Just Like My Favorite Scene

Frozen In Time

Rosette's POV;

Okay, this whole moment in time is strange, to say the least. Within a day, I got "transported" to another period in time, COMPLETELY. Got seduced my a vampire lord[a very attractive one at that], also in the process of getting seduced, I was bitten and turned into a vampire's assistant. Then, the vampire lord[Lord Gerard] confessed his love to me. This day wasn't cup of tea. Infact, it was SO FUCKING STRESSFUL.

"Come, we must get ready for our mission." Lord Gerard said as he walked passed the bed.

"Mission? What do you mean?" Okay, now I'm confused.

"You don't think we just sit around this old castle do you? You serve a purpose to the world of the living and the dead. Mostly the Van Hellsing Headquarters. You must obey the Vampire Council. Follow the path of destruction against all evil vampires. Destroy enemies. That is our mission." Lord Gerard explained.

What was the Van Hellsing Headquarters? The Vampire Council? Obviously, I was dumb-founded. He had never explained any of this to me.

"Lor- Gerard, What exactly is the Van Hellsing Headquarters? and The Vampire Council? How do I know what to do? Who to destroy?"

"Come, we're wasting time. Let me explain," he said walking down the dark corridor.

"In your blood, you have what is called your Vampire Instinct. You will know when and what to attack. How the instinct will predict an enemy, is that you will have an overwhelming feeling of fengance, revenge, and a strong urge to feed. This is when your true self will imerge from deep inside and take over."

I still didn't understand all of this, but I guess I will as soon as it happens... I thought to myself. Lord Gerard was greeted by a man with a black bang hanging infront of his face, following all the way to the back of his head. The sides of his hair were short and dark red.

"Good evening, Lord Gerard. Everything is ready for your leave." the man said.

"Thank you, Frank." he thanked him and walked into the room.

"I have a uniform and weapons all ready for you miss...?" he addressed me.

"Uhh, Nightroad. Rosette Nightroad." I replied.

"Well miss Nightroad, all of your things are ready for you, just behind that curtain." he pointed to a red curtain.

"Thank you...uhh.."

"Frank. Frank Iero, and it's no problem at all." he smiled.

I smiled back and walked to the curtain. I lifted the long cloth, and walked inside. All around was black and a mirror stood infront of me. A single spotlight shine down upon me. My uniform was placed on a hook across from the mirror. It was a tight, short black dress with a red "X" on the front with a leg strap to hold a 45'' Magnum. Combat boots, in just the right size, accompanied the attire.

"I love this uniform. The boots are nice too." I said to myself.

I started to undress and saw alot of different things on my body. First off, of course I forgot about the 2 fucking bite marks![given to me by Lord Gerard] Also, I wasn't wearing the same under clothes as I was when I first got here. Now. I was wearing a black and red lacey set. With little black and red roses on the top cup line.

"Oh, Gerard, you had a little fun while I was sleeping, didn't you?" I thought to myself and laughed.

Suddenly, arms wrapped around me body.

"Yes...I did." he whispered into my ear.

His hot breath flowed down my neck, sending shivers up my spine.

"Rosette, do exactly as I say, when I say it." he whispered.

I nodded. In my head, I was a nervous wreck, but in my heart, I wanted Gerard. My body craved his touch. I couldn't contain myself around him. He was like a drug, and I was addicted.

"Rosette, lay down." he said.

Lay down? But there's no-

Sure enough, I opened my eyes, and we were in his bedroom.

"Gerard, what about the mission?" I asked.

"Shh.." he put his finger on my lips.

"I've frozen time." he said moving his hand towards my breasts. He then suddenly and fiercely, forced me around. Staring deeply into his gorgeous hazel eyes. Then, out of no where, the hazel color was gone. Being replaced with...the color of red. His gaze became filled with lust. He violently captured my lips with his, kissing me with great force. I was layed down slowly on the bed. Lord Gerard, then traveled down to my neck where he began to kiss. The feeling was so pleasurable. Then I felt a sharp pain in my neck. The same pain the night I was turned into a half vampire. He began to drain my blood, gaining more and more strength as he fed. But this time, the bite was filled with nothing but sweet torture. I couldn't take it.

"...Gerard..." I moaned.

He bite harder. I took a sharp intake of breath. He was pushing me over the edge.

He stopped. When he lifted his body from mine, he grabbed my arms.

"Rosette, feed from me...NOW." Lord Gerard said sternly.

I looked at his torso for a moment. He was so...irresistable. I couldn't hold back. I forced him up violently against the head board. I could feel a great desire for corsing through my veins. My vision...turning red.

Hungrily, I sank my fangs into the flesh of his neck. Lord Gerard's blood was burning as it filled my body with desire and passion. I craved more. I drained again, but this time biting harder. Finally, I let go. I whipped my head back and took a huge breath. I looked down at Lord Gerard's face and smiled deviously. He smiled back and sat up. The taste of Lord Gerard's blood was still on my lips. I touched my bottom lip and spotted blood. Lord Gerard's blood. I seductively licked the remained liquid from my lip and moaned pleasurably. Lord Gerard kissed my lips lightly, but then turned into a passionate kiss. His arms wrapped around my body. The clasped of my bra became loose. Lord Gerard gently, pulled down my the straps, then removed the whole item. He slowly moved away from my lips and looked down. I closed my eyes tightly, afraid of his reaction.

"You're so beautiful..." he whisperd and gently caressed my breasts. The feeling was unbelievable. He layed me down down slowly. I was drowning in his touch. His hands left my chest and held my waist as Lord Gerard slowly, moved down to the very core of my womanhood. His teeth grabbed ahold of the waist line of my panties and pulled them down.

Now I was fully nude. Again, self conscious of my body, I shut my eyes.

"Rosette, open your eyes." he commanded.

I did as he said. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He crawled over my body and towered over me. He, himself, was also fully nude.

He took my wrists and pinned them to the pillows. Suddenly, I felt a deep thrust into me. It was painful and hard. Again, the force hit me. I whimpered in pain. It came again. I cried out as the thrusts came faster and harder.

"It hurts!" I screamed, but Lord Gerard just kissed my lips to silence me. Silent tears fell from my eyes. He thrusted harder and deeper. I whimpered, but then it turned into a moan as the thrusts began to get pleasurable. He thrusted again, faster he hit.

"Gerard!" I screamed his name.

I was at the brink of insanity. This time, his thrusts became harder than before. I screamed his name over and over, gasping in pleasure. I clawed at his back. He thrusted one last time and we both reached our climax in sweet ectasy.