Skinny Jeans

Hey There, It's Good To See You Again.

The autumn breeze blew my hair around as I walked down the streets of Chandler. The October breeze was warm, but I was in Arizona, what else is new? I stopped outside a coffee shop, contemplating going inside for an iced latte. That's when I saw him. Tall, thin, and flashing that smile I could never forget as he paid for his drink. I walked in.
"John?!" I walked towards him.
"Christine?" he took off his sunglasses and grinned at me.
"It's been so long." I nervously laughed.
He turned around and picked up his drink. "Come sit with me." he motioned for me to follow him as he led me to a small table in back.
"I heard you on the radio the other day, I was just thinking about you!" I smiled. All my memories cane flooding back. I had known John since freshman year. He was always funny but shy, and had this sweet side to him. Senior year we had a short lived romance which took a screeching hault when his band got signed and he went on tour. When he came back, we picked up where we left off for another year until things just fell apart. I moved to Chicago shortly after. It was two years later now that I was seeing him for the first time since I left.
"How was Chicago?" he asked, taking a sip of his coffee.
"I loved it there. I actually moved back here to Chandler a few weeks ago. I figured why not move back home for a bit." I smiled. It was so good to see him again.
"I missed you." he reached across the table and grabbed my hand. His soft, long fingers curled under my hand.
"You cut your hair." I looked at his short, golden brown hair. 
"You were always telling me it would look nice short. You were the little voice in my head one day that told me to cut it all off." he warmly smiled. 
I reached across the table and pulled off his sunglasses. I got butterflies as his warm, green eyes stared into mine. I felt myself melt into a puddle inside. Yup. Still just as beautiful.
"How long are you home for?" I asked, setting his sunglasses down on the table.
"5 months. We go back on tour this spring. In March. Wanna come see the guys?" he asked, taking another sip of his coffee. I pulled my hand out from under his. 
"Sure. Where are they?" I asked.
"They're in Phoenix. Do you want to ride with me?" he put his sunglasses in his pocket.
"I walked here anyways, so let's go." I got up and followed him out of the coffee shop. We walked out to his little black car. 
"You still have the dream machine?" I laughed, touching the handle and thinking back to all the memories I had with him in this car. All the memories I kept locked in my heart.
"Yeah, I love this little car." he smiled, setting his coffee down on the roof while he unlocked it. He picked it back up as we slid into the car.
"It still smells the same in here. Like mint gum and Axe." I laughed as I buckled my seatbelt.
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I know it's pretty short but it's just the opening chapter. Comments and feedback would be lovely! <3