Skinny Jeans

Like We Used To

I sat on John's lap laughing at Eric doing a keg stand. I heard a small voice next to us,  "Christine?"
I looked over to see a short blond girl with dark brown eyes staring at me.
"Um, hi?" I smiled, holding out my hand. She just looked at it and continued talking.
"I'm a friend of Jamie's." she said.
"Oh, great." I turned back around to watch Eric.
"You don't remember me?" she kept going.
I turned towards her again. 
"I don't remember a lot of people. I'm sorry." I said. It was true. I only knew people who were close to John. 
"It's Sarah. I used to have black hair, I lived across the street from Eric. I almost hit Eric's house on Halloween?" she asked.
"Oh! Sarah! Hi!" I smiled remembering.
"I don't think you did anything wrong. Jamie was the stupid one who thought she could make John stop thinking about you. He talked about you everyday." she smiled.
"I never stopped thinking about him either." I squeezed his hand.
"Hmm?" he asked, kissing my neck. 
"I'm talking to someone." I giggled.
"Oh, hi Sarah." he said and turned his head back to Rex, who was next in line for the keg.
"How was Chicago?" she asked.
"I loved Chicago. It was beautiful." I smiled.
"I want to go to transfer to college there." she said.
"You should! They have great schools." I shifted myself on his bony knee.
"You're too skinny." I mumbled to him.
"You're too soft." he laughed.
"Well I'm going to get another drink, I'll see you around Christine!" she smiled and walked off.
"What did she want?" John asked, taking a drink.
"To talk about school and Chicago and you." I smiled, biting his shoulder.
"Owww." he laughed.
"GIVE ME A SMILE!" Max laughed holding out a camera. 
John rested his head on my shoulder and we grinned. Max snapped the picture. I kissed John's cheek and Max took another one.
We partied for the rest of the night, John staying sober. 
"I'm gonna take you home." he whispered in my ear at 3:30 am.
"Take me to your house." I smiled.
I was drunk and sleepy and I just wanted to curl up with him and sleep. I pulled my purse up around my shoulder, and he led me out to his car and helped me in the passengers seat. 
When we got to his house we headed straight for his bedroom. I kicked off my shoes.
"I need a shirt to sleep in." I said.
He handed me his white shirt with black sleves. I pulled off my pants, took off my shirt, and pulled his on. It smelled like him. Echo Blue. I laid down in his bed on the side I used to always lay on. The right side. Everything felt like it was back to normal. 
"Hmm?" I rolled over and looked at him.
"Don't ever leave again. Do you fucking hear me?" he didn't smile. He stared at me. I sat up.
"I'm not going anywhere John." I gazed into his soft green eyes. 
"I don't know if I could handle losing you again." he looked at the floor.
"I'm here to stay. You don't have to worry." I smiled as he grinned at me. He stripped down to his boxer briefs and curled up next to me, wrapping his long arms around me. I have never felt so safe.
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Thank you all so much!

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