.. I"

His voice was trembling.

"Gerard what's wrong?"

"I... I don't.. I don't know. I'm sorry I shouldn't have pushed you.. And Frank I shouldn't have acted like that.. It's just.. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry"

"Gerard it's okay"

He walked over and sat on his bed and put his head in his hands,

"No it's not okay, I should treat you like that, I'm so sorry Mikey"

I sat next to him and rubbed his back.

"Gerard it's okay"

He sat up and hugged me, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, I should treat you like that, I'm sorry Mikey, I really am"
I pulled back and looked him in the eyes

"Gerard it's fine, really"

"Mikey, I love you"

"I love you too Gerard" I gave him a weak smile.

He stroked my hair and traced my jawline before slowly pressing his lips to mine, I felt his mouth relax as he slid his tongue along my bottom lip. He knocked me back onto the bed and kissed me again.

"Gerard no" I pushed him off me and walked towards the door.

"I'm sorry Mikey" I turned back and he was smirking at me.

"No, no you're not sorry Gerard. You are sick, disgusting. I can't believe you would do that, Make me feel sorry for you just so you can take advantage of me, You are sick"

I unlocked the door, I could hear him chuckling as I slammed the door behind me.