Skinny Jeans

Using Words As Ammunition

We pulled up to Pat's house. "Pat still lives here, eh?" I asked, getting out of the car. 
John nodded, "We all love this place too much."
John grabbed my and and we walked through the front door.
"CHRISTINE?" Garrett yelled.
My face turned pink, "Hi Garrett." 
All the guys were surrounding John and I now. 
"Look who I found." John smiled.
"Excuse me, I found you creeping at Melby's." I laughed. 
"GROUP HUG. JUST LIKE OLD TIMES!" Jared screamed. Everyone smooshed together. I remembered the last group hug. It was the night before I left. It wasn't a very happy one for John and I. 
"How was Chicago? How come you never came to any shows?" Kennedy asked when we all pulled apart.
"I didn't want to just randomly show up." I explained, looking at my hands.
"Why would you ever feel unwelcome?" Pat frowned.
"Let'sssss talk about something else?" I begged silently.
"How long are you here?" asked Garrett.
"I just moved back a few weeks ago. I thought I'd get a friendly change of scenery." 
"We'll have to throw you a welcome back party!" Max smiled. Max was the most level headed out of all of them, besides John, and what I missed the most about Max when I left were his words of wisdom and advice that never failed me, not even in the worst of times.
"Well I have to bounce." John stretched.
"Mind if I come with you?" I watched his tall arms fling over his head as he stretched out his body. I missed those arms wrapped around me late at night. I missed everything about John. His cooking, his jokes, the half awake crooked smile he'd give me when I woke up in his arms after the nights we'd spent together, his adorable laughter, the way his eyes shined, and his voice. Oh, that grainy, beautiful voice with the hidden twang.  
"Come on." he smiled, nodding his head towards the door. I trailed behind him, waving bye to everyone.
When we got back into his car, he sighed. 
"You okay?" I looked at him.
"Did I EVER cross your mind while you were gone?" he gripped the steering wheel.
"Every. Damn. Day. Every waking fucking second John. I always wondered if you were doing well. I always wished for the best for you. You mean so much to me." I poured out.
"Then why didn't you ever respond to me? All the calls, voicemails, texts, messages I flooded you with. You never, not once, gave me a single response. You could have at least let me know you were still alive from time to time." he kept staring forward. 
"I didn't want to make things messy. I wanted to start over." I quietly responded, bracing myself for the explosion that was about to erupt from him. I knew it was coming.
"You wanted to start over." he repeated me, sighing. "So, basically, you wanted to dump all of us behind and get a new life? A shinier one? One that didn't involve feeling, right?" he still stared at the road ahead.
"It's not like that John don't make it look like that." I wanted to punch him.
"THEN TELL ME WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE." he raised his voice a little and pounded the steering wheel.
"You have every single right to be mad at me John." I started tearing up.
"What's that?" he pointed to my hand.
"Oh, um," I froze, "I'm engaged." 
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