Kids of Yesterday


Gerard POV:
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Dr. D. Asked for the millionth time.
“It’s what’s best for my family” I can’t keep doing this to them, leave and coming back being dead and back. “Whoever made up the idea of ‘Killjoys never die’ really needs to have not taken it so seriously.”
“But what about Bandit’s birthday”
“What the difference if I die on her birthday or any other day?” Gerard snapped.
“Are you sure?” Dr. D. Asked, “Yes or no?
“Yes” I replied bluntly.
At that he left, in my car, to go lie to my family, it’s what’s best for them. They’ll understand, I hope.

It’s the year 2019 Sunday the 27th of May. Bandits at home awaiting her father, Party Poison, or Gerard’s, return, from his Killjoy mission, so she can finally celebrate her 7th year gracing this earth with her presence. He was late, probably convincing his team mate, Jet Star, or as Bandit knows him as Ray, that the cupcakes mum made, are not going to attack him, again. Long story short Bandit decided it would be fun to help her mother, LynZ, cook. Ray ended up getting a lovely surprise in his cupcake.
Bandit sat there, like every year; rain, hail or shine, on the front door step of a house that was in one of the only normal looking communities in the midst of, the least radiated area, Battery City. It’s the safest community due to being one of Better Living Industries or BL/ind’s smallest worries. Where no sane person would be if they were an enemy of BL/ind. That was logical, but not many Killjoys are sane, especially her father and his team consisting of him, his brother, Kobra Kid, or Uncle Moikay as Bandit knows him, Fun Ghoul , or Fronk to Bandit and Jet Star, or Ray. Together they make up the best Killjoy team in the zones, called MCR. Though no one is sure what is stands for.
Bandit sat there waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Their probably still heading back after dropping Lucy, the kid they’ve been assigned to protect. Their usually doing more dangerous missions, like front line jobs This kid apparently has a prophesy saying she will support the ‘Chosen’ Killjoy, the one who finally brings down the BL/ind. The BL/ind is trying to capture her and brainwash her to turn the ‘Chosen’ Killjoy to suit their needs. So she needs the best of the best to protect her, naturally MCR got called in.
Finally her father’s distinctive car came driving down the road and up the drive. Though when Bandit ran up to the driver’s side door her father’s red haired self was not in the driver’s seat, or the passenger’s seat or the back seat. He wasn’t even in the car, only a man she did not know driving. Bandit’s heart dropped as she turned to her mother who just walked out. Then she saw another car, a black van, but when it pulled up and the door was opened a young, dark skinned girl, with a similar fro to Ray, but darker, she was about the same age as Bandit and a little dirty. Bandit turned from the girl back to her father’s car, making sure she didn’t overlook her father somehow, coming face to torso to the man who had stepped out of the driver’s seat.
Bandit looked up to face the stranger. His face was grim and strained. Bandit may be young but she knew there was bad news, but could it really that bad that it couldn’t wait until tomorrow, until after she had celebrated her birthday with her mother, father and the rest of her family and friends.
The stranger looked down at Bandit and smiled. The smile was full of remorse. That Bandit did not like that. She ran around the stranger to her mum.
“What happened?” LinZ asked the stranger “Is my husband ok?”
The stranger looked at his feet and looked up again “My Mr. D. and I am here to inform you of the death of Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro and Frank Iero.”
Those are the words that ruined the 27 of May for Bandit Lee Way.
Gerard’s POV:
I watched as the black van drove up stopping next to me, Dr. D. opened the door letting me and my team mates in.
“It’s done” was all he said.
“How did that take it” I asked before I could stop myself.
“They took it OK” He lied, I didn’t push for the truth, I don’t want to truth anyway.
I want what’s best for my family. If all that is keeping me from going back and spoiling it all is the small lie that they took my death OK, then that’s what I’ll take.
“There’s no going back” My brother, Mikey, said beside me, snapping me out of my thought
“You didn’t have to fake your death” I told him and the rest of the team. Only just realising what they gave up. They have family’s too, all of which would have been at Bandits birthday party when Dr. D. arrived so would already believe the lie.
“What’s best for your family should be good for ours” Frank spoke up. Being a father as well he knew how I felt leaving more than a spouse behind. Leaving your own flesh and blood, your doing, your child, it’s almost unbearable, but necessary. Because once again I am reminding myself of how it is good for them.
I chuckled sadly as I watched my community and family get further away. All that I had was what was in the van.
“I’m never coming home”