Rebuilding the Wizarding World

Chapter 1

There was a loud thump in the attic. My first instinct was to call the police, but I figured if I focused enough on my sleep, the illusion would disappear. My mind was set on total darkness, and the sound of the crickets calling out at night filled my head. I heard the thump again, and then again. By this time, my heart was racing and I screamed out "HELP ME!" My father came running into the room panicking. I shut my eyes tight and started to panic more and more. THUMP. THUMP. THUMP. CRASH! My father raced out of my room and pulled down the attic stairs.
"Dad what is up there?" I said softly.
"I don't know baby girl. Get my flashlight underneath the sink." He said firmly.
I scampered down the stairs and grabbed his flashlight. While I was downstairs, I grabbed something to drink. As I opened the refrigerator, I noticed we were out of power. I flipped on the power of the flashlight and shined it on the fridge. I grabbed a soda, and turned around to head out. When my eyes adjusted to the dark, a tall figure stood in-front of me. My soda slipped from my hand and my jaw dropped. A 8 foot tall man was standing in front of me. His eyes fixated on mine.
"You do look a lot like your grandmother, Jessibell." He said softly.
I couldn't make a sound. I just stood there staring in awe.
"Who are YOU?" I said calmly.
"You know Jessibell, you shouldn't talk to strangers" Said the man, with a smile on his face.
I started to run up the stairs, but he grabbed me by my waist and brought me back down.
"What do you want with me?" I squealed.
I never knew something strange like this would happen to me, but look at me now, its happening.
"Jessibell, my name is Hagrid. Your grandmother...Ginny Weasley...I dont know how to explain this to you."
"Just spit it out, my father is upstairs....what about my grandmother Ginny?" I said boldly.
"She was a wizard. And you are too. Your mother, Lily...wanted me to come here on your 12th birthday to bring you to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." He said without blinking.
I looked up the stairs and looked back at Hagrid. My mind was completely blown.
"How are you so sure that I am too a wizard. I don't believe you"
"Jessibell, has anything strange happened to you? Things you didn't understand?"
"Well, I was trying to sleep tonight, and I had a lot on my mind.....I kept hearing loud noises upstairs..."
"What were you thinking about?"
"My mother....I miss her. I lost the stuffed animal she gave me as a baby, and I just miss having that around to think about her."
"Lets have a look upstairs, shall we?"
"STUPEFY!" He whispers pointing a slim stick at my father.