Status: This story will come along really slowly

Third Wheel

Can I...

Thursday came and to say I was nervous is an understatement. When I'd told Tammy I would feel like a stalker crazy person... I meant it. I understand wearing the jersey of your favorite player but if you're going to be going on a date with said player, you really shouldn't be wearing their jersey. At least, not till you've actually started dating them.

“Don't worry about it.” Tammy said, “and stop fidgeting. You're fine.”

“Tammy... I feel like a stalker.”

“Would you stop that?!” Britney slapped the top of my hand, which was pulling on the jersey.

“I don't understand why I have to...” I stopped as Greg, Nathan and Milan came up. Nathan and Milan gave us all hugs while Greg looked uneasy.

“You okay Greg?” Tammy asked, worried.

“Yeah.” He shuffled from foot to foot. “Carrie...”

“Yes Greg?” I was nervous. More nervous than maybe I'd ever been in my entire life. I knew what was coming. He was backing out of our date.

“Can I talk to you?”

“Sure.” We wandered a little ways away from the group. “Yeah?”

“Umm...” He started rubbing the back of his neck, obviously nervous.

“Just spit it out.” I said, trying to encourage him to get it over with.

“Can...” He shook his head, trying to convince himself that whatever he was about to ask wasn't worth it. I just continued to look at him, waiting for it. He took a deep breath. “Can I kiss you? I've wanted to do it for a while now.”

That was not the question I was expecting. I wasn't sure my voice was going to work so I nodded, never realizing we had an audience. Not only Tammy, Nathan, Britney and Milan... but a few fans. Which were not going to take too kindly to my kissing Greg.

When his lips touched mine, well... there's no other way to describe it other than fireworks. Like a huge adrenaline rush had hit me. And I didn't want it to end. Neither did Greg. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me so close, there was no space between us. The kiss deepened and I heard Tammy and Britney aww. The fans were getting restless.

Greg pulled away too soon for my liking. “Wow.”

“You took the words right out of my mouth.”

“So... any chance I can get one of those after the game?”

“Only if you win.” I grinned.

He leaned down and placed a small kiss on my lips. “Trust me, we'll win.” He laughed.

I rejoined the ladies and we headed to our seats. I was a much happier person after all of that than I ever could have imagined.
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Short. Hoping to get another one up tonight!