Journeys on the Crimson Moon

Chapter 1- pt. 2

“Hey!” I called up.
He didn’t move and Robin made her way up the stairs. She looked like a helpless doll next to his height and muscle. The only motion of the man was his hands as he turned the wheel of the ship. Robin was trying to ask him about his tattoo work on his arms, but that didn’t even make him move. I walked up and joined Robin as we both looked up to his face. I could sense that he didn’t like us around him, but I wanted to know where we were.

“Um, Sir?” I asked, “My name is Lacy, and I was wondering how I got here?”
No answer.
The guy called from below something in a different language at the man, but he still didn’t move. Robin and I eventually gave up and we walked down the stairs. She messed with her hair and said aloud that she needs a shower badly now. I agreed but suddenly stopped when I heard a strong voice from the man above.
“Gather the other to open below.”
We looked up confused, but he didn’t answer us back. Robin asked if there was someone else on board and I remembered the guy that I found in the storm. I turned to her and said that there was a man that I found before. He had chains or something around him that bond his body. I then raced to the other side of the deck hoping that he didn’t fall off in the storm. Robin pointed to the guy that was on the deck with us and tried to ask for help. He only looked at her strangely and she just sighed.
I ran back around the main mass of the ship and came back to the guy. He was dressed in fine robes that were now ripped and damp from the storm and his body posture was scared, though his face tried to stay firm and strong. He had long chocolate colored hair that was once tied up and he saw me staring at his ears. He gave a disturbed look that told me to quit staring, but his pointed ears were strange. He looked like he fell out of a fantasy book.
“Hey, guys,” Robin’s voice called out, “I think I found him.”
I ran over being followed by the pointed ears guy and saw Robin with a knife at her throat. A man with shaggy hair and red eyes held Robin tightly, not letting his prey leave.
“You let him out of those chains?” I said noticing them on the ground.
“I thought that he was dead!” Robin claimed.
The man spoke in another language himself and pressed the knife closer to Robin’s neck. He sounded scared and wanted to know where he was. The guy behind me yelled something out to the man. Both didn’t know what the other was saying, but it was funny either way to see them annoyed with each other’s tone back at each other.
The man with the red eyes growled and took Robin with him to the side of the deck. He jumped up gracefully on the railing demanding someone to tempt him to jump. Robin may be dressed quite rebellious in all black “I don’t care about you” outfit, but she was scared to death by the man. The boat then suddenly dipped to the left and the man holding Robin lost balance. I tried to go after him, but the pointy eared guy grabbed my wrist before I could go anywhere.
“Robin!” I called as they lost their footing and fell out towards the water.
However, just as I called out her name, the guy from the wheel was suddenly by us. He jumped out to them and disappeared over the edge of the boat. I yanked my hand out of the pointy eared guy’s hand and run to the edge hoping that they were all alright. Just as I made it over to the edge, the bald head of the large stern man came floating back up, holding both of the members in his large arms.

Robin thanked the large man and then asked to be put down, but he only walked on towards the stern of the ship. The door beneath the wheel opened by itself and he walked in. I looked at the pointy eared guy and we both walked cautiously after him. We went through the beautiful crafted door and found a rather large room with four beds built into the wall on either side. There was a large table in the center, and another door on the other side of the room. The man had set down Robin and was tying the other man up into a chair rather tightly.
Once he was done, the man turned to leave the room and Robin tried to thank him, but he kept on walking. The door shut and the large man was gone. The red eyes man struggled in the bindings of the chair and growled out in another language possibly swear words.
“So…” Robin said turning to me, “What do we do now?”
I had no idea, we didn’t even know how to communicate with the other two men here, and the large man before was really hard to grasp.
“What is this thing?” a voice called from the table.
We both turned our heads and saw the pointed eared guy’s hand over his mouth. One of the items that were placed on the table was now wrapped around on his finger. He turned to us with a terrified look.
“Did I just-”

The terrified look became worse as he tried to pull off the new ring on his finger that wouldn’t move. Robin went over to him and tried to calm him down but he only got more scared of his new ability to speak and understand the English language. I looked over to the red eyes man who was now trying to get out of his binds for another reason. He kicked the table after freeing his legs and the items on the table fell to the floor. However, in the process he fell to the floor also.
One item fused to him and became a large golden earring located on his left ear.
“Oh, come on!” he growled in perfect English.
I looked over to Robin as we stepped far away from the other strange items on the ground. She found a broom soon after and moved them away from everyone else. The items didn’t have any reaction with the broom, but thankfully we were able to get rid of them. Once everyone calmed down the four of us sat around the table in the center of the room.

“Okay,” Robin said taking charge, “I’m not sure what happened, or where we are, or even if this is a dream or not, but I’d say our best shot is to just wait till morning and talk to Mr. Baldy above us. Maybe he’ll be more communicative in the morning…”
The red eyed guy then laughed, “Really? Don’t you guys realize that we’re just dead?”
The pointy eared guy’s eyes got large and I noticed that his hands began to shake. I then kicked the red eyed guy’s shin. He swore and I looked at him with a mad look.
“You’re not dead if you can feel pain,” I frowned.
“I-I just want to go home…” the pointy eared guy mumbled looking at the floor.
“Oh, come on, man up!”
“Enough!” Robin slammed her fists on the table.
She glared at everyone at the table and stood up.
“We will all go to bed. But before we do, I need to know everyone’s names.”
The red eyed guy rolled his eyes and growled on why she wanted to know. Robin narrowed her eyes and harshly asked if he wanted to just be called Bill from now on.
“If this is just a dream, then you all will just disappear,” he frowned.
“And if this isn’t a dream, I will be stuck looking at your ugly mug tomorrow.”
“I’ve seen better women in my days too-”
“My name is Arlen.”
We looked over to the pointy eared guy who was looking at the floor. He lifted his head slightly and said his name again. Arlen. Prince Arlen. He muttered something about being the youngest of ten but he stopped not wanting to talk to the strange people.
“Lacy,” I said going next, “uh… middle class… eighteen? Oh, I have a boat and an old ’97 Jeep.”
“Robin, tattoo artist in the Capitol district of Byrn country. My country has been at war with the Aricon for five years now. Not a pretty site, but I still get business.”
We all looked over to the red eyed man and he looked away.
“Fine, Daimon. And I was accused with a crime that I didn’t commit.”
“Then why were you tied up? Obviously someone couldn’t control the beast.”
Daimon developed a crooked smile and his arms suddenly became free. He lunged at Robin and she kicked back. Arlen asked if we should do something and I only shook my head. They both were wise talkers and head strong. I know this because my brothers would do the same thing. They would bash out a bit and then they’ll give up only to do it again later.

I retreated to a bed and heard them fight. I never realized how tired I was. All I remember before waking up here was going to bed after a great night out with my family. It was the only night out that I ever remembered where no one truly fought. We had a great dinner and went to see a movie. Then went home. I closed my eyes in exhaustion wanting to hear my mom call out to me for breakfast.
Though, all I heard was the faint noise of water hitting the ship’s walls.
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part two so it's not so much to read on part one :)