Skinny Jeans

I'll Never Talk Again, Boy You've Left Me Speechless

That night Max called.
"Party tonight?" he asked.
"I'm down." I smiled.
I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans, some high heals, and a Tom Petty shirt. I let my hair dangle down underneath my fedora. I grabbed my keys and took off. 
When I got there, John was standing in the front yard with Kennedy.
"John just wrote this new song." he beamed as I walked up. He slapped Kennedy in the chest.
"It was a surprise you dick." John laughed.
"I am surprised." I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek.
"I knew you guys couldn't stay away from each other." Kennedy grinned.
"I'll play it for you later. I'm playing a few acoustic songs tonight." he tangled his fingers in mine.
"I want to go in and see everyone!" I smiled.
I followed John as he pulled me inside.
"CHRISTINE!" Max yelled. 
"WELCOME BACK CHRISTINE!" everyone screamed. My face turned red as Max and Rex held up a banner that said 'Welcome back Christine' on it. 
"I love you guys!" I yelled.
"Surprise baby." John kissed my cheek.
"You're the best." I smiled. 
"Someone get my girlfriend a beer!" John smiled. Eric handed me a beer and I followed John to the middle of the room. He made me sit across from him. Everyone gathered around.
"I've wrote a lot of songs with my boys over the past few years," he started, picking up his acoustic guitar, "and 99.9% of them are about one person. That girl." he pointed at me. 
"So I'm going to play a few songs that I've wrote, and one new one that I wrote a few days ago." he started strumming away to a song I had listened to a thousand times. Into Your Arms. I had bought Can't Stop Won't Stop the day it came out at Barnes and Nobel in Chicago.  
When he finished Into Your Arms, he looked at me, "I wrote these next two songs before you left." he said. He started singing 'I Must Be Dreaming.' 
At this point I was holding back tears, trying not to full out sob. After all this time, after all these years, he didn't forget us. He played 'Count Em One Two Three' next. After that he got really quiet.
"This next song is a new one. It's called 'Right Girl' and it already means a lot to me." My heart almost exploded. He finished the song as tears streamed down my face. 
"You mean so much to me." I said quietly. 
"Can I talk to you?" he got up and handed Jared his guitar. He grabbed my hand an led me to the backyard.
"'Right Girl' is beautiful. 'Told me shes over this place, needs to feel the Midwest wind in her face?' That's about when I left for Chicago?" I asked.
He nodded, taking a sip of beer. 
"And 'she came back, thought she had it all planned out, went to marry some guy she had talked about, a tear in a dress and a tear in her eye' is about Stanley?" he nodded again.
"And 'please please baby come back" is.." I stopped. He nodded.
"Everything makes sense." I sipped my beer.
"So, you like it?" he laughed.
"I love it. I-I-I... I love you." I stammered.
He wrapped his arms around me. 
"I love you too Christine." he kissed the top of my head.
"Promise me you'll put an acoustic verson of that song out eventually." I smiled into his chest. 
"I promise." I felt his lips curl on my head.
I was finally home.
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Thank you all so much for reading and subscribing!

I've been busy writing away!
