Status: Completed - thanks for reading!

Uncharted Territory

That Isn't Love


I rang the doorbell to my sister’s house and stood on her doorstep while I waited for her to answer the door. I hadn’t seen my sister yet since moving back home so I decided to make the short drive to Phoenix where she and Colin now lived. I also brought pickles and whipped cream with me. Ashley had called me as I was driving to her house and said that she had an intense craving and asked me to pick those two things up for her. I thought the two items she had asked me to buy were extremely weird but figured pregnancy cravings were to blame.

Ashley finally opened the door and immediately grabbed the food from my hands, “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Are you glad I’m here or glad that I brought pickles and whipped cream?”

“Both.” Ashley smiled as she dipped a pickle into the whipped cream.

I scrunched up my nose and said, “Gross. You are disgusting.”

“Hey don’t judge until you try it. It’s delicious.”

“I’m ok. I’ll leave the weird food habits to you and the baby.”

“Ryder.” Ashley said through a mouthful of pickles and cream.


“We’re having a baby boy and decided to name him Ryder.”

“I love that name! I can’t wait until he gets here.”

“Me either. He’s getting heavier every day.”

I laughed as I followed her into the house.

She smiled at me and said, “So, you’re back for good?”

“For the most part. I’ll have to go back to Chicago eventually so we can finish up our meetings with the lawyers and sign all the paperwork. I really don’t want to go back there though. Chicago holds so many bad memories.” I grimaced.

“You’ll be fine big sis. At least you got out when you did. It would have been worse the longer you waited.”

“I know. It was all such a big mistake though.”

“Mistakes make us who we are though.”

“Wow, look at you getting all deep.” I joked.

Ashley laughed and then changed the subject, “Have you seen any of the other guys besides John?”

“Yeah, I actually saw Kennedy the other day, right after I got off the phone with you.”

“Well that’s interesting.”

“Why do you say it like that?” I questioned.

“Don’t act like you didn’t have a secret crush on him in high school.” Ashley rolled her eyes.

“I didn’t like Kennedy as anything more than a friend. I was with John, remember?”

“You definitely had feelings for Kennedy though. If you hadn’t been with John you would have dated Kennedy, for sure. Maybe this could be your second chance with him.”

“Bad idea Ash.” I groaned and then continued, “Anyway, if I’m being honest with myself, there’s still a pretty large part of me that has feelings for John.”

“Of course there is. He was your first love and you guys never got any closure.”

“Well I’m trying to fix things now that I’m home but he won’t let me.”

“Of course he isn’t. You hurt him and he needs some time to make sure he can trust you again.” Ashley said, sounding much wiser than her 21 years.

“I guess you’re right.”

“Duh, I’m always right.”

“Honey, I’m home.” I heard a voice yell out and then Colin walked into the room.

“Hey sweetheart.” Colin said as he kissed Ashley on the cheek and then turned towards me, “Hey Grace. How are you?”

“I’m still adjusting to being back home but I’m pretty good.”

“So are you ready to go back to college?” Colin asked.

I sighed and said, “I guess. I will probably be the oldest sophomore there.”

“Well that’s your fault for taking a break from college.” Ashley piped up.

“Well excuse me Miss Perfect, not everyone can be an overachiever and finish college in three years like you did.” I teased and Ashley stuck her tongue out at me.

Colin, Ashley, and I talked for a little while longer until I stood up and said, “Well I need to get going. I promised Tessa that I’d go visit her since I haven’t seen her since returning.”

“See you later, Grace. Good luck tomorrow.” Colin said.

“Thanks.” I replied back and then hugged my sister goodbye.

I got into my car and said a quick prayer that Jared wouldn’t be over at Tessa’s when I arrived. I knew that he felt the same as John did about my leaving and what I did. His car was in the driveway though when I pulled in. I groaned but got out of the car anyway. I wasn’t going to let Jared keep me from seeing my best friend. Tessa and I had been friends since Jr. High and grew even closer once I started dating John and she started dating Jared because we would double date a lot.

I rang her doorbell and instantly smiled as soon as she opened it.

“Grace Elizabeth! I’ve missed you so much.” Tess squealed as she threw her arms around me.

“I missed you too Tessa Rose!” I said as I hugged her back.

“You have so much to tell me.” Tessa said as I followed her into the house.

“I think Grace has a lot to tell everyone.” A voice said and I turned around to see Jared glaring at me.

“Jared, don’t.” Tessa said in a warning tone.

“No, Tessa it’s okay.” I said and then turned towards Jared, “Bros before hoes right?”

Jared just shook his head and said, “Why are you even back home Grace? Haven’t you fucked with enough people’s lives? John finally got over you and was moving on. Now you’re back home and he’s right back to where he was when you left. You’re hurting him by being back.”

“There’s nothing I can say that will make you understand why I did what I did, is there?” I asked.

“You’re right, there is nothing you could say that would make me understand. All I know is that I would never to do Tessa what you did to John. When I say I love her, I mean it.”

“I meant it when I said I loved John.” I whispered.

“Really? Well you have a really fucked up way of showing it. If that’s what love means to you then I don’t want John to be a part of it. No one deserves that.”

My eyes began to fill with tears and Tessa finally stepped in. “Jared, I think you better leave.”

Tessa walked Jared to the door and then came back in and hugged me. “I’m so sorry sweetie. I didn’t think he’d be that mean.”

I wiped my eyes and said, “No, it’s fine. I deserve it. I’m trying to fix my mistakes though and I just wish people would let me.”

Tessa gave a small smile and said, “Tempe’s a small town though and people have a hard time forgiving and forgetting.”

“Yeah, I’m finding that out the hard way.”
♠ ♠ ♠
A huge thanks to: thatswhatshesaid0, drivingbackwards, young at heart., SweetPea, and skies-are-blue.
Thoughts, Ideas, Predictions? Comment and I'll love you forever lol.