Status: Active.

And These Are My Stories.


All around me people are dancing, almost insane grins plasters all over their sweaty faces.
I am one of them.

I am standing in the middle of the swirling, sweating mess in the middle of the dance floor. The bass is pumping so hard I can feel it in my ribcage. The flickering lights from in the club's ceiling are making everything feel as if this were all a dream.

Surreal. I feel surreal.

The alcohol buzzing through my system doesn't do anything good for me but yet I enjoy the intoxicating feeling just as I have many times before. It provides the exact kind of escape I need.

Alcohol is nothing new to me. I have been drinking since I was thirteen when my friends and I thought it would be funny to steal booze from our parents. I didn't think twice about it but one thing lead to another and suddenly I was always looking forward to that burning sensation of vodka running down my throat every waking moment.

It started out as a party. It was fun, I enjoyed being around all these people, I enjoyed feeling social and feeling wanted. I enjoyed dancing and being the center of attention, but sometime along the way it stopped being a party and became something that I had to do.

Flashing back to the club, I realize my friends have been calling my name a few times. I grin and make a stupid joke. They laugh. One of them takes my hand and drags me through the crowded room up to the bar and order six shots. I gladly accept.

Bottom's up.