It was you

"What? No goodbye kiss?

"Haha! Charlie, you're so gay," Blake smirks from across the class room. I can feel Charlie tense up next to me. I stood up so fast after I heard that, my chair almost toppled over.

"Oh shut your trap! Is that all you can do? Insult?" I yelled towards Blake, who was leaning back in his chair, his feet on his desk.

"Now,children. Calm d-" The male subsitute started. Great,another sub that can't take control.

"Oh! Now it's his bodyguard, Belle!" Blake inturrupts.

"Oh! and there's you, Blake Conrad, acting like a total ass!" I shout.

"Shut it, book worm."

"No, you shut it, douche bag." Charlie touched my arm and motioned me to sit down.

"And besides, Charlie is way hotter than you anyday,Blake." I added before sitting back down. The room was speechless. Even Blake. 'Cause I just said what everyone knew but was just afriad to say. After a few seconds on quietness, the classroom started to have it's usual noise again. Everyone except Blake was talking. He was still speechless. Good. He should be.

The subsitute cleared his throat and motioned everyone to settle down.
"Well, that was quite a show. My name is Mr.Charelston and I'll be your subsitute for the next following weeks." A few mummers erupted across the whole room. One kid raised his hand and asked did he kill our original teacher.

" She fell down the stairs by slipping on a tiny skateboard." Mr.Charelston said. Then he turned to me and Charlie.

" I do a little counciling as my second part time job. And I would like you-" he points to me. "-and you" he points at Blake. " To attend, a counciling session after school."

"What?!" Blake and I says in unison.

"Yes. Well, see me afterschool." Mr.Charelston says.

"Do you even have authority to do that?" I ask.

"Yes. Your teacher has mentioned you two specificly to be counciled if you guys have any farther arguing." Screw my teacher. How could she.


"I can't believe I'm stuck here with you." I mummer as Blake took a seat next to me.

"Well, why don't you blame that gay friends of yours?" Blake says. That's it. I slam my hands onto the table.

"Hey, you asshole! First of all, gay people are cool and I love him. Second, 'gay' isn't a fucking insult!" I yell even if he's next to me.

"So what? What are you going to do?" Blake temps. I look around the classroom. Empty except me and Blake. Mr.Charelston went to the little boys' room a while ago. As long as I'm quick. Boys pee fast.

Grabbing Blake's hair, I lean him towards me.
" I will kick your balls so hard, you'll be singing like a high-pitched squirrel for weeks." I whispered into his ear.

Just then Mr.Charelston walked in and cleared his throat.

"Ah, here we are.Glad you two made it." Mr.Charelston says.

"I had no choice," Blake says and faces away from me. I did the same. Mr.Charelston stood there studying us for a while.

"Let's find out what triggers you two to fight," Mr. Charelston says after a while.

"Blake here is a total douche and constantly picks on my best friend, Charlie." I say almost instantly. It's a habit for me. A lot of the students asks us this. A lot.

"Well you don't have to stand up for him," Blake mummers.

"Yes, I do!' I throw at him.

"No, you don't." Blake says all nonchalant.
I was about to say very un-nice things to Blake but Mr.Charelston held up a hand to silence us.

" Blake, why do you pick on Charlie?" Mr.Charelston closed in on him. Blake looks back to me and him but doesn't speak.

"Ah, I see." It was as if an unspoken language was spoken between them. Now Mr.Charelston turns to me.

"Now, why do you stand up for Charlie?"

"Because he's my best friend." I say.

"Belle, was it?" Mr.Charelston asks. "Roseabelle." I correct.

"Roseabelle, can you step out of the classroom for a bit?" Mr. Charelston asks.

"Sure," I say, giving him a weird look and step out into the hallway.It didn't seem like "A bit." It felt like hours. I had to pee.Twice.

Finally Mr.Charelston opened the door.
"Finally," I said under my breath. I was about to walk in but Mr. Charelston stopped me.

"Roseabelle, how far do you live from here?"

"Uhrm..Thirty minutes by walk." I responded slowly.

"Great! Mr. Conrad should walk you home. It's late." Mr. Charelston cheers, handing me my bag and shutting the door in front of my face.

I'm so shocked, I stand still there like a dork. A few seconds later, Blake comes out. He doesn't say anything, but motion me to start walking.

"Blake, you've been there before. As a kid." It was as if the words slipped out my mouth. Blake nods and starts walking. He looks different. Like something has deflated in him.


Mr.Charelston was right. It was late. And scary. And dark. I'm kind of grateful he made Blake walk me home.

Blake walks in front of me quietly. Even the view of his back looked different. I hadn't been this close to him without fighting with him since sixth grade. He grew taller. The view of his back kind of made me want to run up there and-

I shake my head. Bad Roseabelle! Bad! I hadn't noticed that Blake had stopped until I accidently bumped into him.

"What?" I ask, looking into his eyes. It still has that wonderful blue look. I mentally kicked myself. This isn't the time to be lost in his eyes like the past.

"This kinds of defeats the point of walking you home.." Blake stares at me.

"Right.." I agree and walk past him. Bad choice. I can feel his eyes staring at me from behind me. It's as if he's boreing holes into my back. I stop and wait 'till he's right next to me to start walking again.

"You got a piercing.." Blake says.

"No shit, sherlock." I say defensively. It's been so long since I actually talked to him this way. Since he wasn't such an ass. I feel a lump forming in my throat. Uh-oh. I'm going to start crying.

As if forever, we finally reach my house and stop in front of it.

"So..." Blake difts off and slightly brushes my hand. My heart skips a beat instantly at his touch. Just like middle school.

"Thanks, I guess." I say. We're not close anymore. Not anymore.

"Yep. 'Kay." Blake says. I give him a weird look and started walking through the gates.

"What? No goodbye kiss?" Blake says jokingly. Tears were slowly forming in my eyes. It was a joke from a past. No big deal.

"Bye, Blake." I say and shut the door behind me. My breathing grew heavy and I let the tears fall. I didn't know I'd be this easy to break.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this story was supposed to start out romantic-y but I decided to add some drama in it. ;)

BTW, I have no grudges against homosexuals. I think they're cool and friendly. Besides, they're typicly awesome.