Status: One shot

Perfect Christmas

Perfect Christmas (Her Side)

Christmas had always been a big deal in our family. Every year our little house would be filled with grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. The women would cook a real Christmas feast together while the men spent their time in the living-room, discussing sports or whatever was of interest at the moment. I tried to tone it down when I met Kyle, as he was not as excited about the holiday as I was. Needless to say, it was hard to conceal my excitement when Christmas was nearing.

When I woke up early this particular morning, my first thought was about the promise Kyle had made. We would be decorating our lovely little apartment. Quietly I snuck out of bed and headed towards the tiny storage room we had and dragged out the necessary boxes into the living-room before I made breakfast for myself. As soon as I had finished with my toast and scrambled eggs, I glanced at the clock and decided that I could try and wake Kyle up.

I skipped to the bedroom and smiled when I saw him still sound asleep. “Wake up, wake up, wake up!” I cheered and bounced on the bed. I really wanted to start decorating as I can be quite impatient when it comes to Christmas.

“Baby, quit!” Kyle groaned and I stopped, afraid that he might be in a fowl mood since he wasn’t too fond of early mornings. “Baby, it’s early in the morning still… (‘m really tired and your jumping is hurting me,” he explained and I instantly felt bad and gave a small whine and pouted a little before nuzzling his neck.

“I’m sorry hunny. I just wanted to do this for so long,” I whimpered and hoped that he wouldn’t be upset with me for waking him up really early. I just wanted our first Christmas to be amazing in every way.

“Ok, baby, I’m up. Let’s go get this done,” he said before giving me a kiss on my head. I was thrilled and grinned widely as I jumped off the bed and headed for the living-room. This day would be so much fun and I prayed that Kyle would enjoy it too. No matter what, I would try and make this Christmas a perfect one for him.

I paced for a short while before he finally entered the room and looked at the boxes. “Baby, just how many decorations do you have?”

I couldn’t help to grin and started pointing at each box, explaining what each of the boxes contained. I had one box for each room and a separate one for our tree. I hoped he wouldn’t get mad over the fact that I pretty much collected Christmasy things. After all, I had a ton of decorations and it would take a long while before everything was in its place.

He grabbed the tree box and looked at me with a smile, “Go on, decorate the kitchen while I assemble the tree.” He didn’t have to tell me twice as I grabbed the needed box and carried it to the kitchen.

As fast as I could, I changed the curtains, unpacked the china, put the magnets on the fridge and made sure that the table cloth was perfectly set before I skipped back to the living-room. By then Kyle had already finished assembling the tree and happily I jumped into his arms. “You finished it!”

“Yep, now where do you want it?” he mumbled into my hair before looking at me and then the tree. As I hadn’t decided that yet I started to look around before pointing at the empty corner by the TV.

“How about there?” I asked and hoped that he would agree with me. He let go of me and moved the TV-stand a little bit so the tree would fit before grabbing the tree and putting it perfectly in the corner. I couldn’t help but to squeal and hug him, “It’s perfect, hunny!”

We were not quite done yet so I let go of Kyle, after he gently patted my hand, and started looking for the Christmas tree lights. “Check these to see if any of the lights are broke and replace them?” I almost demanded. He chuckled, which made me all warm inside, and nodded before grabbing my ass and making me blush a bit. He pushed me towards the kitchen where I still had some decorations to put out.

I couldn’t help but to tease him a little bit as I giggled and wiggled my ass on my way to the kitchen. I picked up a few garlands and started attaching them to the kitchen cabinets. When that was done I picked up my little snowman-lamp and put it in the kitchen window just as Kyle called out for me.

I hurried out of the kitchen, afraid that it was something serious. I quickly looked around for the problem but Kyle just smiled and pointed at the lights. “We don’t have enough lights to finish the strand,” he explained calmly and I sighed out of relief.

I pouted a little before asking, “Well, can you go buy some?”

I watched him walk to the window and looking out for a few seconds before turning back to me and shaking his head, “No. The storm picked up and the road is frozen. It’s too dangerous.” I shuffled my feet a little, trying to come up with a solution for this dilemma. “I’m sorry, baby, but I can make it to where the bad lights are on the wall side of the tree, so we don’t see them,” he suggested and hugged me. I couldn’t resist to hug him back tightly. He was a really amazing man.

After a short while he leaned back and kissed me on the lips and I got lost in his eyes when he looked into mine. “Baby, my Christmas is already perfect with you in it.” That sentence released the butterflies in my stomach and I pressed my lips against his, kissing him with all the love I had. For a long while we just expressed our love before I broke off the kiss so we could finish our work.

I headed back to the kitchen and plugged in the lamp, made sure that the garlands hung perfectly and put out some cute figurines wherever there was a place for them. Once I was completely satisfied, I went back to check on Kyle’s progress.
“It’s so beautiful,” was the first thing I managed to say when I saw how well he had done with the lights. When Kyle kissed me on top of my head, I couldn’t stop the giggle that burst through my lips. I looked up at him and gave him a quick peck as a thank you for being so wonderful. “Let’s get it decorated!”

For a few hours we went through the box, sorting out the bad decorations from the good ones and finally decorated the tree. I had to gasp when we were done and looked it over. It was the most beautiful Christmas tree I had ever seen and I felt so proud over our work on it.

As we couldn’t stand and stare at the tree for the rest of the day, we grabbed a box and started decorating the living-room before moving on to the bedroom.. Curtains were changed, garlands and figurines were placed in their rightful places and we even decorated the balcony with a multi-colored light-strand for outside use. During our work we talked about everything we could think of and I managed to confess how I wished that every Christmas would be like this one for us.

Hand in hand, we walked back into the living-room and I once again admired our tree. We decided to turn off the lights and cuddle on the couch after an entire day of decorating. Like all the times before, I enjoyed being curled up to him and see the love he felt for me, in his eyes. It made me feel like the luckiest girl alive.

I didn’t even notice how lost in thought I was until he started to speak, “I love you, Mia, and even though I don’t care for Christmas, I enjoyed doing this because I was with you…” He let go of me and held up a finger, telling me to wait, before disappearing into our room. I was utterly confused and wondered what he was up to. I wanted to spend the evening cuddling with my boyfriend. When he came back, he got down on one knee and held out this little box. This was too good to be true!

I was just about to say something when he interrupted me, “Mia Carpenter…” and opened the box to show me the most amazing ring, “will you marry me?”

I couldn’t believe that this was happening! I looked at the ring again before my eyes traveled up to his face and our eyes met. My heart was beating irregularly and every fiber of my being was screaming ‘Yes!’. I felt my eyes tear up out of pure happiness and before I knew it, I had my arms around his neck and was kissing him all over.

“Of course I’ll marry you! Yes! Oh my god!” I managed to squeal and kissed him more. This was something I had never expected and my mind had a hard time processing what just had happened.

“Mia…” Kyle laughed between kisses before slightly pushing me away. “Calm down, baby. I know you’re happy…”
“I’m not just happy, I’m euphoric! I love you Kyle, from the bottom of my heart. You just gave me the best Christmas of my life,” I confessed and snuggled up to him. For a short while we just stared into each others eyes before he leaned down and gave me the most loving kiss up to date.

Slowly I leaned back and pulled him down with me. I wanted to show Kyle just how much I really love him. Just how much he had made this my most perfect Christmas ever...
♠ ♠ ♠
The second side to the love story and the end to it all. Hope you enjoyed!