Status: Active

*** can be Graceful


Amy could not believe the turn of events. One minute she was about to be shot, the next she was looking into the dying eyes of Laura! What a cruel world. 
The ambulance arrived at hospital, straight away paramedics rushed to the doors, they carried her out on the stretcher, people where shouting all sorts of things that Amy didn't understand. Blue and ray where still arguing, only quieter now, in hushed voices. 
"This is your fucking fault" Whispered blue menacingly 
You could tell he was mad he was swearing, Amy has never heard him swear before. 
"If you hadn't of kidnapped Amy none of this would of happened!"
At this point a man in a uniform came and escorted them into the waiting room, 
"We need to take some details about the young lady"
"Okay" Said Amy "I'll help as much as I can, is she going to be
"It's too early to say, I'll be back later for some more details all I need to know now is her name and age"
"She is called Laura and I don't know how old she is, I'm sorry"
"Okay someone will be with your shortly and then the police will need to take some details too"
Amy nodded this is a bit much for her to take in. 

Five long hours passed and finally  a nurse came out to them, 
"She is going to make it"
A sigh of relieve passed through all three of them
"Can we see her?"
"Not until morning she needs rest I suggest you go"