Status: Active

This love is ours to defend

I'll be there for you to the end

Gerards POV

I don't know why I freaked out when we kissed, I asked if we could. I think it was because of the tension between us, I shouldn't have done that.
When we kissed, I saw fireworks, this was new. I had never felt this way in a kiss before, it wasn't just the fireworks, everything felt so comfortable with Frank, I didn't feel like i had to hide my body, or be ashamed.
It wasn't like that with Lindsey, she said that I could loose a little weight.
And i had to pick up my stuff. Fuck.

Franks POV
I felt empty inside, empty and I was bored.
Should I call Gerard?
Motherfucking yes.
I picked up my phone and entered Gerard's number.
It rang and rang.
I could feel tears burning down behind my closed eyelids, maybe something have happened to him!
I was crying now. I sat in my living room and sobbed like a kid, I was so pathetic.
Then i saw the knife, relieving pain, no thoughts, only the physical pain. No! I promised Gerard not to.
The voice in my head kept going "Do it Frank, it wont hurt, you will feel so good, you wont remember your father, not even Gerard or Jamia, I promise."
I couldn't resist the urge, I ignored the fact that a knife should be in the kitchen, not in the living room, and grabbed the knife. I placed it perfectly on my wrist.
"NO!" I heard a voice behind me, I turned around and saw Jamia standing there looking angry.
"Frank! You promised!" She yelled.
I dropped the knife in pure horror
"We talked about this! You promised me that you would turn to me if something was wrong"
She looked into my red puffy eyes and said.
"You promised me, Frank"
"You l-l-left m-me Jamia, you-u l-l-left m-me" I stammered out.
"Jamia, what the fuck are you talking about, Frank?" Gerard voice growled.
Jamia's face disappeared, and there was Gerard, with a disappointed look in his face.
I stood up from the couch
"I-i-im sorry Gee" I stammered again.
"Frankie, I shouldn't have left you, I just freaked out."
"But you asked me to kiss you" I said with a questioning tone in my voice.
"Yes, I know.."
"It was stupid, Frank" he continued
"Yeah, ofcourse, stupid.." I said disappointed

Gerards POV
Frank sounded disappointed, I don't know why, I guess I just imagined it.
He took a step closer and gave me a hug. He put his arms around my neck and i wrapped mine round his waist.
He buried his face in my chest, again. I think i liked to do that, not that i didn't like it. I smirked at my own thoughts.
He pulled away from the hug, I wanted to hold him forever, i didn't want him to pull away. I wanted to hold him, naked, I wanted to give him a blowjob and watch the big hickey i would give him grow.
I was a whore on neck kisses.
I imagined him naked, giving me a blowjob.
No, i should not think this way, he's my best fucking friend, this would ruin our friendship!
Nonononono! Not.Hard.Now.
Grandma in thongs. Grandma in thongs. Grandma in thongs.
Shit it didn't work.
My mind slipped over to Frank in thongs, and that would NOT help.
"Geeee?" Frank's voice said.
"Why are you starring at my crotch?" He laughed
"And WHY are you hard? Do you find me sexy GeeGee?" He smirked
He took a step forward and whispered in my ear.
"Gee, you should go and fix your problem"
Shit! What should i do? Okay, I'll act cool.
"No, I like it this way" I shrugged and sat down on the couch
Frank sat down beside me and whispered seductively in to my air
"You know, I could take care of your problem"
Acting cool, not smart.
He laughed and pulled away
"Just kidding Gee, I wanted to freak you out" he smirked
"I know, Frankie" I said
"But I need to fix this now, so if you would excuse me. Yeah, and by the way, we need to pick up my stuff at Lindsey's in ten minutes, okay?"
"Yeah, course" he said.
I opened up the door the bathroom and sat down on the toilet seat, I could always just masturbate but i didn't have the time and i didn't want Frank to hear me moan out his name in pleasure so i decided to do try the "grandma in thongs" shit again and this time it worked.
"Frank we're leaving now!" I opened the bathroom door and started running towards the car so i could drive, i knew if Frank came to the car before me, he would insist to drive.
I sat down in the driver seat and started the car, Frank opened the door breathless and asked.
"What the fuck was the running about?"
"You know, I wanted to drive" I said smirking
♠ ♠ ♠
Long chapter wow!
And i know it's grammar and spelling mistakes in here, i suck in english and i'm lacy :)
i promise you a little sexyneesss in the next chapter and the next chapter WILL be up today.