Zombie Airship

Women and Their Insecurities

Abigale bit into the tart green apple, savoring it. It had been so long since she had had such luxuries like fresh fruit and bread, or clean clothes to wear. She looked to Augustine, who had barely touched her portion of bread or her red apple.

"Thank you for the food, Augy," said Abigale happily through her mouthful of food.

The blonde nodded, pushing the food away from her, closer to the fire they had kindled. She pushed her bifocals up her nose and brushed a few stray blonde curls off of her cheeks before replying.

"You're very welcome, dear," whispered the blonde.

Abi looked at her friend with her hazel eyes, worried.

"Is something wrong?"

"I'm just tired. And I had a brush in with some gits in town, Gunny." She pulled the red apple towards her, wiping it off as best as she could on her soiled billy before taking a bite of it, juice spilling down her face. "My, I always make a mess," she muttered to herself.

"Sadness always exhausts me," she said through a mouthful of apple, tears threatening to fog up her spectacles.

"Want me to go give them a taste of good ol' Abigale?" The slim woman's eyes narrowed. She couldn't stand when people taunted someone meeker and more vunerable than themselves.

"Who was it? Did they hurt you? Oh, I'll kill the lot of 'em, all of the bints!" She hurled her apple core at the nearest tree, watching it break into small pieces.

Abigale ruffled her sleek auburn hair, furious.

"I just don't care to see you like this, Augy. It makes me so angry. I'm very protective of my friends, and you and I are friends," she nearly shouted.

"Not so loud, Abigale. You'll wake the next three villages!"

"And? Why should I care?"

Augustine smiled broadly, her mossy eyes gleaming.

"It's nice to have a friend." She abruptly stood, unbottoning her blouse. "I'm heading out to find a river, so I can bathe and wash my clothes. Would you care to accompany me?"

"I might as well. It's either that, or sit here alone in the dead of night," sighed Abigale, folding her arms, basking in the thick, velvety material of her new outfit. 'What a queer woman,' she thought to herself.

The redhead stood from her sitting position, brushing off her new clothes that snuggly fit her body. The December chill racked her body and winds whipped at her slender frame. She hated the cold weather of winter.

"Are you sure you want to bathe during the coldest time of day, Augustine?" Abigale asked, shivering. "It's bloody cold out here!" She rubbed her arms, feeling chillbumps erupting all over her skin.

"When else will I?" Augustine asked, perplexed. "In broad daylight? I think not!"

"Then, the waters would be warmer," Abigale said.

"But everyone could see me in the nude. I prefer to bathe in the dark." The scientist smiled crookedly. "Then, no one can see me. A simple conclusion."

"You women and you're insecurities." Smiled Abigale, she had never been insecure about her body. She always had to bathe in front of her boys, so it didn't bother her to bathe in broad daylight.

"Come on then. Let's get going. I hear a slight babbling coming from the north," she said, trotting towards the sound, leaving Abigale in her dust. Her curls bobbed behind her in the dim moonlight.

"Wait for me, Augy!" she screamed, attempting to run in a skirt, failing horrendously.


Dear Cooley,

I have just come to the realization that women are gueer. Augy (as I've taken to calling her) refuses to bathe in daylight for fear of being seen. I would rather be seen than freeze. But, I am a more manly woman.

Augustine sends her regards. I can't wait to see you, Cooley. Send the boys my love.

Yours truly;
