Status: .

His Violet Eyes


I stared at the big 69 written on the top of the white piece of paper. Mr.Macks was talking to Ian about how proud he is.

I get a 69 and Ian gets a 96, how ironic.

“Hope. You did great. One little question. Only that question made you fail. It;s fine though, you’ll do better next time.” Mr.Macks patted my back and I glared at the tiled floor.

Stupid ass hole, ass wipe, bastard. If it wasn’t for that Luna chick, I would have passed.

Tears brimmed in my eyes as Mr.Macks talked about a new project. A new project=a new failing grade.

The period just began and I feel like hitting the wall .

Fishing out my phone from my left boob pocket, I held it in my desk.

Hey Dad, Can you pick me up?

Seconds later I got my reply. Sure, but whats wrong?

I failed the test and I just don’t feel like dealing with anyone.

I’ll be there in a few minutes.

I sighed happily and Ian raised a brow at me. Stupid Hoe doesn’t know why I’m mad at him.

“Okay, Get started on your projects!” Mr.Macks grinned at us and walked out the room. Probably to flirt with the teacher a few doors down.

“Okay, So we could write a report on anything math related. Or, we can draw or build a something 3 times it’s size.” Ian explained and the wheels in my head started turning.

“Let’s build a wooden cube three times it’s size.”

“You do know the formula right?” He asked slowly and I suddenly felt like smashing my phone into his face.

“I’m not stupid.”

He glanced at my failure and I gripped my phone tightly.

Nodding, he took out his notebook and started writing notes.

“I’ll use the formula and make the cube thing. I guess you can decorate it.” He shrugged and if he says even one more thing to piss me off, my phone will break.

“Who were texting?” I couldn’t help but feel like he felt jealous.

“My Dad.”


“I told him to pick me up.” I muttered and started rearranging my binders and books.

“Your going home? Why?”

“I’m tired.”

“You fine during lunch.”

“Well, now im not.” I mumbled.


“Because I fuckin’ failed the fuckin test!” I snapped but thank god no one turned towards us.

“Sorry.” He sounded upset.

“Yeah sorry about the fact that it’s Luna’s fault that I failed.”

“How’s it her fault?” He asked desperately.

“If it wasn’t for her, you wouldn’t have ignored me to help her.” I mumbled and he froze.

“Hope, Your Dad’s here.” Mr.Macks called through the door and I collected my things.

“Hope!” Ian sounded desperate as he chased me.

“What?” I snapped.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that I thought Luna was special.” He mumbled as he stared at me.

“Special? And I wasn’t?” I let out a sarcastic laugh.

“No you were! I mean you are! It’s just that she was flirting and giggling.” He mumbled again and I rolled my eyes.

“So what did you feel?” I sighed.

“I actually felt like someone liked me.” He muttered bitterly. I like you

“So what happened to her?”

“She left right after I asked her out.” He said sadly and my heart deflated.

He looked up innocently. “You forgive me?” He asked hopefully.

“Yeah.” I sighed.

“Yes!” He whispered happily.

Then he hugged me. He hugged me tightly and I felt like he liked me

He let go after a few seconds and smiled at me.

I happily walked into the office. That hug made me feel special.

As Dad and I walked out, Dad kept glancing at me.

“What?” I asked self-consciously.

“What happened?”

I grinned and shrugged. He got this look in his eyes and I suddenly felt scared.

“Hope, When we get home, Your Mom and I will tell you how we met.”

Oh Boy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Only I would write the longest chapter ever when I'm tired. :D
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