Imperfections and Butterflies

Point of view

Isn't it funny how love works?

Or how people change their opinions on love? Think of it this way.

When you were six or seven you probably thought that love was the feeling you get when your parents kiss you; you probably thought that love was when your dog would come running back to you even when you leave him alone all day; when you were young and a child; you probably thought that love was a simple thing.

Then you grow up. When you were fourteen you probably thought that you're sure of what love is; love is those butterflies. Love is what you see in movies, read about in books, listen about in songs. Love was everywhere and everything. You believed in fairytales. You like to read novles about it and listen to other people talk about their experiences.

And then you turn eighteen and your hopes come crashing down on you. You thought that he was the one and you're going ot be together forever; your curiousity got the better of you. Curiousity killed your innocence. Sometimes you wish you were a kid again and believed in fairytales once more; the knight in shining armor and the perfect sized glass shoe. If only love was that easy.

You see; as we grow up, we experience many difficulties in life. Sometimes you just want to bury yourself under the sheets for days and cry your heart out or eat your feelings. Sometimes you just might feel the lowest of the low. Sometimes; there are people who look around them and see bad examples of love and become scared of it. People and love. You think its complicated don't you?

Well its not.

It's as simple as a-b-c.

Love is the smile of a stranger. Love is the smell of coffee your dad likes to take every morning. Love is laughter. Love is all smiles. Love comforts. Love is the same old lame corny jokes that you share with your friends. Love is when he looks at you and you'll feel like you're the only girl in the world.

Love is like the sun you know. Even though you are not a part of the sun; you'll know when its morning or afternoon.

Love yourself before you love others; cause if its the other way around, you're in for a heartbreak.

What I'm saying is; sure, he might break your heart, sure, you're curious on what its like.. but remember..

Wait for love.... the right one will come along.

Love again..... you're just a heartbreak away from a happy-ever-after.

Be filled with love..... look at everyone around you, they'll always be there.

Love. Love. Love. as the saying or was it a song goes?

Love makes the world go round