Status: This story will come along really slowly

Third Wheel

We Made A Deal

The game went as well as I could have hoped. To top it off, Greg had the game winning goal and a fight to go along with it. Now I had to live up to my end of the deal.

I, again, fidgeted as we waited for the guys. I hate to say I was dreading the kiss that was coming but... I was. And not dreading it like I didn't want it. Dreading it as in, extremely extremely nervous.

The hardest part was waiting for Greg. Part of me wanted to jump him the minute he walked out of the locker room. And part of me wanted to play hard to get. When he finally walked out of the locker room and we made eye contact, any chance of me playing hard to get went out the window.

I don't know what posessed me. Possibly him dropping his bag, like he knew it was coming. I wanted to run but my legs wouldn't let me. I walked over so I was just within reach. Greg reached out and pulled me into him... hard. As soon as I hit his chest, I started laughing. He smiled, making me melt.
“So... do I get that kiss? I mean, we did win.”

“Yes you did.”

“And I scored.”

“Not yet.” I laughed at my own stupid joke.

“Carrie...” Greg was still grinning, unable to stop himself. I reached up on my tiptoes and placed my lips on his. I wasn't sure his grip could get any tighter around my waist but it did. This kiss left me literally gasping for air. And I was so glad it did. Ever since the day Tammy had introduced us, I'd wanted to know what it would be like to kiss Greg.

Greg pulled away first, needing air. “So...” I gasped.

“I'll call you before I pick you up tomorrow night.” Greg said, placing one more short kiss on my lips.

I'd wanted to pout. Put my foot down. After the way he'd kissed me?! There was no way he was going to leave me like this.

“Alright.” I grinned, knowing I was ten shades of red. He kissed me on the cheek.

“Hey! Want a ride home?” He asked.

“Sure.” I said. I was not passing up the opportunity to spend more time with Greg. Especially since he wanted to spend time with me. He shouldered his bag and, in a move that stunned anyone who noticed (including me), he reached over and laced his hand with mine.

We walked out to the car and, after he threw his bag in the back seat, opened the passenger door for me. “So where am I dropping you off?”

“Are you prepared to drive to Charlestown?” I asked, laughing.

“I'll drive anywhere for you.” He said with a cheesy grin on his face.

I laughed. “Alright fine.” I laid my head back on the headrest. The last thing I remembered was feeling Greg take my hand in his.
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Sorry it's really short. I'm having massive writers block. Comments and suggestions are always welcome