Status: .

His Violet Eyes

Ian's Mommy

“You want to meet my Mom?” He sounded shocked.

“Yeah. She sounds sweet.” I shrugged and he hugged me tighter, if that’s possible.

“Alright, How about Wednesday?”

I nodded happily. “Let’s go home. Its almost 7.” He sighed and I followed him.


I entered Math with a big grin. My grin fell when I saw his seat was empty. As I sat down, questions ran through my mind. Where is he? Is he hurt? Did something happen to his Mom?

I decided to text him.

Where are you?

.I'm at home.


My Mom's really sick.

My heart broke as I read the message.

What's your address?

24 Acre Ave.

I saved the message into my phone and waited till school ended.

Once school ended, I ran towards my car. A black and shiny, BMW. It was my Dad’s until he gave it to me.

Racing to his house, My heart pounded. Calming my breathing down, I knocked on the door.

A man opened the door looking tired and defeated. “Can I help you?” He asked in a tired voice.

“Is Ian there?” I said softly and he looked up at me. Nodding, He called Ian.

“Why don’t you come in?”

I entered the small house. It seriously needs a woman’s touch. It looked dirty. Papers were scattered around the floor, shoes were thrown randomly, shirts hung on the door knobs, cups and plates were on the table. Is this how Ian lives?

Ian ran down the steps and nearly crashed into me.

“H-Hey.” He stuttered and blushed.

I smiled. “Hey.” I whispered.

“Why are you here?”

“I wanted to see why your not at school.”

“My Mom.” He sighed and I heard his Dad drop something in the kitchen.

“Can I meet her?” I whispered and he stared at me.

“You sure?”

I nodded and followed him up the steps.

“Mom?” Ian whispered trying not to let his voice crack.

“Yeah?” A faint voice came and my throat clogged up.

“Someone want’s to meet you.” He whispered and I entered the room.

It was a really pretty room. I looked at his Mom. And my gosh, she was beautiful. Smooth pale skin, big, brown eyes, shiny brown hair, and a tired smile.

But, her pale skin looked deathly pale. Her shiny brown hair was limp and dead. Her eyes looked tired, upset, and defeated.

“Hi.” I whispered.


I heard his Dad enter the room. “Mom, This is Hope.” He introduced us and his Mom’s eyes started to brighten up.

“So your the girl who made him stop smoking.” She smiled and I blushed at the memory.

“You stopped?” I sounded shocked.

“He did. Came home and threw away every pack of cigarettes he had.” She said proudly and I laughed.

“My My, Your a beautiful one.” She whispered and held out her hand to me. I took it, and sat down next to her.

Ian stood next to his Dad and I saw his Dad’s eyes tear up. So, this is how it feels like to have someone you love die in front of your eyes.

I talked to his Mom for another hour or so and soon, she drifted off to sleep. But before she was fully asleep, she kissed my forehead.

Tears built up in my eyes as I walked out of her room.

“Hope?” He said as I walked down the steps.

“Yeah?” I turned around to see Ian looking down.

“Thanks.” He whispered.

I heard his Dad climb upstairs and open his wife’s door.

“For what?” I laughed softly as I opened the car.

“For coming here. She loved you. This the first time in years since I’ve heard her laugh and talk freely.” He whispered and I nodded.

“I’m just so tired, Hope.” He sobbed and I hugged him.

“Tired of what?”

“Tired of trying. Tired of hoping she’ll get better. No matter how much I run or how much I thrive to help, She get’s sicker.”


“What?” He pressed his face into my hair.

“She’ll get better, I promise.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I do. Now go to her and help your Dad.”

I hugged him one last time and started up my car.

I entered my house and suddenly dreaded it. My parents were asleep on the couch, holding each other.

Why can’t Ian’s Mom get better?

Before I went to bed, I did something I haven’t done in weeks.

I prayed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah, This is so sad </3
Poor Ian D:
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