Status: This story will come along really slowly

Third Wheel

It's A Date

I'd never thought of myself as special. I was your typical girl who was shy, insecure and passionate. What was I passionate about? Sports. It consumed me. I could watch twelve straight hours of playoff hockey.

Growing up, I was the ultimate shy girl. I hated being around large groups (I still do, kinda) and I hated to talk to people I didn't know.

So when I was thrust into talking... okay, not talking, asking out a member of my favorite hockey team, you can imagine how I did, right?

“Come on Carrie. You said you were going to.”

“Guys, this isn't just anyone. This is Greg Campbell.” I couldn't believe my friends were making me do this.

“Yeah, the guy you've been crushing on for two years now. Just suck it up and do it. The worst that'll happen is...”

“Rejection.” I was scared out of my mind.

“And you won't be rejected. Show your smarts and he'll fall for you.”

“There's no way he could turn you down.” Britney said.

“Besides, you've been around the group enough that...” Tammy started but I cut her off.

“There is a difference between standing against the wall silent, and physically asking out the guy I've been crushing on for two years.”

“Jesus girl... grow a pair and ask him.” Brit laughed.

We were waiting outside the rink in Wilmington where the Bruins practiced. Tammy was married to first-line winger Nathan Horton and Britney was engaged to our other first-line winger, Milan Lucic. Me? I was the odd man out. The third wheel. I felt awkward but knew it was going to get worse after I made a fool of myself.

Nathan, Greg, Milan, and Johnny all came out of practice together. Nathan and Milan greeted their girls while Johnny, Greg and I stood there awkwardly.

“Hey guys, how was practice?” I asked, trying to ease the awkwardness.

Tammy and Britney looked at me, obviously impressed that I initiated the conversation.

“Good. It was an easy practice today. I think everything is going to start clicking real soon.” Johnny said, smiling. Johnny was always smiling.

I could feel someone starting at me. I glanced over to see Greg looking at me, the same blank expression he always wore. “Everything okay Soups?” Johnny asked, nudging him. I felt my cheeks turn ten shades of red and heat up like a stove top.

“Yeah, I'm fine.” He mumbled.

I took a deep breath. “Greg, can I talk to you for a minute?” I asked, barely believing what I was about to do.

“Sure.” He seemed some-what taken aback. He never expected this out of me. We wandered away from the group and to his car. “What's up?”

“Look, I'm just going to say this... I like you. A lot. And... I didn't know... if maybe... you wanted to grab lunch sometime.” I knew my cheeks were as red as humanly possible.

Greg smiled his beautiful, soft smile. “I'd love to.”

“It's okay if... wait. You would?”

“Yeah. I honestly was going to ask you the same thing. And there's no need to blush.” He chuckled. “Let's go all out though. Let's have dinner. Make this a real date.”

“Are you sure? I mean, don't say yes if...”

“I want to. We have Friday off, will that work?”

“Friday? Yeah.” I was stunned at how this was turning out.

“Good. I'll call you Thursday to make sure we're still on.” He then did something I never expected. He placed a kiss on my cheek. He said goodbye although I don't think I heard him and got into his car. I walked back over to the girls and just nodded. They squealed and both hugged me.

“Not just lunch. Dinner date.” I said, still dumbfounded.

“Oh my god! See, I told you he'd fall for you.” Tam said.

“He said he's wanting to ask me for a while.”

“He's been crushing on you.” Britney said and Milan cleared his voice.

“Greg? Yeah, we cant get him to shut up.”

“It's annoying.” Nathan added.

I stood there, trying to comprehend everything that was happening. All I knew? I had a date with Greg on Friday night and didn't have a thing to wear.