Status: .

His Violet Eyes

How I Met Your Mother (1)

“Hope?” I heard Mom’s voice through my door and I sighed. Time for school.

“Mom!?” I whispered loudly enough for her to hear.

“Yeah baby?” She mumbled through the door.

“Can I please stay home?” I pleaded and I heard her sigh.

“Fine. Ill go get your homework that you have to do today.” She sighed again and I smiled. I love my Mom.

I sighed and laid back down, not even wanting to move. He didn’t kiss me.

After about an hour Mom came back with my homework. Which was Math and Literature.

I looked at the clock and saw it was about 12:30. We’d be in lunch right now.

I sighed and plopped down on the couch. I’m such a lazy bitch. I smiled sadly and remembered how Mel and I ditched school to watch the premier of High School Musical.

I know, stupid.

When it was around 4:30, the doorbell rang. I grumbled and got off the couch. Yep, I stayed there for 4 hours, straight.

“What?” I snapped as I opened the door.

“You look mad.” Ian said cheerily and walked inside.

“Hey hey! You just can’t walk into someone’s home!” I protested and planted myself in front of him. I would have looked fierce but, I reach up to his shoulders!

He laughed and ruffled my hair. “Why weren’t you in school?” I suddenly wasn’t mad at him. I glared at him and closed the door with a kick of my leg.

“What do you want?” I asked sounding annoyed.

He plopped down on the couch as if he owned the place and smiled up at me. “I’m here to tutor you.”

I groaned and opened my book to page 411.

As we studied together, I noticed how good of a teacher he is.

“Hey kids!” Dad yelled as he entered the room.

“Hey.” We bot muttered, staring intently at our books.

“Leave them alone. Hope’s finally studying.” Mom came up behind him and patted my Dad’s shoulder.

“Hey! I do study..sometimes.” I protested.

“Key word:Sometimes.” Dad laughed.

“Yes. Sometimes but never.” I said proudly and they rolled their eyes at me.

“Ian. Would you like some Iced Tea?” Mom asked sweetly and he smiled.


“What about me?” Dad whined and she rolled her eyes.

“Your getting fat, Dad. Go drink some diet coke.” I said and Mom laughed, hard.

Dad glared at her as he steadied her.

“Ian. I’ll go bring your ice tea. Hope. I love you for that comment.” Mom wiped away a tear and walked into the kitchen.

As Ian drank his “tea” I stared at him. He was like a nerd. All adorable and cuddly. Okay Hope! Clam your ass down!

Mom sat down next to Dad on the sofa and they stared at us two.

“Hope. Let me tell you how I met your Mom.” Dad said suddenly and I blushed.

“Not now Dad.” I muttered.

Ian laughed and Dad smiled.

“No. I’ll tell you now.” He smiled evilly and I groaned.

“So, this is how I met your mother...”
♠ ♠ ♠
The pictures kinda weird for this chapter, but I think its adorable!
I'll post how they met tomorrow :D
I Love You <3